When Li Xiangning's mother came out, she just saw me beating Zheng Feng. At that time, she scolded me loudly. Zheng Feng, a bastard, got up and rubbed his nose blood while complaining to Li Xiangning's mother that he just said a word to me, so I started beating him.

Li Xiangning's mother happened to see the scene when I hit Zheng Feng. It's useless for me to explain. Zheng Feng and I were called in by Li Xiangning's mother. After we sat down, Li Xiangning's mother began to scold Li Xiangning.

"This is your favorite boyfriend. If Zheng Feng's parents ask, how can I tell others!" Li Xiangning's mother scolded Li Xiangning loudly, but she was actually saying something about me.

Li Xiangning said that it must have been Zheng Feng who provoked me before I started. Li Xiangning said that I was not an impulsive person and would not beat people at any time. Li Xiangning was very happy to protect me, but Li Xiangning's mother didn't like to see me. It's useless to let Li Xiangning explain.

"It's OK for me to be knocked down as a big man. I'm worried about Xiangning. If you really live with him in the future, what can he do to beat you?" Zheng Feng said hypocritically at this time.

After he said that, Li Xiangning's mother began to praise him for being sensible and thinking about things. I continued to be insinuated by Li Xiangning's mother. What makes me want to get angry is that she actually said that I have no quality and no education.

But Li Xiangning gave me a look and let me bear it. I didn't get angry.

After finishing the meal unhappily, Li Xiangning left with me. Zheng Feng came by car at that time. He made a request to send Li Xiangning, but Li Xiangning refused.

After I went back, I washed and went to bed. I was in a particularly bad mood today. Being humiliated by Li Xiangning's mother made me angry than beating me. What's more annoying is that I can only stand and don't talk back.

Li Xiangning came to comfort me when I was in a bad mood, but I didn't pay much attention to her. What I think now is that she should get rid of Zheng Feng's son of a bitch as soon as possible, so I can get the money and leave as soon as possible.

When it was getting dark the next afternoon, sister steel teeth said she had something to tell me to go out. I said hello to Li Xiangning and went out.

I have an appointment with sister steel teeth to meet in the street. After we meet in the street, we will go shopping together.

"Brother Han, I may go to work in other places in a few days. It is arranged that I go to work in other places for a period of time. It is estimated that it will take several months before I can come back!", the steel tooth sister walked side by side with me. When she said this, she looked at me with Shui Lingling's eyes, which was particularly lovable.

"It's all right. I'll go to you after I help Li Xiangning. Anyway, I'm alone. It's convenient to go there!" I looked at the steel tooth sister and smiled.

"No, brother Han, you just have to wait for me to come back!" said the steel tooth sister, holding my hand and leaning on my shoulder. The satisfied little expression and pursed little mouth are particularly cute.

I said you are really cute. If you weren't on the street now, I would have wanted to kiss you! After that, I put my steel tooth sister in my arms.

I just walked leisurely in the street with my arm around sister steel teeth, chatting while walking. I agreed with sister steel teeth that she would leave me to see her off at that time. When she came back, I would pick her up.

"Brother Han, I found something! You always call me steel tooth sister. People's braces have been removed for a long time, and you still call them steel tooth sister!", steel tooth sister said, holding her small powder fist angrily and hitting me twice.

I said there was nothing I could do about it. I used to call her steel tooth sister. I forgot her name.

"What? You don't even know my name!" after listening to me, the steel tooth sister hit me twice with a small powder fist.

After hitting me, the steel tooth sister asked me to stretch out my hand. She wrote it in the palm of my hand. I looked at the steel tooth sister's strokes very carefully. Only then did I know her name was Liu Xiaoxiao. Don't say, it's quite artistic.

I just wanted to say the three words "steel tooth sister", and then I immediately changed my name to Liu Xiaoxiao. I've always been called Liu Xiaoxiao steel tooth sister. Now I'm not used to calling her Liu Xiaoxiao.

After we strolled in the street for a while, we were ready to go to a movie, but as soon as we got outside the cinema, Li Xiangning called me. I just connected the phone, but Li Xiangning immediately hung up.

At that time, I thought what Li Xiangning was doing. I didn't care much, but I thought about it. The more I thought about it, the more I felt uneasy. I always felt that something would happen.

The more I thought about it, the more uneasy I was. I asked sister steel teeth to go back first. After sister steel teeth went back, I ran back quickly to see if there was anything wrong with Li Xiangning. Otherwise, how could I hang up just after I got through the phone.

When I went outside the door, I heard Li Xiangning's scream, and there was a big smell of wine.

The more I thought about it, the more uneasy I was. I hurried in. The door was unlocked and open.

After I opened the door, I saw a scene that made me angry. The bastard Zheng Feng was lying on Li Xiangning's body with his bare arms and kept tearing Li Xiangning's clothes. Li Xiangning would do yoga for a while at night, so he didn't wear much, just a dress.

At this time, the White Floral Dress Li Xiangning was wearing had been torn by the bastard Zheng Feng, and the white lace cover was exposed.

"Zheng Feng, you son of a bitch! Get up! Wuwu ~ I won't let you go!", Li Xiangning kept resisting, and her white face was covered with tears.

But Li Xiangning's cry will only stimulate Zheng Feng more. Zheng Feng tore the white fitness pants Li Xiangning was wearing on her lower body, and you can see the corners of Li Xiangning's white interior.

As soon as I saw such a scene, I could not help my anger. I clenched my fist and rushed up. Then I grabbed Zheng Feng's son of a bitch's hair and dragged Zheng Feng to the ground.

Zheng Feng, a bastard, obviously drank wine. His face was red and his body smelled of wine.

After I pulled him down, I punched him in the face, and then put a hard foot on his lower abdomen.

Zheng Feng fell to the ground after being punched and kicked by me, covered his stomach and twisted like a snake.

I sat on Li Xiangning's bed, put the quilt on her, and then held her tightly in my arms.

When Li Xiangning saw me, it was like seeing the Savior. Dou Da's tears flowed down her white face.

"It's all right. No one dares to bully you when I come back! Good boy!" I held Li Xiangning in my arms and gently patted her on the back to comfort her, but Li Xiangning was obviously frightened and cried all the time, and my clothes were wet with tears.

At this time, Zheng Feng got up from the ground, looked around, pointed at me and said fiercely, "you TMD are really brave. You dare to hit me. I... I have to kill you today!"

Zheng Feng walked to Li Xiangning's dresser and picked up Li Xiangning's big mirror. "Labor capital killed you today!" Zheng Feng scolded fiercely, and then rushed to me with the mirror.

Seeing Zheng Feng rushing towards me with a mirror, Li Xiangning in my arms was scared out of color. In order not to let Li Xiangning be hit, I pressed Li Xiangning in my arms.

I only heard a bang. The glass residue rolled down from me. Along with the glass residue, there were blood beads.

Then my back was like being cut by a knife. It hurt very much. I touched it with my hand. My back was cut several times by glass residue, and some sharp small glass residue was inserted into my flesh.

"You're always against labor and capital. I'll kill you today!" before I could slow down, Zheng Feng stabbed me with a slightly longer glass stubble.

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