"Brother Han, why did you open the door for me for so long? What are you doing in the room?", the steel tooth sister looked at me with a smile and said, and your eyebrows were full of your expression of something.

I glanced at Li Xiangning, and then said awkwardly to sister steel teeth, "no, I just had a little thing! That's why I opened the door for you a little late."

Steel tooth sister smiled at me, then looked at Li Xiangning, "you're here, too. Are you also coming to see brother Han?"

"Yes, everyone is an old classmate. It's also right to care about each other!" Li Xiangning wiped the residual tears from the corners of her eyes, forced out a smile and said to sister steel teeth. I have to say that her acting skills are really good. When an actor, she can definitely win the film queen.

"That's true. Everyone used to be classmates, but what were you two doing in the room just now? I heard the cry when I came, and it was very loud!" Gang Ya looked at Li Xiangning and smiled, but although Gang Ya had a smile on her face, it was difficult to hide the loneliness between her eyebrows and eyes.

Li Xiangning pretends to be shy and lowers her head. Steel tooth sister doesn't say much about Li Xiangning's shyness. Steel tooth sister asks me about my physical condition and leaves.

After sister steel teeth left, I quickly apologized to Li Xiangning and said that I was really sorry just now. I was on impulse.

Li Xiangning saw that steel tooth sister had left and no longer pretended. Looking at me, she said angrily: "on impulse, you have done this to me twice. Can you be impulsive as soon as you see you? You are on purpose. If someone hadn't come just now, you would have taken me!" Li Xiangning looked at me very wrongly and said, complaining and angry in her eyes.

"I really didn't mean it. I was treated like this by Zheng Feng. I was very uncomfortable at first, but you still stimulated me like that. Of course, I can't stand it. Although I'm wrong about this, you also have the responsibility!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said softly.

The saddest thing is not to do bad things, but to regret after doing bad things. This is the saddest thing.

"I know I'm responsible for this, but do you need to slap people in the face and tear people's clothes? You almost gave me that!" Li Xiangning looked at me bitterly and said, with anger and dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"I also apologized to you. Besides, I just slapped you twice and didn't get you. It's a big deal to let you slap me back. If you want to bow hard at my overlord, I'll have no problem!" after I said that, I put my face in front of Li Xiangning and asked her to slap me twice, which was regarded as returning it.

"You think beautifully. You have so much strength, and my strength is not as strong as yours. I'm at a loss, so I won't fight!" Li Xiangning said to me reluctantly.

"Well, tell me, what can I do before you forgive me? Anyway, it's my fault. If you forgive me, I'll do anything!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said.

It's not that I'm soft. I'm afraid of Li Xiangning's anger. But what I just did to her, I'll call the police or something. I'll be sad when the charges are real. Attempted rape is not a good crime.

"You said it yourself. I didn't force you! Don't regret it then!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said.

I said I would never regret it. As long as you said it, I will try to meet your requirements, but the premise is that your requirements can't be too much.

Li Xiangning wiped the tears of injustice from the corners of her eyes, then looked at me angrily and said, "if you promise me something, I will not only forgive you, but also give you a reward of 10000 yuan!"

At that time, I was very curious and asked Li Xiangning what was so good and what money was there for me to take?

Li Xiangning said she didn't like Zheng Feng, but her parents wanted her to marry Zheng Feng. The only way to make her parents change their mind was for her to find a boyfriend. I support Li Xiangning. After she finishes, ask her, and then what?

"What? Then, you pretend to be my boyfriend and come with me to see my parents! I'll try to get them to accept you. Zheng Feng must let go!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said.

I kept shaking my head at that time. If I claimed that I was Li Xiangning's boyfriend again, Zheng Feng would have to peel my skin.

After listening to me, Li Xiangning looked at me and said, "what? Are you afraid of Zheng Feng? No, you couldn't stand being bullied by He Jun when you were at school. A Zheng Feng would scare you. You're getting timid!"

In fact, I'm not afraid of Zheng Feng. The main reason is that I don't want to worry about things. I just want to make money well. I don't want anything else.

"You don't agree, do you? Wait for me. I'll call the police and say you QJ me! I'll see if the police will catch you! Catch you and go to jail!" Li Xiangning wiped away her tears and returned to her arrogant state. She pouted at me and said with full confidence.

"I'll count down three times. Don't say I won't give you a chance. If you don't agree after the three times, I'll call the police and let the police decide for me!" Li Xiangning began to count down.

I had no choice but to accept Li Xiangning's request, but I also had the condition that I must be given more money after the matter was over, which should be regarded as the medical expenses this time.

Li Xiangning bargained with me for a long time, and finally agreed to give me 3000 yuan more after it was done.

Li Xiangning asked me to live with her. I asked her why? Li Xiangning looked at me and said, "don't think too much. I just want others to think that we are really lovers. You stay with me for a few days first, and then I'll take you to see my parents. Don't worry. Just because you look like this, you really think I have another plan for you!"

It's true that I'm not a handsome guy. Anyway, I'm not the one who suffers from living there.

The next day after the appointment, Li Xiangning came and took me to her place. I just cleaned up a few clothes and went there. Anyway, Li Xiangning had sheets and bedding.

After I went there, Li Xiangning made me another small bed beside her bed. I sleep there at night. I don't care. Just have a place to sleep.

After I moved here, Li Xiangning simply quit her job in the railway station. Anyway, her family has money and doesn't lack the salary in the railway station.

Li Xiangning was afraid that I would be cleaned up by Zheng Feng again and spent all day with me. In this case, Zheng Feng would have a hard time dealing with me.

One night, Li Xiangning and I had just finished eating. After I put down the bowl, Li Xiangning kept staring at me. I asked what was the matter, why kept staring at me?

"Your clothes are so earthy. Although you pretend to be my boyfriend, your dress is too earthy. Go and buy a new one. People wearing new clothes should be more energetic!" Li Xiangning put down the dishes and chopsticks and said to me.

I said angrily that I had no money to buy clothes. Li Xiangning gave me a white look and said that she paid for it.

Li Xiangning said that she took me out to buy clothes at night. After that, she went to practice yoga, and I was going to wash the dishes.

In those two days, I had the illusion of being a nanny by Li Xiangning's routine. Li Xiangning used to eat out. She didn't eat out after I moved here. After I cooked the meal, she joined me. The most annoying thing is that she didn't care about anything after dinner. I did everything to wash the dishes and clean the table.

In the evening, Li Xiangning took me out to buy clothes. She bought me a suit. She said that a man's spirit is only when he wears a suit, but she was right.

Li Xiangning and I bought clothes and came out of the mall. After we came out of the mall, I saw steel tooth sister.

Steel tooth girl was about to go shopping, but she just met us.

Seeing that Li Xiangning and I were walking together, the steel tooth sister smiled and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

Li Xiangning and I walked side by side in front of steel tooth sister and saw steel tooth sister smile and say, "we're together. If we have time, let's go to dinner on this happy day today!"

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