Before I could feel it, Li Xiangning vomited on me with a wow, which made me vomit all over. I took a paper towel to clean Li Xiangning's mouth and took off my clothes. After I took off my clothes, I came out directly with my arms closed.

At that time, Li Xiangning was vaguely awake. After seeing me come out naked, Li Xiangning looked at me and said angrily, "be honest with me. You didn't cherish yourself that night. If you dare to touch me today, I'll cut you!"

I didn't care about Li Xiangning. I took her directly to bed, took off her shoes, and covered the quilt for her.

After I finished Li Xiangning, I also lay down to sleep. I was really a little tired carrying Li Xiangning back. I fell asleep soon after I lay down. When I woke up the next day, I found that Li Xiangning didn't know when he ran into my arms.

I gently pinched Li Xiangning's small face and let her get up. After Li Xiangning woke up, she looked at me vaguely, then continued to sleep in my arms, and covered her with my hand as a quilt. She also vaguely said don't disturb her sleep.

About twenty minutes later, Li Xiangning woke up. After getting up from my arms, Li Xiangning went to wash. I also got up to wash, because it was almost time to go to work.

When I got off work at noon, gang Ya called me and said that she invited me to lunch. I was also very happy to go. The restaurant where Gang Ya went was very close to the company. I went as soon as I got off work.

But after work, I just went out and didn't take a few steps, but I saw Li Xiangning coming face to face. When Li Xiangning saw me, she asked me where I was going and didn't go back for dinner? I said I wouldn't go back today. Just eat out.

Li Xiangning walked away with a sound. I also walked quickly to the restaurant mentioned by sister steel teeth. When I arrived, sister steel teeth had ordered a good meal, a very rich meal.

"Brother Han, come and eat more meat to replenish your body!" after I sat down, steel tooth sister put a big chopstick meat into my bowl.

I smiled and gulped at my meal. I don't know why. I had a good appetite when eating with steel teeth. I had to eat more bowls.

During dinner, sister steel teeth asked me when I could leave Li Xiangning's house. Sister steel teeth said she had told her family about me. Her family asked her to take me to meet if she was free.

I said it won't be long before I can leave Li Xiangning's house in a while. Then I can accompany sister steel teeth to see her family. Sister steel teeth smiled Yingying, and then continued to bring me food.

"Brother Han, what time do you get off work today? I may have to leave the morning shift today. I'll open a room for you at that time, or I can go to my place!" the steel tooth sister looked at me embarrassed and said. When she said this, she raised her foot and poked twice in my crotch, so that I didn't even have the interest to eat.

"I should get off work at eight or nine o'clock today. I'll go to you then!" I looked at the steel tooth sister and smiled.

Steel tooth sister just wanted to talk, but she seemed to see something and didn't talk anymore. I asked her what she saw, and steel tooth sister pointed behind me.

I turned my head and looked, but I saw a table not far behind me. Li Xiangning was sitting there eating. While eating, she kept looking at me. When I saw that I found her, Li Xiangning quickly bowed her head and didn't look at me anymore.

I said it was all right, and then I continued to eat with steel teeth.

After eating, I paid the bill. I even bought Li Xiangning's bill. After paying the bill, I left with steel tooth sister. After steel tooth sister went to work, I went back to the company.

At the door of the company, Li Xiangning stopped me. "I know you like her, but can you stop being so aboveboard? What if my parents see you like this?"

"I see. I'll keep a low profile in the future! If there's nothing wrong, go back first. I have to go to work!" and I went to work.

I was just about to leave, but Li Xiangning held me. Li Xiangning looked at me and said, "I have another thing to tell you. My birthday is today. Can you spend my birthday with me tonight? I know you and her must have an agreement tonight, but your birthday is once a year. I hope you can spend my birthday with me!"

I nodded and said I would spend my birthday with you in the evening. After that, I went to work.

In the evening, I called sister steel teeth and said I couldn't go. There was something temporary. Although she was a little lost in her tone, sister steel teeth still asked me to do things well and said that I would go to her when I was free.

In the evening, I bought Li Xiangning some small gifts and went back. When I went back, Li Xiangning had put on her birthday hat. Li Xiangning's parents were sitting at the table waiting for me.

After I came, Li Xiangning's mother quickly asked me to sit down and eat the cake. After giving the gift to Li Xiangning, I sat down.

After I sat down, Li Xiangning began to blow candles and make wishes. The cake was full of cream. I didn't eat it after I ate one.

When I saw the cake on the table, I thought of the night I spent my birthday with sun Han. That night, I gave my first time to sun Han, and we soon... Just as I thought about the little things with sun Han, Li Xiangning put a piece of cream on me.

Seeing that there was no smile on my face, Li Xiangning's smiling expression suddenly stopped. She asked me what I was thinking, so absorbed.

I said it was nothing, and then I took the cake and played with her. I remember that the cake I ate with sun Han was not as big or beautiful as that one tonight, but I was very happy at that time.

After fighting for a while, Li Xiangning and I were all cream. When Li Xiangning's parents saw me laughing and fighting with Li Xiangning, they all laughed and said that it was late. Let's go to bed early.

I went to take a bath and then lay down to play with my mobile phone. At this time, Li Xiangning came to the room in her bathrobe. Li Xiangning's hair was still wet. Water droplets flowed down Li Xiangning's hair and directly into Li Xiangning's neckline. Moreover, the neckline of Li Xiangning's bathrobe was still relatively low, and half of her chest could be seen.

I admit that I stared at Li Xiangning's chest for a long time. Li Xiangning saw me staring at her chest and quickly tightened the collar of the bathrobe. Li Xiangning went to blow dry her hair and sat next to me.

"Why? I haven't seen enough just now. I still want to see it?", Li Xiangning looked at me with a pout.

"It's a normal man who wants to see it! What's there to ask!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said angrily.

"Do you want to see it? If you ask me, I'll show you!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said proudly. When she said this, she deliberately straightened her chest.

"Don't want to see!" I said casually after turning my head, and then continued to play with my mobile phone.

"I have something to ask you. Did you say that men and women were more comfortable at that time, or women were more comfortable?" Li Xiangning bent down and looked at me.

It's not strange for her to ask questions. After all, she hasn't experienced such things, and her curiosity is normal. But Li Xiangning's already loose bathrobe collapsed when she bent down. From the perspective of lying down, I can almost see the scenery in front of Li Xiangning's chest.

I said dryly, "it is said that women are more comfortable, but men are as comfortable, but women will hurt the first time!"

After that, I turned my eyes away. At this time, I have shameless Shi Geng. I can see it for a while. I'm sure something will happen.

Li Xiangning saw that I turned my head, looked up at me with a smile and said, "who just said he didn't want to look at it? Why did you secretly look at it? If you want to see it, just say it. If you ask me, I'll let you see it!"

I threw my cell phone aside, then turned over and pressed Li Xiangning on the bed. I looked at Li Xiangning and said with a bad smile, "I said I don't want to see it. If I want to see it, I can see it clearly above and below!"

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