After I came out of the toilet with a black face, Li Xiangning asked me if I had got the wall. After asking, she also pulled some toilet paper for me and said that if I got the wall, I would wipe it with toilet paper. Besides, she didn't want her to see anything dirty on the wall when she went to the toilet.

I said I didn't do it. How could I run to the wall? After that, I lay down and slept unhappily.

After two days, everything on me was all right. Li Xiangning was afraid that I would be beaten by Zheng Feng and helped me quit my job in the fast food restaurant. This is not the key point. Li Xiangning also asked me to keep pace with her, except going to the bathroom.

Li Xiangning knew to play all day after she didn't go to work. She went out every day from morning to night and asked me to take group photos with me. A total of hundreds of photos were taken.

Originally, I was a rather curtily person, but Li Xiangning had to let me go out with her. I only listened to her orders. Every time she went out and came back, she would buy a lot of things, and she asked me to carry them back for her.

Really, I've had enough for her.

One afternoon, Li Xiangning asked me to carry her back. It's OK to carry her back, but it also depends on the distance. It's a kilometer away from here. If I carry Li Xiangning back, I guess my push will soon be scrapped.

Li Xiangning said I have to do this. If I go back behind her back, people will believe more deeply that we are lovers. Sometimes I suspect that she is playing a cover. In fact, she just wants to use me as a servant.

At that time, Li Xiangning was wearing a thin dress, a pair of super shorts, big white legs bare and a pair of white cloth shoes on her feet.

After I whitened her, I said unkindly, "are you sure you want me to carry you back? I'll make it clear to you first. I'm willing to carry you back, but whether you're willing or not is your business!"

Li Xiangning walked up to me, raised her little face, looked at me and said that of course she would like to. After that, she urged me to squat down quickly. After I squatted down, Li Xiangning fell on my back. Don't say, Li Xiangning was still a little heavy.

I also impolitely grabbed Li Xiangning's thigh. Her thigh is really slippery, hehe.

On the road, I deliberately shook Li Xiangning up, and then let her jump on my back. When she jumped on my back, I could clearly feel the elasticity and pressure brought by the two Tuos.

After being taken advantage of by me for several times, Li Xiangning kept beating me with small powder, saying that I was a hooligan and bullied her.

"That's what I said. I didn't let you run to my back. You wanted me to carry it. You wanted to give me benefits. I have no reason to refuse!" I said with a smile.

After hearing what I said, Li Xiangning was angry and anxious. Then she pinched my ear and told me to go quickly. As soon as my ear hurts, I can only follow Li Xiangning's meaning.

When I went back with Li Xiangning on my back, I was already full of sweat. After putting Li Xiangning down, I went to take a shower.

I came out with no clothes on my upper body. Li Xiangning saw me and immediately angrily asked me to put on my clothes. There was no way. This was in her house. I couldn't find anything to say, so I had to follow her meaning.

I stayed comfortably in Li Xiangning's residence for eight days. Li Xiangning said that she would take me to see her parents in two days. When Zheng Feng was completely dumped at that time, I could leave with money. Of course, I can't wait for this.

But nothing can be plain sailing. Soon I was in trouble.

One night, Li Xiangning wanted to go shopping. She bought that kind of private things. Of course, she wouldn't take me, so I stayed to watch the house.

I was sitting alone playing with my mobile phone. After a while, there was a knock at the door. I thought Li Xiangning came back, so I got up to open the door, but as soon as I opened the door, I was kicked out by someone outside the door.

I hit the ground heavily, but the pain in my lower abdomen was much more painful than that on my back. I covered my school uniform and screamed there.

At this time, Zheng Feng outside the door came in very proud. Zheng Feng took his three dog parties into the house and stepped on my chest.

"You were very arrogant last time. Why can't you look up now? Xiangning isn't here. How can I clean you up today!" Zheng Feng said with a gloomy face pointing to me. His face is particularly ugly, which also indicates that my result today will not be good.

"Ha ha! I have to tell you one thing. You clean me up during the day and I clean up Li Xiangning at night. Anyway, I don't suffer a loss!" I looked at Zheng Feng and said with a smile. I know my end will be very miserable today. Instead of letting them clean up, I'd better have a mouth addiction while my mouth can talk. Anyway, I was beaten today.

"Your mouth is very good at talking about you!" what I just said obviously angered Zheng Feng. He bit his teeth and looked at me angrily. After that, he slapped me in the face mercilessly.

The two slapping slaps made my face hot and painful, and my face was swollen. I covered my painful face and looked at Zheng Feng fiercely, "don't deceive others too much!"

"I don't want to bully you, it's your own itchy skin. You don't see what you are if you're right with me!" Zheng Feng spit on my face, very arrogant and domineering.

"I know you're the fake boyfriend Xiang Ning found to deal with me. I made it clear to you today. If you leave Xiang Ning, I'll give you three times the amount she gives you. Of course, if you don't obey me and continue to do right with me, I won't let you live! I have a lot of ways to clean up you!" Zheng Feng looked at me and said proudly, As if I were an ant in his hand.

"Do you think I'll make you comfortable if you clean me up twice?" I looked at Zheng Feng and said fiercely.

"Fuck NIMA, give you a chance, don't you? Well, labor and capital will kill you today!" said Zheng Feng mercilessly swinging his fist and hitting me in the face. My nose blood was splashed and splashed on my face.

I wanted to resist, but before I clenched my fist, I was hit again.

The dog gangs called by Zheng Feng were not good people. When Zheng Feng hit me, they were unwilling to go to the theatre and hit me.

Zheng Feng punched me twice in the head. After being beaten, my head was dizzy and my body lost consciousness as if it were not my own body.

Zheng Feng became more and more angry. He kicked me in the crotch. At that moment, I was like being pierced by a sharp blade. The unspeakable pain made me scream unconsciously. I covered my crotch with my hand, and my face hurt like pig liver.

I curled up on the ground and screamed, and my tears flowed out of control.

"You TMD have tasted the pain this time. I warn you again. If you don't leave Xiangning again, I'll cut off your children and grandchildren. You can't get women all your life!" Zheng Feng grabbed my collar and pointed at me.

"Wait for me! I'll give you back ten times the pain you inflicted on me!" I giggled my teeth and looked at Zheng Feng.

"You really have a hard mouth. If you say this at such a time, I have to kill you today!" Zheng Feng said, and ran to get a chair and took it to hit me on the head.

He stared at me, his eyes were full of blood, and his mouth was about to spit fire.

I said provocatively, if you have the ability, you can smash it. Whoever doesn't smash it is your grandson!

Although Zheng Feng is very angry now, he is not a fool. If he really kills me, he will not be better.

Zheng Feng put down the chair, kicked me in the stomach and scolded: you TM are my grandson! Be sensible and leave quickly, otherwise you won't have a good day! If you don't believe it, try it

After that, Zheng Feng left with his three dog parties. I couldn't carry it anymore and collapsed on the ground like mud.

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