I said it was of course, and then I put pressure on the steel tooth sister, wantonly. When I got up the next day, it was already ten o'clock, and my legs were still a little soft. The second time, I did it for more than twenty minutes, and my strength was almost drained.

After she woke up, I took advantage of the warm quilt and had another sex with her. After that, we went to dinner. I didn't go to class and asked for a day off.

After dinner, I went to clean up the house with steel tooth sister. After cleaning up the house, we planned to go out for a day, but what we were going to go out for was that Li Xiangning called. Li Xiangning called me and asked me why I went last night and why I didn't go to work today. I said I had something last night and stayed out all night.

Li Xiangning asked me to go back quickly. Her parents were worried about me. There was no way. I had to go back first and go out with steel teeth another day.

When I went back, Li Xiangning and Li Xiangning's mother were sitting on the sofa watching TV. Li Xiangning's mother asked me where I went last night. I found an excuse to prevaricate.

I said I went to sleep first. I didn't sleep well last night. After that, I went back to my room to sleep. I did it again with sister steel teeth in the morning. I was really tired.

Just after I lay down in the room, Li Xiangning followed me. After taking off her shoes, Li Xiangning naughtily drilled into my arms and said that I wasn't in last night and she didn't sleep well. Just when I came back, she came to make up for her sleep.

I didn't care so much. Holding Li Xiangning, I was ready to go to bed. At this time, Li Xiangning twisted her body, looked at me and said with a smile: "my mother asked me to tell you something. She has asked someone to see the time. December is a good day for engagement. We may be engaged in December!"

I just wanted to talk. Shannon Lee just sniffed at my chest and sniffed for a few seconds. After looking at me, Shannon Lee looked at me and asked the prisoner, "why did you go there last night? Why do you smell perfume? You never wear perfume, say," did you look for a woman last night?

"Didn't I tell you that the women outside are not clean, and you are easy to get sick with them!" Li Xiangning said seriously.

I looked at Li Xiangning and said calmly, "steel tooth sister is back. I spent the night with her last night!"

Li Xiangning heard me say that, and then looked at me with some loss and said, "did you say that last night?"

"Well, by the way, I almost forgot to ask you. When can I go? If she comes back, I should probably go. I promised her that I would marry her when she comes back!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said calmly.

I know Li Xiangning must feel bad after I said this, but if I don't say it earlier, she will be more sad in the future. It's better to have a long pain than a short one.

"Don't you really want to stay at all? Or am I bad to you!", Li Xiangning looked at me very wronged, and the tears in her eyes flashed.

"No, you are all very good to me, but this is my promise. I must fulfill it. I don't want to be a person who breaks his promise!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said.

"I know you are kind to everyone, but you don't like me! I have nothing to say if you want to go, but my parents think we really like each other. You can leave later so that they can accept it," Li Xiangning looked at me.

I said yes, and then I went to bed.

In the evening, Li Xiangning's parents have something to go out. I'm ready to go to find steel tooth sister. After changing my clothes, I'm ready to go. Li Xiangning came when I changed my clothes. Li Xiangning was a little lost and asked me if I'm going out to date steel tooth sister?

I nodded and said that the steel tooth sister had just come back. Sometimes I should go to accompany her more. Li Xiangning was lost, and then went out.

When I came back, Li Xiangning's mother hadn't slept and was still watching TV. Seeing me back, Li Xiangning's mother quickly asked me why Xiang Ning didn't come back with me. Didn't we go out together.

I said we were not together. Li Xiangning's mother patted her thigh and said that Xiang Ning had not come back so late. I was afraid something might happen. She quickly took out her mobile phone and called Li Xiangning, but no one answered after calling.

After I called, I got through, but a man answered the phone. The man said that Li Xiangning was drunk in their bar now. Let me go and pick Li Xiangning up home.

The bar is not a good place. There are good and bad people. Li Xiangning is a girl who can easily suffer losses. After I hung up the phone, I found the bar according to the address given by the waiter.

After I went in, I found Li Xiangning who was drunk in the noisy bar. Li Xiangning was lying on the table and there were wine stains on her hair. Li Xiangning's dress was mature and sexy. When I went, two ill intentioned men surrounded Li Xiangning to take advantage of Li Xiangning.

Just as the man wanted to reach out and touch Li Xiangning's chest, I went over and drank, "what are you two doing? Stop it!"

The two men looked at me, so they arrogantly asked me to mind my own business, or they would kill me. Although I'm not sure to win them, I won't watch Li Xiangning being touched by others.

So when I didn't agree, I wrestled with the two men. They were alone. I couldn't beat them at all. They pressed them on the ground and punched them several times. They also smashed a beer bottle on me with a beer bottle.

Fortunately, the two men were pulled away by the waiter, otherwise I would have to be beaten. After I patted the dust on my body, I went to help Li Xiangning up.

After helping Li Xiangning out, Li Xiangning woke up. Seeing that it was me, Li Xiangning pushed me away. Looking at me, she said angrily: "didn't you go to find your steel tooth sister? Why did you come to me? Don't you hate me very much?"

Li Xiangning was very angry when she said this, but after that, tears flowed in her eyes.

"Come on, let's go home first. It's getting late. It's time to go to bed!" I looked at Li Xiangning and whispered. She was so drunk. I really couldn't bear to talk to stimulate her.

"I don't want you to care! Does it matter to you that I drink? Does it matter to you that I don't go home? I have nothing to do with you. Why do you care about me! I'm not your one!" without my support, Li Xiangning couldn't stand steadily and sat down on the ground.

"Come on, let's go home! Your mother is worried about you!" I helped Li Xiangning up from the ground, but no matter what I said, Li Xiangning refused to go with me.

As long as I hold her, she will struggle desperately. If she can't struggle, she will hit me with her fist and kick me with her foot. In short, she won't let me take care of her.

"If you really don't let me take care of you, I'll really go!" persuasion failed, and I had to leave.

"I don't want you to take care of me! If you want to take care of you, take care of your steel tooth sister!" Li Xiangning sat on the ground and looked at me angrily, and her tears kept flowing like a faucet that you can't turn off.

I didn't say any more. I turned and left directly, but on second thought, if I left Li Xiangning by the side of the road, she would be so drunk now. What can I do when she meets bad guys? I still didn't trust it, so I left and turned back again.

After I went back, I didn't talk nonsense with Li Xiangning. I directly took her on my back and left behind her.

I didn't let go of Li Xiangning's struggle this time. I carried her back all the time. Li Xiangning resisted for a while and then didn't resist again.

After carrying Li Xiangning back, I found that Li Xiangning had fallen asleep on my back.

After carrying Li Xiangning to the room, I put her on the bed. At this time, Li Xiangning woke up and hugged me.

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