After I cleaned up Zheng Feng, I felt comfortable all over and slept soundly. The next morning, I got up early in the morning and was ready to go to work after washing. This morning, I had to clear the warehouse and make records.

But just as I was going to work, Zheng Feng's parents came with Zheng Feng. Zheng Feng's face was still bruised. Although it was treated, the scar was still obvious.

Zheng Feng's parents are rich and extravagant. They are famous brands all over. However, his parents are not kind-hearted people and have a profiteer's face. I guess they don't earn less money.

"Oh, hey, why are you here? Please sit down! Please sit down!" Li Xiangning's mother saw Zheng Feng's parents coming and hurried to greet them for fear that they would be dissatisfied if they were not greeted well.

Li Xiangning's parents were also rude. After sitting down, they angrily pointed to me and said to Li Xiangning's mother, "I'm here today to seek justice for my son! This little bastard is now your door-to-door son-in-law, right? He beat my son like this. What should I do?"

Zheng Feng's mother and Li Xiangning's mother have the same virtue. They talk aggressively and have a sharp tone. They make Li Xiangning's mother very embarrassed.

Li Xiangning's mother first looked at Zheng Feng and then asked me if I hit Zheng Feng. I said yes, I beat him, but he deserved it!

After that, I glanced at Zheng Feng with disdain. Zheng Feng was really a mess. When we fought at school, no one told our parents. He was so old and told his parents that I was ashamed of him! Also, it's obviously him. Zheng Feng beat me first. I can only return it at most.

"Aunt, he called a large group of people to beat me up and told me not to tell you, otherwise he would directly kill me!" Zheng Feng looked at Li Xiangning's mother and complained there.

I was like swearing at my mother. I called a large group of people there last night and beat him Zheng Feng! This bastard, the wicked complain first!

"Your TMD is just farting, right! I started to clean you up last night, but you wanted to clean me up first. Moreover, you have beaten me many times before, and you TM are good enough to say that!", I pointed to Zheng Feng and said fiercely, if someone wasn't there, I would clean him up in the morning.

"Little bastard, what's the matter! You still want to hit my son, do you believe I'll get you to jail!" as soon as I said Zheng Feng, Zheng Feng's snake mother couldn't sit still, stood up and pointed at me.

Li Xiangning's mother asked me to go to one side first. She came to solve it. After I sat down to one side, Li Xiangning's mother quickly apologized to Zheng Feng's parents. Anyway, they said they were sorry, but Zheng Feng's parents didn't appreciate it and were still reluctant to let go.

After a while, Li Xiangning and Li Xiangning's father came out. Seeing Zheng Feng's parents so pressing, Li Xiangning couldn't bear it. Looking at Zheng Feng, she said angrily: "Zheng Feng, you're really shameless. Why didn't you tell Guan Yihan that you beat him before? Why didn't you tell him that you stabbed Guan Yihan last time! Guan Yihan just beat you last night. You just cried for your father and mother. Are you still a man?"

Zheng Feng couldn't stand up to Li Xiangning's words. Zheng Feng's parents would see that their son was bullied. They stood up and looked at Li Xiangning's parents and said fiercely: "OK, your family unite to bully us, right? I tell you, we are not easy to bully. This is the end of our cooperation! I won't let you go!"

As soon as Li Xiangning's mother heard Zheng Feng's mother say so, she was soft at that time. She quickly persuaded Zheng Feng's mother to calm down and said that I was impulsive. It was my fault. She made an apology to them, but the business cooperation could not be cancelled, which would cost her a lot of money.

"There's no way. Li Xiangning didn't want Zheng Feng to marry your family before. Now it's too late to say anything!" said Li Xiangning's mother fiercely. It can be seen that she still has a grudge against Li Xiangning for refusing Zheng Feng.

Li Xiangning's mother wanted to say something to restore the business relationship with Zheng Feng's parents, but at this time, Li Xiangning's father spoke.

Although Li Xiangning's father is usually very easygoing, he is still very serious. He also seriously said that if the cooperative relationship is terminated, he can go to sign with Zheng Feng's parents now, because both families will suffer great losses. Zheng Feng's parents are not afraid, and he has nothing to be afraid of.

Stimulated by anger, Zheng Feng's parents and Li Xiangning's father dissolved the cooperative relationship, and both of them lost a lot of money.

Afterwards, I regretted it. If it weren't for my words, Li Xiangning's family wouldn't have lost so much money. Li Xiangning's mother said she didn't blame me, but she didn't give me a good face. She must have complained about me in her heart.

One afternoon, when I was counting in the warehouse to make records, I heard my colleagues say that the company might go bankrupt. After I finished the records, I talked with them more and asked them how the company went bankrupt?

Those two are old employees of the company at the same time. They know the internal situation of the company like the back of their hands. What they say will not be groundless. After I asked them, they told me the reason. According to them, several shareholders of the company have withdrawn their capital, and the company has just lost a lot of money. If they do so, the company is likely to go bankrupt.

I just do some simple errands in the warehouse. I don't know anything about the company. After work, I want to ask Li Xiangning's father about the company.

At that time, Li Xiangning's father sat in the study with a sad face and kept calling his business partner to borrow money. He said it was to borrow money for turnover, but it was not difficult to see from his expression that the money must not have been borrowed.

It seems that what those two colleagues said today is true. As soon as I was about to leave and go back to my room, Li Xiangning's father stopped me and asked me to pour him a cup of tea.

After I poured him tea, I sat down and talked with Li Xiangning's father. Li Xiangning's father treated me very well. I didn't have money when I first went to work. He gave me money to spend.

I also asked Li Xiangning's father why he was so kind to me. Li Xiangning's father said he was from the past. He could see that Li Xiangning really liked me. He treated me well, just wanted me to treat Li Xiangning well.

No matter what Li Xiangning's father's purpose of being good to me is, I am very grateful to him for being so good to me.

Li Xiangning's father said that the reason why the shareholders in the company withdrew their capital was because of Zheng Feng's parents. The business of Zheng Feng's family was bigger than that of Li Xiangning's family. In order to bring down Li Xiangning's family, Zheng Feng's parents spent money to win over the shareholders in Li Xiang's father's company and let those shareholders withdraw their capital. The purpose was to bring down Li Xiangning's family.

Li Xiangning's father said that there is no working capital in the company now. If there is no capital injection, the company can only go bankrupt.

I don't know much about the company, but if the company goes bankrupt, it means that Li Xiangning's family will be down.

Because of the company, Li Xiangning's mother and Li Xiangning are sad.

I saw that Li Xiangning was sad and wanted to comfort her. After all, I was the fuse. If it weren't for me, Li Xiangning's family wouldn't be like this.

I sat next to Li Xiangning to comfort Li Xiangning, but unexpectedly, Li Xiangning scolded me and asked me why I didn't go and why I stayed?

Li Xiangning said that her family was going bankrupt and she had no money for me. Why do I keep it.

"You helped me because of money. I don't have money now, and you don't want money!" Li Xiangning said angrily, looking at me. It can be seen from her eyes that she was also complaining about me and that I beat Zheng Feng.

"Well, I can't get the money. I just need you!"

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