I looked at Li Xiangning with a smile and said, "since you can't give me money, it's easy to do. I owe meat!"

"You don't see that I'm very angry and sad now. You still laugh! Are you a spy sent by others?" Li Xiangning said, looking at me wronged. Li Xiangning was wronged because her family was facing bankruptcy, but she couldn't do anything.

I said that you rich people are just hypocritical and broke their property. You need to be so sad. According to your logic, we poor people who have no money have to sit and cry every day.

I comforted Li Xiangning for a long time before coaxing her. I told her to go to bed early and have a good sleep. Maybe there will be a turn for the better tomorrow

But the fact is that the next day there was no turning point. The whole company had a holiday. Many people had left with their wages. Everyone heard that the company was going to close down and applied for resignation, paid wages and looking for a new job.

I didn't go to work either. I accompanied Li Xiangning's father to find his former business partners and friends to borrow money for turnover, but one day I ran down and didn't borrow a penny. People knew that Li Xiangning's father's company was going bankrupt and refused to borrow money for fear that if I borrowed it, I wouldn't get it back.

Li Xiangning's father's hair turned white this day. Seeing Li Xiangning's father begging others so lowly, I wouldn't be in a better mood. If it weren't for me, things wouldn't be so bad.

In the evening, I asked them out. I was in a bad mood. Li Xiangning's home was dead. I didn't want to go back. I would only feel more guilty when I saw Li Xiangning's parents sigh.

Jiangshan asked me what was wrong when they saw me frowning. I told Jiangshan about it with a bitter smile. In fact, I was also very contradictory and tangled. Zheng Feng hit me and almost stabbed me to death. Was it wrong for me to hit him once?

But what's wrong with Li Xiangning's family? Her father is still so good to me, so why face the end of bankruptcy.

It is said that raising a glass to relieve my worries is more worrying. I want to get drunk, but after drinking a lot of wine, I am still sober.

At this time, Jiangshan took away the wine bottle in my hand, then held my face and looked at me and said, "han zi, it's not your fault. You can only blame the bastard Zheng Feng! If you feel really sorry in your heart, you'll find a way to help Li Xiangning's family! As long as you try your best, the rest depends on the meaning of the Lord!"

I smiled bitterly and said I wanted to find a way. What can I do? Jiangshan asked me to find my brother. Jiangshan said that my brother had been wandering in the society for many years and should be able to help me.

After Jiangshan said that, I went to my brother the next morning. My brother lived in sister Qian's residence that day. When I went, they were having breakfast. Sister Qian quickly asked me to have breakfast.

After I sat down, I told my brother about it first. My brother looked at me and said that he was not a businessman. He probably couldn't help with this matter, but he had a friend who was in business and heard that he had made a lot of money in recent years. When my brother said that, he went back to help me and asked my friend for help, but it's not certain whether they can help or not.

In the evening, my brother called me. My brother said that his friend wanted to know the basic situation of Li Xiangning's father's company. If he could make a profit, he would consider injecting capital.

My brother asked me to dress better. He asked me to have dinner with Li Xiangning's father and talk about business with his friend.

After I told Li Xiangning's father about the news, Li Xiangning's father was so excited that he was stunned. Li Xiangning's father was still sad, but the news rekindled his hope. He called the backbone of the two companies and went with me.

We went to a relatively high-end restaurant. It was the first time in my life to eat in such a high-end restaurant. I was very nervous.

Brother Kun in western dress and leather shoes were brother and brother when he arrived. When he arrived, he was chatting with a man about thirty years old. He was dressed in a suit and a name tag. He also wore perfume.

Brother and brother Kun dressed more casually, but even so, they talked happily and talked and laughed.

After we came, my brother quickly introduced us to the man. After the introduction, Li Xiangning's father talked about business with the man. I was a hick and didn't understand what they said. I laughed and ate there.

"To tell you the truth, we have never had cooperation, and I don't know much about your industry, but brother long has spoken this time. I have to help! Tomorrow I will arrange someone to negotiate specific matters with you!" the man said to Li Xiangning's father. It can be seen that the man is still willing to give his brother three thin noodles.

After listening to the man, Li Xiangning's father handed his brother a cigarette and thanked him. My brother was very casual. Looking at me, he said to Li Xiangning's father, "my brother wants to come to your house. I respect his decision. I help because of him. If you really want to be grateful, you can treat my brother well in the future!"

My brother is quite indifferent to others, which embarrasses Li Xiangning's father, but compared with today's harvest, this embarrassment and embarrassment are nothing.

After eating, I went back with Li Xiangning's father. When we went back, Li Xiangning and Li Xiangning's mother had not slept. They were waiting for the news of Li Xiangning's father. When Li Xiangning's father came back, he said it to Li Xiangning's mother with a smile.

Li Xiangning's mother was almost happy after listening to it. She smiled at me and asked me if I was thirsty. She went to pour me water.

Li Xiangning's mother used to be cold to me. Now this attitude is a 360 degree change compared with the past.

I said I wasn't thirsty, but I was a little sleepy. I was going to bed first. Li Xiangning's mother quickly asked Li Xiangning to go to bed. The most important thing is that Li Xiangning's mother asked Li Xiangning to sleep with me.

Before, Li Xiangning's mother was determined not to let Li Xiangning sleep with me. Li Xiangning followed me after she said oh.

After listening to what Li Xiangning's mother said, I suspected that there was something wrong with my ears. Li Xiangning's mother looked at me with a smile and said, "anyway, you're going to get married sooner or later. It doesn't matter if you live in the same room or not!"

I went to take a bath after I said oh. After taking a bath, I went back to my room. Li Xiangning was sitting on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

After seeing me come in, Li Xiangning looked at me and said, "well, how can we sleep later!"

"How do you sleep? How can a woman and a man sleep in a bed? You are so old. I have to teach you!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said.

"Don't think about it!" Li Xiangning quickly hugged her chest and saw the expression of a sex wolf.

In fact, I mean sleeping half a person, but it seems that Li Xiangning is obviously misunderstood. She thinks I want to do that to her. She really thinks too much.

But seeing Li Xiangning so cute, I couldn't help teasing her.

After I took off my clothes, I went to Li Xiangning with my arm closed, and then pressed her on the bed with her hands. "I'm very tired today. How can you comfort me? Well, I don't want money. You can sleep with me all night!"

"Don't think about it. You'd better be honest, or I'll scream!" Li Xiangning looked at me with a pout and said with full confidence.

"Oh, roar, you still want to scare me. You shout, shout, I want to see how you shout!" I looked at Li Xiangning with a bad smile and said.

"You're a hooligan! I'll kick you!" said Li Xiangning, and she gently kicked my thigh with her little foot.

I just looked at Li Xiangning's eyes and didn't speak. After I looked at Li Xiangning for a while, she turned her head to one side and whispered to me, "OK, OK, sleep with you all night! But you should be gentle!"

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