After that, Li Xiangning turned her head to one side. Her face was shy and her little face was red. I was a little overwhelmed. I thought Li Xiangning would fight hard. In fact, I just wanted to tease her. I really didn't think about it. It's not that she's not beautiful or that she's bad, but I don't want to.

I promised sister steel teeth that I would marry her when she came back. If I had a relationship with Li Xiangning at this time, wouldn't it be tantamount to betraying sister steel teeth?

I let go of Li Xiangning's hand, and then changed the bad smile on my face into a serious one. I looked at Li Xiangning and said calmly, "it's getting late. Go to bed quickly. You sleep here and I sleep there. I'll get a quilt later and cover a quilt by myself!"

Li Xiangning sat up and looked at me with innocent and shy eyes and asked me if I didn't know that?

"Well, we had an agreement to have an early rest. I'll help you if you give me money. Remember to give me the money at that time. Don't lose a cent!" I said and went to hold a quilt.

Li Xiangning angrily hit me with a pillow and said I was a rogue pervert. I didn't respond to her and lay down to sleep. I was really a little tired this day.

Li Xiangning saw that I didn't speak. She fell down angrily and went to bed. When she went to bed, she kicked me angrily.

The next morning, someone came to the company to discuss the specific matters of capital injection with Li Xiangning's father. They obviously had a good talk and made an appointment to go out for dinner at noon.

In this way, with the help of her brother, Li Xiangning's father's company revived and reopened. The company also issued a notice that all employees should go to work on time tomorrow morning.

I went to play with Jiangshan fat brother when I had free time when I didn't work today, but Li Xiangning had to go out with me. Li Xiangning's mother also agreed that Li Xiangning would go out with me. She said it was boring for Li Xiangning to stay at home alone. It's also good for me to take Li Xiangning out to relax.

Originally, I wanted to go crazy with brother Jiangshan fat all night, but with Li Xiangning around, many things are doomed to be impossible to play.

Jiangshan and brother Pang had planned to talk about the past with me, but Li Xiangning was around me. They couldn't swear in front of Li Xiangning, so it was not natural to talk.

I asked Li Xiangning to go back first if there was nothing wrong. I would go back after playing outside for a while, but Li Xiangning just wouldn't go and wanted to pester me. I had no choice but to take Li Xiangning back first.

When we went back, Li Xiangning's mother had already cooked a meal. As soon as we went back, we had a delicious meal. Li Xiangning's mother was very kind to me. She kept bringing me vegetables and asked me to eat more.

After dinner, I went back to my room and played with my mobile phone. I opened the live broadcast software and wanted to see the live broadcast, but without my cousin sun Han's live broadcast, it was destined to be out of my interest.

I don't know what my cousin is doing now? Is she doing live broadcasting or other work? I don't know if she is still single? Whether he has married a wife.

Just when I was thinking, steel tooth called me, and I was overjoyed to answer the phone. Steel tooth Rice's first sentence is to ask me if I miss her. I said of course I do. I think every day.

Steel teeth sister said sweetly that she also missed me. In another two months, she can come back and reunite with me. Steel teeth sister and I had a lot of intimate conversations. Before we finished, Li Xiangning came in and talked on the phone again. Li Xiangning asked me who I was talking to on the phone. I didn't pay attention to her. She continued to chat with steel teeth sister.

After I hung up, Li Xiangning pushed me to bed, and then angrily asked me who I was talking to just now. I said I was talking to steel tooth sister. Do you have a question?

Li Xiangning looked at me and said, "look at you. You have such a good tone with others on the phone. I just said a few words to you. You didn't give me any good tone!"

I didn't say much to Li Xiangning. I lay on my quilt, played with my mobile phone, and continued to chat with steel tooth sister with social software.

The next morning I went to work on time, but I had just sat down in the warehouse. Li Xiangning came, changed her work clothes and wore a work card. Li Xiangning saw that she sat down next to me in the warehouse. I asked her what she was doing and why she came to the warehouse?

"I come to work in the warehouse. I'm officially working from today!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said.

I said I have no objection to your work, but the warehouse is full of men's work. What are women doing here. Li Xiangning pouted at me and said, "I can do what you can do! I'm no worse than you!"

I'm not angry with Li Xiangning, but the work in the warehouse is not suitable for women. Working in the warehouse often requires moving things. I'm very tired, let alone Li Xiangning. However, she insists on working in the warehouse, and I didn't say much.

Soon, in the afternoon, a batch of items need to be put into the warehouse. Although there are porters, those who work in the warehouse also need to help move things.

Li Xiangning is thin and small. I asked her to register. She doesn't have to move things, but Li Xiangning doesn't listen and has to be brave to move things.

I don't know what's in the big box. It's very heavy. It's very difficult for me to carry, let alone Li Xiangning.

When Li Xiangning piled up the boxes, the stacked boxes fell down. Li Xiangning was hit by the boxes and her legs were broken.

Seeing this, I hurried to help Li Xiangning up and hurriedly asked her how she was and if there was anything wrong. Li Xiangning cried that her calf hurt so much that she couldn't work hard.

Li Xiangning was thin and weak. Her thin legs could carry the box. I rushed Li Xiangning to the hospital. After inspection, I learned that Li Xiangning's leg bone had been cracked and needed good cultivation.

After staying in the hospital for a few days, I sent my conscience back and asked her mother to take care of her, but Li Xiangning was not willing to let her mother take care of her and had to let me stay at home to take care of her.

Li Xiangning's parents are here. Of course, I can't refuse. I can only nod and promise to stay and take care of her.

Injured Li Xiangning, like a pregnant woman, gave me all kinds of orders. She refused to eat by herself. She had to let me feed her and wash her feet.

Within half a month of taking care of her, I was as obedient to her as a servant, but for the sake of her injury, I didn't say much and took care of her tirelessly.

One night, Li Xiangning had gone to bed. I watched TV for a while and went back to bed. As soon as I took off my clothes and was ready to go to bed, Li Xiangning got into my quilt.

I asked Li Xiangning what she was doing. Why did she drill into my quilt when she didn't sleep.

"Oh, people are uncomfortable and can't sleep!" Li Xiangning coquettishly said to me, and attacked my chest.

As soon as I saw it, I knew that Li Xiangning was going to do something. I asked Li Xiangning what she wanted. Li Xiangning drilled into my arms and asked me to sleep with her. If I held her, she slept faster.

I didn't want to, but she's a patient now. I can't help sleeping with her.

It's nothing to hold her to sleep, but the next day, she complained that I was too shigeng. She said that one of my things pushed her all night, causing her not to sleep well. However, although she complained, she still let me hold her to sleep at night. If I don't hold her to sleep, she won't let me sleep.

In this way, I slept with Li Xiangning for more than a month.

One afternoon more than a month later, when I was at work, steel tooth sister called me. Steel tooth sister said she had got on the bus and would arrive in about two or three hours. Let me pick her up at that time.

"Brother Han, remember to buy TT when you come to pick me up. I'm not safe today!" she said so to me when she hung up, which made me very excited.

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