When Li Xiangning came back, she saw me lying in a low voice crying with pain, blood on her face and scared off my aunt's towel. She hurried over and asked me what had happened just now. I smiled bitterly and said that Zheng Feng did all this.

"He's too brave to do it in my room!" Li Xiangning called me 120 after saying that.

I was sent to the hospital for treatment for two days. There was no big problem with my injuries. Just cultivate myself well, but the doctor said I had some serious injuries. He was worried that I would lose my fertility in the future. The doctor asked me to have a detailed examination, and I did it, but the examination results could not be obtained until three days later.

When I was hospitalized, Li Xiangning accompanied me to take care of me. When Li Xiangning peeled the apple for me, I said to Li Xiangning, "last time I bullied you, this time I'll pay you back. I don't want your money, and I won't help you. After I leave the hospital, we'll go our own way! In the future, we'd better never see you again!"

I didn't finish angrily, and then I lay down without a good face. The examination results haven't come down yet. If something really goes wrong below me, I won't want to have children in the future.

"Don't make such a decision first. I didn't know this would happen this time. Who knew that Zheng Feng would be so brave to do it in my residence!" Li Xiangning looked at me innocently and said, and then handed the peeled apple to me.

I didn't reach out to pick it up. First, my hand still hurt. Second, I didn't want to pick it up. I'd better go my own way in the future. I've never had a good thing since I met Li Xiangning.

Seeing that I didn't reach out to pick it up, Li Xiangning looked at me and said, "well, it's a big deal that I'll give you some more money. Can I give you 20000 yuan after it's done?" then she whispered impatiently: don't you just want more money.

I was angry when I heard this. I didn't want to get angry with Li Xiangning. How can I say that she has tried her best to share the red dates with me these days, but I couldn't bear it when I heard this.

"We probably had a feud in our last life. I wouldn't do anything good when I met you. When I was at school, I met you beaten like a dog by he Jun. this time, I met you cleaned up like this by Zheng Feng. Although I want money, I don't want your broom money for me. Who knows what moths will happen in the future!", I looked at Li Xiangning and said angrily. Although she was really beautiful, I was angry when I saw her now.

Li Xiangning was a spoiled young lady. She could stand being called her. After I finished, she threw the apple on the ground, looked at me and said angrily, "who are you? You would have died if I hadn't sent you to the hospital!"

"If it weren't for you, would I be beaten like this?", I looked at Li Xiangning and said angrily. I felt that Li Xiangning and I were born against each other. It was no better than three days. We were quarrelling most of the time.

"You can really push the responsibility. It's because you're useless that Zheng Feng beat you. If you're strong, do they dare to beat you? Didn't you often fight when you went to school? Is it difficult? Now you've eaten mice and counselled like a mouse. If you're beaten, you'll push the responsibility on others!" Li Xiangning looked at me with a small pout and said angrily, And it's the kind with full confidence.

I was about to get angry with Li Xiangning. At this time, the nurse came in and saw that Li Xiangning and I were quarreling. At that time, the nurse criticized Li Xiangning and said that I was a patient now. Her girlfriend didn't take good care of me and was still quarrelling with me here, so she was angry with me. She was really an incompetent girlfriend.

Li Xiangning was scolded by the nurse's eldest sister. She didn't quarrel with me anymore. She talked to me as gently as possible.

In the afternoon, Li Xiangning brought me rice. I said my hand hurt. Li Xiangning fed me wisely.

"Open your mouth, ah!" Li Xiangning fed me carefully. To tell you the truth, I inexplicably enjoyed it when she fed me.

After dinner, Li Xiangning gently wiped my mouth. Seeing Li Xiangning taking care of me so carefully, I felt a little guilty about my behavior just now. Originally, I wanted to say sorry to Li Xiangning, but my stubbornness made me not speak.

I lay in bed and said I didn't know what the test results were. If I was really beaten and lost my fertility, what can I do in the future.

Li Xiangning told me not to worry. It would be all right. "If you really can't have children, I'll be responsible for it!" Li Xiangning patted her chest and looked at me.

I was happy to see Li Xiangning say so. I asked her how she was responsible. Could it be that she married me? Li Xiangning whispered a few words after listening to me, but I didn't know what to say.

After three days, the inspection results came out. There was no problem with mine, but there were still some injuries.

In the evening, steel tooth sister got off work. She heard Li Xiangning say that I was injured. In the evening, she specially bought something to visit with Jiangshan and them.

Jiangshan saw me like this and asked me if I was beaten again. I told Jiangshan that I let Zheng Feng beat me. Jiangshan asked me who Zheng Feng was and why he beat me? I just told Jiangshan that I was a sworn enemy of mine. I didn't tell the relationship between Zheng Feng and Li Xiangning.

"Han zi, don't worry, we will help you clean up Zheng Feng! You can heal well! Let's clean up Zheng Feng together!" said fat brother, patting me on the shoulder with a look of justice.

After chatting for a while, fat brother turned his eyes to Li Xiangning and saw Li Xiangning silently cutting apples for me. Fat brother looked at me with a bad smile and said, "han zi, what's your relationship?"

"What else can it be? It's not obvious. Do I still need to say this?", I looked at fat brother and said with a smile, but my remaining light still stayed on steel tooth sister. When steel tooth sister heard me say this, her face was obviously not good-looking, but she soon turned around.

I don't know why, when I saw that steel tooth sister's face was not good-looking, I suddenly felt a sense of guilt in my heart.

Fat brother looked at me after listening to me and said with a bad smile: "brother Han, I really admire you. Even our previous school flowers have been picked up for you! I have nothing to congratulate. Let's congratulate you on having a baby early!"

Li Xiangning peeled the apple for me and handed it to me. She even gently asked me if I needed her to feed me.

I said no, then I took it and ate it myself. Soon, fat brother Jiangshan was leaving. Originally, steel tooth sister was also leaving, but I stopped her. I asked her to stay a little longer. I have something to tell her.

Li Xiangning goes to see Jiangshan fat brother off. There are only me and steel tooth sister left in the ward.

The steel tooth girl sat next to me and asked me listlessly what was wrong. I smiled and said, "why do you look a little angry?"

Steel teeth sister listlessly said no. I sat up in steel teeth sister's ear and told her everything between me and Li Xiangning.

"Brother Han, is what you said true?", after listening to me, sister steel teeth asked me again and wanted to confirm again.

"Of course, how could I lie to you!" after I finished, the steel tooth sister was obviously happier.

After that, I looked at the steel tooth sister very seriously and said, "in fact, I understand your mind. I used to treat you as my sister, but I can assure you that I will help Li Xiangning and then marry you!"

"Brother Han! I don't know whether you lied to me or told the truth, but I'm very happy to hear what you said!" the steel tooth sister looked at my eyes seriously and said, with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll treat you well in the future!" I held the steel tooth sister in my arms. The feeling of holding people in my arms was so full and reassuring.

The steel tooth girl leaned in my arms and raised her head and kissed me on the cheek.

However, Li Xiangning came in through the door at this time.

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