I didn't have time to react at that time. When I reacted, the glass stubble in Zheng Feng's hand had been inserted into my abdomen, and the blood flowed out like water leakage. I stood up with pain, kicked Zheng Feng down, and then sat down powerlessly.

When Li Xiangning saw that I was covered with blood, she panicked and asked me what happened? I watched my blood flow out, and my body was slowly becoming weak. I couldn't feel my strength when I spoke.

Li Xiangning hurriedly called the police with my phone. When the police came, I was almost unconscious. I only knew that the police carried Zheng Feng and me out. I don't remember what happened after that.

When I woke up, I was already lying in a familiar hospital. I laughed at myself. I really had a fate with the hospital. I came to the hospital every day.

When I woke up, Li Xiangning was sitting at the head of my bed. Seeing me awake, she quickly asked me if I was hungry. If I was hungry, she would get me something to eat.

I said I was not hungry, but I felt a pain on my back and abdomen. I asked Li Xiangning what was going on at that time and how Zheng Feng would treat her like that. Li Xiangning was very sad at the mention of this matter. She said wrongly that someone knocked at the door at that time. She thought I was back and went to open the door for me.

Who knows that the person outside the door is not me but Zheng Feng. Li Xiangning said that Zheng Feng was drunk and couldn't walk steadily. After she opened the door, Zheng Feng showed her love and said she wanted to marry her. Of course, Li Xiangning wouldn't agree. She sternly refused. Zheng Feng drank wine at that time. After being rejected by Li Xiangning, she simply didn't do it and didn't want to rape Li Xiangning. Li Xiangning called me when the situation was wrong, but Zheng Feng grabbed her mobile phone and hit it on the ground as soon as she got through.

Then I came back. Li Xiangning said that Zheng Feng was released on bail this morning after being arrested by the police. Li Xiangning said that if it weren't for her parents, she wouldn't forgive Zheng Feng. She wanted Zheng Feng to go to jail for a lifetime.

The situation is such a situation. I have probably understood it. I lie in the hospital bed to comfort Li Xiangning and let her not be sad.

"I really thanked you at that time. If you hadn't come in time, I might have... Anyway, thank you!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said gratefully.

I said there was nothing to thank. If you really want to thank me, just give me a little money.

Li Xiangning gave me a white look and said that I really got into the eyes of money. When she said so, I thought of sun Han. If I could earn more money at that time, maybe sun Han wouldn't leave me.

I patted my head and photographed the name of sun Han and the memory she brought to me.

I asked Li Xiangning to ask the doctor when I can leave the hospital. I don't want to stay in the hospital anymore. Li Xiangning asked the doctor. The doctor said that I can leave the hospital in about three days.

In the evening, Li Xiangning's parents came to the hospital to see me. After Li Xiangning's mother entered the ward, she just looked at me and didn't say a word to me.

Li Xiangning's father was very concerned and asked me how I felt. Did I feel better? I said there was no big problem, but I needed some time to cultivate myself.

"Xiangning, Zheng Feng was impulsive after drinking that day. Forgive him!" Li Xiangning's mother saw that I had nothing to do, so she talked to Li Xiangning. The first word she said was to defend Zheng Feng.

"Mom, you don't have to say it. I won't forgive him in my life! If you say it again, I'll go out!" said Li Xiangning impatiently, with anger in her eyes.

Li Xiangning said so. Li Xiangning's mother couldn't say anything. I was lying down and watching.

After staying in the hospital for three days, I was discharged from the hospital, but this time I didn't go back to Li Xiangning's residence, but directly to Li Xiangning's home.

Li Xiangning's father also enthusiastically prepared a room for me, and I stayed impolitely.

During my cultivation at Li Xiangning's house, Zheng Feng's son of a bitch came almost once a day to beg Li Xiangning to forgive him, but Li Xiangning refused to see him directly, saying it was annoying to see him.

Once Zheng Feng called his parents. Li Xiangning had to see Zheng Feng. Although I was not present at that time, I was eavesdropping on their conversation.

Zheng Feng's parents asked Li Xiangning to forgive Zheng Feng and said that as long as she forgave Zheng Feng, she would make good compensation to her in the future.

"Uncle and aunt, you're here too. I'll make it clear today. Zheng Feng, I can forgive him, but please don't harass me in the future. My boyfriend was almost stabbed to death by him. I can not pursue these!" Li Xiangning said impatiently.

Zheng Feng's parents were obviously embarrassed by Li Xiangning's words. Li Xiangning's mother said Li Xiangning was not sensible and sent Li Xiangning away. I didn't eavesdrop on their conversation after that.

But the result of the conversation was obvious. Li Xiangning's parents still cut off the idea of letting Li Xiangning marry Zheng Feng.

Li Xiangning came to the room and told me what had just happened. She was very happy to say that Zheng Feng finally stopped pestering her. I was also very happy. My task was finally completed and I could leave with the money.

"Since Zheng Feng won't pester you any more in the future, you can give me my money when you want. Then we can go our separate ways sometime. You live your young lady's life and I live my little life!" I looked at Li Xiangning and smiled.

"What are you worried about? You'll die if you wait a little longer. I won't give you less money!" said Li Xiangning with a small pout. I don't know what Li Xiangning meant. Every time I said to go their separate ways and give me money, she looked unhappy. I doubt if she didn't have money for me, but on second thought, she's not the kind of person without money.

While I was talking about money with Li Xiangning, Li Xiangning's parents came in. Li Xiangning asked her parents why they came in and said I was going to bed this big night so that they wouldn't disturb my rest.

Li Xiangning's mother said they had something to tell me, and then took a chair and sat in front of me.

Li Xiangning's mother looked at me, then looked into my eyes and asked me if I really loved Li Xiangning?

I nodded seriously and said yes. I love Li Xiangning very much. Li Xiangning's mother looked at Li Xiangning's father, then looked at me and continued: "Since you love Xiangning, we won't stop you, but you can see that Xiangning has only one daughter in our family. If you really love Xiangning, you will become a door-to-door son-in-law in our family. We won't treat you badly! There will be no money for the bride price at that time, and we will paste it back to your family!"

At that time, I felt that this matter seemed to be out of control. It was agreed to help Li Xiangning get rid of Zheng Feng. Now how can I be the door-to-door son-in-law.

I hesitated a little. Li Xiangning's mother looked at me and asked me what was the matter? Was it difficult or unwilling?

"You keep saying that you love Xiangning. If you really love Xiangning, you will come to our house, otherwise we won't agree with you two!" Li Xiangning's mother looked at me and said very seriously.

I looked at Li Xiangning, asked her for help with my eyes, and asked me what I should do now. Li Xiangning nodded at me, which meant to let me promise first.

"Uncle and aunt, I really love Xiangning. In that case, I have to promise! I want to prove to you that I really love Xiangning!" I looked at Li Xiangning's mother and said seriously.

"Well, we are also very happy to see your love. Take a rest first. On that day, we'll find someone to look at the day and help you get engaged!" Li Xiangning's mother said and went out.

What? Engagement?

As soon as Li Xiangning's mother went out, I protested to Li Xiangning. What do you mean? Why should I be engaged? I don't have this item in my task.

"We didn't say we were going to be engaged at the beginning. You can do it yourself!"

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