After Li Xiangning came in, she came to me, and then naturally took my hand, looked at the rich middle-aged woman and said intimately, "Mom, you and dad have come out of town. You should tell me when you come, so that I can pick you up!"

Obviously, the middle-aged woman who looks richer is Li Xiangning's mother. Although her mother looks richer, she is estimated to be a great beauty among her peers. No wonder Li Xiangning has such a good foundation.

Li Xiangning is very much like her mother. They are beautiful women of all sizes together.

Li Xiangning is estimated to have inherited her mother. Her mother's dress is also very fashionable. She is dressed as a lady and wears famous brand clothes. At first glance, it is the kind of expensive.

Although Li Xiangning's mother is middle-aged, she still refuses to be old. Her hair is made of wavy curly hair, which is still wine red. Although this head type doesn't match her very well, she has a good foundation, and this hair style can be parried.

"Well, sit down first and talk slowly!" Li Xiangning's mother looked at me and said to Li Xiangning lukewarm.

After I sat down, Li Xiangning's mother asked Li Xiangning if she really had a boyfriend. Li Xiangning sat down next to me, then pointed to me and said with a smile: "Mom, this is my boyfriend. He has been secretly in love with me since I went to school, but he confessed to me after he graduated! I promised him when I saw that he was good!"

After that, Li Xiangning smiled sweetly at me. I said hello to Li Xiangning's mother politely, but her mother didn't give me a good face, which made me particularly embarrassed.

"Come, eat fruit!" when I was particularly embarrassed, Li Xiangning's father came out with a fruit plate.

Li Xiangning's father wears something more ordinary. He wears a middle-aged short sleeve and a pair of hemp colored trousers, which is no different from those uncles on the street. On the contrary, Li Xiangning's mother is much more extravagant.

Li Xiangning's father is a very easygoing kind of person. When I ate fruit, he sat next to me and talked with me. Li Xiangning's father asked me what I do. I said I haven't worked yet. I used to be a courier.

Li Xiangning's father was very easygoing and said, "it's said that couriers are very hard. Young people can bear hardships. They must make great achievements in the future!"

Li Xiangning's father is born with a good face. He is friendly, low-key and easy-going. I have doubled my favor with him. Although Li Xiangning's father has great affinity, it is obviously Li Xiangning's mother who decides the family.

As soon as Li Xiangning's mother heard that I used to be a courier, she tilted her eyes and said unhappily, "courier! The courier only has a few money a month. Even my daughter's pocket money is not enough. How can you raise her in the future?"

In fact, Li Xiangning had an agreement with me before she came. She asked me to tell her parents that I was in business and could earn more than 100000 a year, but I thought Li Xiangning's father was so good, so I told the truth.

But Li Xiangning's mother's words are really hurtful. Although I don't have money in their family, I don't have to look down on people.

Li Xiangning made a look at me and told me not to have any face, so although Li Xiangning's mother looked down on me so much, I still smiled at her.

Zheng Feng sat watching the play, eating fruit and sitting there leisurely. He was not worried at all because Li Xiangning's mother was facing him, so he was not worried at all.

"Aunt, although I really can't earn much money, I will try my best to give Xiangning a good living environment!" I looked at Li Xiangning's mother and said with a smile.

"You give Xiangning a good living environment? Hehe, did I hear you right? Even if you have this heart, what capital do you have to say that?" said Li Xiangning's mother disdainfully, without looking at me.

I also said why Li Xiangning is so arrogant, which is probably influenced by her mother.

Although Li Xiangning's mother humiliated me so much, I still have a smile on my face. I feel like a fool now. I still smile at others after being humiliated by others. What's the difference between being an idiot?

"What I just said may be a little heavy, but I hope you can break up with Xiangning. If you can't give Xiangning the future, don't pester her! It's good for her and all of us!" Li Xiangning's mother looked at me and said bitterly, very cold.

"Mom, why do you say that about him? Although he can't earn much money, at least it's the money he earns with his own hands. Unlike some people, he only eats and idles all day!" Li Xiangning glanced at Zheng Feng and continued to say to her mother: "Besides, mom, it's the 21st century. They all advocate freedom of marriage and love. I'm not a child. Don't care so much!"

"We're not doing this for you? You're young and young, and there are so many bad people now. What if you're cheated? Don't you see that kind of liar who swindles the woman's family money often appear on the TV news?" Li Xiangning's mother scolded Li Xiangning loudly.

"What liar? He is my classmate. He used to study in the same class, but later we became deskmates! I know her very well and I know myself very well. I just like him! I won't marry anyone except him!" Li Xiangning took my hand and looked at her mother very stubbornly, with a very serious expression on her small face.

Although I was posing as Li Xiangning's boyfriend, at this moment, I felt so real, as if we had really become a couple.

"Xiangning, mom, it's all for you. You should understand mom's good intentions! Mom also hopes you can live happily in the future!" Li Xiangning's mother looked at Li Xiangning and said.

"Don't always say it's for my good. You just think about your own interests and don't care about my feelings at all. You left me alone at home before. When I grow up and can use it, I'll arrange for me to marry. I'm a person. I'm not a toy. I also have thoughts and feelings! You arrange my last life, and I can't make my own decisions in the next life!", Li Xiangning looked at her mother and cried, tears running down her cheeks.

I quickly took a paper towel to wipe Li Xiangning's tears. She was really sad and her eyes were red.

No wonder I said that when I came to Li Xiangning's house, she was the only one in her family. It turned out to be so.

Li Xiangning's mother saw Li Xiangning cry, so she didn't say anything. She left her to cook and went to the kitchen.

I was going to leave, but Li Xiangning said to stay for dinner before leaving. Li Xiangning's father said the same, so I stayed.

Li Xiangning's father sat for a while and was called to the kitchen by Li Xiangning's mother. There were only three people left in the living room, Zheng Feng and Li Xiangning.

Zheng Feng looked at me with his legs crossed, and then let me out. He wanted to talk to me.

Li Xiangning told me not to go out for fear that Zheng Feng would play tricks against me. However, in Li Xiangning's house, Zheng Feng certainly didn't dare to do it. I had nothing to be afraid of. I followed Zheng Feng out of the door.

After I went out, Zheng Feng looked at me and said with a disdainful smile: "you are really resistant to beating. You dare to stay with Xiang Ning when you were beaten like that last time!"

Then Zheng Feng changed his face, looked at me and said fiercely, "you'd better be sensible and leave Xiangning quickly, or I'll make you regret coming here!"

"If you talk nonsense, I'll go first. I don't have time to listen to you talk nonsense here!" I said and was ready to turn and leave.

Who knows, Zheng Feng grabbed me at this time, and then slapped me in the face, "you TM are very arrogant, aren't you! It seems that you played lightly last time!"

Zheng Feng's slap on the face was not light. It hurt me. At this time, he was alone. How could I get used to him and punch him on the nose without mercy.

When I grabbed his collar and prepared to clean him up again, Li Xiangning's mother came out.

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