Zheng Feng, dressed in suits and shoes, took several people to hide on the roadside. When I passed there, he stopped me with people. Zheng Feng, with a big back, walked in front of me with a sneer, looked at me up and down, put his hand on the front of my motorcycle, looked at me and asked: "Did you go to Xiangning's room just now? Come on, what did you do in Xiangning's room? I've been staring at it here. You've been up for so long. Don't tell me you're just delivering meals to Xiangning!"

Zheng Feng has three people around him. They are not big, but they are also very strong. And from the expression on their faces, we can see that they are not good at coming.

I looked at Zheng Feng on the motorcycle and said calmly, "whether you believe it or not, I really just sent meals to Li Xiangning. One more thing I want to make clear to you, Li Xiangning and I are old classmates, not the relationship she said!"

Although I said this calmly, to be honest, I was still a little guilty at that time. After all, I was surrounded by four people. If I was not careful, I would be beaten up.

"You really think of me as a fool. If you and Xiangning are innocent, do you need to deliver meals to her every night? I asked people around here. You deliver meals to Xiangning every day. Dare you say that there is no clear relationship between you and Xiangning!" Zheng Feng changed his face and stared at me, biting his teeth and said fiercely.

"I TMD don't want to talk nonsense to you. You'd better be honest. What did you do up there just now? Did something happen with Xiangning that shouldn't happen?", Zheng Feng was serious this time, pointed at me and said fiercely, with great momentum of action.

I explained that nothing really happened between Li Xiangning and me. After Zheng Feng stared at me, he angrily pulled me off the motorcycle, and then mercilessly punched me in the face.

"You TMD wouldn't say it, didn't you? Labor and capital hit you until you said it!", then Zheng Feng hit me on the nose with a fist, and my nose blood gushed out like a water pipe burst at that time.

Before I had time to wipe my nose blood, Zheng Feng and his dog gangs punched and kicked me, and the attack was particularly heavy. While fighting, he also fiercely asked me if anything had happened to Li Xiangning and me.

I said nothing really happened, but after I said so, I was beaten harder by fat. Later, I simply said that I had beaten Li Xiangning. As a result, I was beaten worse, just like a dog.

"What? You TMD dare to make Xiangning. I'll give you up today." Zheng Feng almost exploded when he heard me say this. He punched me in the back.

I was beaten by the four of them. I didn't even have a chance to fight back. I was beaten like a dead dog. I didn't even have the strength to stand up. I lay on the ground and let them fight. I wanted to explain, but when I opened my mouth, nose blood poured into my mouth, and I couldn't speak clearly.

Hearing what I said, Zheng Feng was very angry. He clenched his fist and hit me hard. At that moment, I felt that my body was almost unconscious, and I felt that I was about to be killed.

Finally, I couldn't bear it. I fainted as soon as it was dark. When I woke up, it was already daytime, and at this time, I was already lying in the hospital.

It was an uncle who took me to the hospital last night. When he saw me waking up, he quickly came over and asked me how I was.

I thanked uncle first, then took out my mobile phone from my pocket and called Jiangshan. I asked Jiangshan to come and pay the medical expenses for me. I have no money on me.

Originally, I wanted to call my brother, but I didn't want my brother to worry. If my brother was worried, he might send me back to my hometown.

After a while, Kung Fu Jiangshan came. When Jiangshan appeared, my heart was warm and I wanted to cry. I was most glad to use their good brothers in my life.

After Jiangshan gave the medical expenses to the uncle, he sat next to me and asked me why I was beaten like this. I knew that if I told Jiangshan, Jiangshan would certainly help me take revenge, but I didn't say it. I thought sun Han didn't say it. Sun Han hated me fighting. Maybe if I didn't fight often, sun Han wouldn't carry it back Betrayed me and ran away with others.

I said I was beaten by several gangsters. It's all right. It should be better to rest for ten and a half days.

Jiangshan couldn't swallow it when he saw that I was beaten. He asked me where those little gangsters were. He immediately went to avenge me. I smiled and said forget it. I used to beat people. Now it's normal to be beaten by people. I don't have to avenge me.

Jiangshan stayed with me all day in the hospital. At night, when she heard that I had been beaten, she came to the hospital to see me.

After sister steel teeth came, Jiangshan retired with success. Besides, he had something to do, so he didn't bother him.

Seeing that I was beaten like this, steel teeth quickly asked me who did it. I didn't say anything. By the way, she found a reason to prevaricate.

After staying in the hospital for five days, I left the hospital and went back to recuperate. The steel tooth sister was worried and asked for leave to take care of me. This care lasted for ten days. After that, my body recovered a lot, and the steel tooth sister went to work.

On this day, I lay down in the rental house to rest. Although my injury recovered a lot, it was still very painful.

At this time, it was dark, and I was ready to go to bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep, someone knocked at the door outside. After I opened the door, I found that it was Li Xiangning.

Li Xiangning was also wearing a sky blue uniform and short skirt for work, and carrying a basket of fruits in her hand. I didn't have a good face. I looked at Li Xiangning, and then said coldly, what are you doing here?

"I heard that you were beaten and beaten a little seriously. At least you sent me so many meals. Besides, we are still old classmates. I should have come to see you!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said.

"No, I can't die again! If there's nothing wrong, you go back first and I have to sleep!" I said to Li Xiangning without a good tone. If it weren't for her, I would be beaten like this. Although she didn't hit me directly, she can't blame me for being beaten.

Li Xiangning didn't have a good face or a good tone. Her originally gentle attitude immediately changed. She threw the flower basket at the door and said very arrogantly: "who do you think you are? I came to see you with good intentions. You're not happy. I didn't beat you! Why are you angry with me! What a person! It's really kind of a donkey's liver and lungs!"

The reason why Li Xiangning knew that I was beaten was from the mouth of steel tooth sister. She didn't know that Zheng Feng beat me.

I was beaten because of her. She still talks to me like this. I can stand it there.

My face changed and became very gloomy. I pointed to Li Xiangning and said fiercely, "fuck NIMA, say it again!"

I seldom swear at people, but now I'm completely angry. Whether TM is gentle or not, I can't manage so much.

Li Xiangning was wronged after being scolded by me, but she still wanted to scold back.

"Why are you so fierce! I've provoked you," said Li Xiangning. She picked up the apple in the flower basket. "You scold me, you rotten bastard! Then Li Xiangning took the apple and hit me.

After being beaten by Li Xiangning, I was completely angry. I was biting my teeth and wanted to kill Li Xiangning.

"Do you know who beat me like this? Zheng Feng beat me! If you didn't say I was a boyfriend that day, would I be beaten? If you scolded you, you TMD wouldn't like it. I'll tell you today, I'll not only scold you! I TMD also smoke you!" I said loudly, and then slapped Li Xiangning hard in the face.

After being slapped by me, Li Xiangning cried helplessly, but at this time, her crying will only make me more angry and impulsive.

I pulled Li Xiangning in and pressed her very roughly.

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