Just as I was about to tear down Li Xiangning's bathrobe and see her in the light, Li Xiangning's mother inadvertently came in. At that time, I pressed on Li Xiangning, with a special posture. Li Xiangning's mother closed the door awkwardly and said a word when she didn't come in. Let's continue.

I let Li Xiangning go and lay down to sleep. Li Xiangning also naughtily drilled into my arms and asked me to sleep with her. Li Xiangning said that if I didn't sleep with her, she couldn't sleep.

When I went to work the next morning, I received the first good news. The position of general manager in the company was vacant. The original general manager was dismissed by his conscientious father for abusing his power and eating public funds, and the position was vacant.

In fact, Li Xiangning's father's company is not a big company. The whole company is just more than 100 people. Although the company is not very big, there is a lot of oil and water. Although the rights of the general manager are not as big as Li Xiangning's father, there is also a lot of oil and water.

Originally, the dismissal of the general manager had nothing to do with me, but Li Xiangning's father told me to let me learn more about the management. At that time, he would help me become the general manager. He said that they were all a family anyway, and the company would give it to me sooner or later. This time, he gave me experience at that time.

I was almost happy at that time. I couldn't calm down my excitement for a long time. What's the concept of general manager? That's a very powerful position. It not only has the power to call, but also makes money. Why not.

Because of this, I have to read a book all night when I go back every night. Li Xiangning's father will tell me his experience next to me, so as to help me better qualify for the position of general manager.

I have studied hard for more than a month. I have learned almost all the written management skills, but the candidate date for the position of general manager is approaching.

On the day of selecting the general manager, I was taken to the meeting by Li Xiangning's father. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss who was the most suitable to be the general manager.

Those executives were there to discuss what was right and what was right. They were all optimistic about others, but they were not optimistic about me. They said that I was not qualified and young enough to undertake this important task.

But Li Xiangning's father was in power. He said that the general manager asked me to be the boss, and others didn't dare to beep more. They had to keep silent there. I also found out this time that Li Xiangning's father can also speak with such weight.

I became the general manager very smoothly. Although I am the general manager in name, I still have a lot to learn. I can't get off work until 12 o'clock every night.

I thought I could do what I wanted when I became the general manager. I only needed to command people. But after I became the general manager, I knew that it was too difficult to be the general manager. There were a lot of things waiting for me to deal with every day. I had to work overtime every day. I was more tired than a dog.

I now deeply understand the meaning of the sentence that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Fortunately, Li Xiangning's father often helps me. I make decisions on small things and Li Xiangning's father makes decisions on big things.

After working continuously for more than a month, I finally got a day's holiday to rest. On this day, I slept until two o'clock in the afternoon.

After I got up, steel tooth sister sent me a message. Steel tooth sister heard that I took the position of general manager and said that if I was free today, let me go out to dinner with her. It was regarded as a celebration for me. She also had a rest today.

I thought I hadn't seen steel teeth for some time. I cleaned up my clothes and went out. Li Xiangning's mother told me to eat. I didn't eat.

After I went out, I went to pick up the steel tooth sister. After picking up the steel tooth sister, we were ready to go out for dinner. I slept all day and haven't eaten yet.

But just as we were going to have dinner, brother Pang and Jiangshan called me. Jiangshan and brother Pang said that they would let me play in brother Kun's Di bar in the evening. They were a treat. Our brothers had a good time together.

I will not refuse the generous invitation of Jiangshan and brother Pang. After having dinner with sister steel teeth and playing outside until dark, I took sister steel teeth to brother Kun's Di bar.

Seeing me coming, fat brother Jiangshan Liu Lang hurriedly asked me to go to the cubicle for a drink and said that I was a busy man and was rarely free today. If I didn't get drunk today, I wouldn't want to go back.

I said with a smile, "just drink. You think I'm afraid of you!"

Then we sat down and began to drink. The steel tooth sister sat next to me and watched me drink. When she saw the steel tooth sister next to me, Jiangshan and fat brother threw a bad smile at me.

After drinking a little wine, fat brother Jiangshan Liu Lang went to swing on the dance floor. They said to see if they could get a sister and kill the emptiness in the evening.

Fat brother, after they went out from the compartment, there were only me and steel tooth sister in the compartment. After I drank a little wine, my face was hot, and my eyes were full of flag heat.

I asked her to sit on my lap. After she looked at me, she obediently sat on my lap. She was wearing a short skirt with black silk and a loose sweater on it.

After steel tooth sister sat on my lap, I smiled and put my hand into steel tooth sister's loose sweater. Steel tooth sister grabbed my hand, looked at me and said, "brother Han, there are so many people in di bar! Besides, wouldn't it be very embarrassing if they came back to see it?"

"It's all right. We're in the compartment. They won't come back in a while. I'll just touch it for a while. I won't touch it for long!" I said with a bad smile, looking at the steel tooth sister, and then I felt it on the steel tooth sister's chest in a hurry.

"Brother Han, please bear with me for a while. You can do whatever you want when you go back later!" the steel tooth sister still refused to let me touch and held my hand.

"It's all right. Don't worry. It's not that people won't see it after taking off their clothes!" I looked at the steel tooth sister like a bad uncle lying to an ignorant little girl.

"But, brother Han, i..." steel tooth sister still refused to let me touch.

"Nothing, but don't worry, others won't see it!" after I finished, the steel tooth sister loosened her hand holding me, and I touched it politely.

I'm afraid the steel tooth sister will be embarrassed. I haven't untied her cover. I just touch it outside.

"Brother Han, how are you? You've been touching for so long. If you don't take out your hand, they'll come back!" said the steel tooth sister, looking at me pitifully.

After she said that, I pulled my hand out, but I didn't intend to stop. I pulled away the steel tooth girl's skirt and tore a hole in her black silk.

"Brother Han, what are you doing again? Why are you tearing other people's silk stockings!" the steel tooth sister looked at me pitifully and said.

"What else do you think I can do? Fuck you, of course!" I tore the steel tooth sister's black silk stockings with a bad smile, and then moved her inside.

"Brother Han, don't be like this. What can I do if I'm seen here! I'll cooperate with you whatever you want to do back!" the steel tooth sister quickly pulled down her skirt to block the hole in the silk stockings behind her skin.

I said don't worry. There's a skirt in the way. When you sit on my lap, people won't see what we're doing.

Steel tooth sister is bullied by me like an innocent little girl. She has less strength than me and can only obey me.

After I opened the trouser chain, the steel tooth girl sat down obediently, and then moved up and down gently for fear of being found. The steel tooth girl's movement range was not large, and her voice was held back, which made me particularly interested.

I held Li Xiangning and was lingering with her. Just when I was ready to disarm and surrender, fat brother came in.

Fat brother was very angry. It seemed that he had encountered something unpleasant outside. Looking at me, fat brother hurriedly said, "han zi, come out to help, we were beaten!"

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