Li Xiangning saw that I smashed her cell phone. At that time, she cried wrongly and asked me why I smashed her cell phone? Her mobile phone didn't provoke me. I said I just couldn't bear to see you chatting with Tang Tianyi. How!

"Do you have anything to do with people chatting? What did I say when you ran to talk to sister steel teeth? You can't watch people chatting!" Li Xiangning looked at me angrily and said, wiping her tears wrongfully.

Today, I didn't get angry with Tang Tianyi because I wanted to negotiate this business with Tang Tianyi. Li Xiangning undoubtedly stimulated me at this time.

Thinking of what Tang Tianyi had done to sun Han, I was furious. I rushed up and pressed Li Xiangning and tore all her famous brand clothes and trousers into rags. I almost smoked her at that time, but I restrained myself.

Li Xiangning held her body wrongfully and watched me cry quietly. Her tears flowed down like beans. After I covered her with the quilt, I lay down and prepared to go to bed. Tang Tianyi, a bastard, had made me restless before. Now he still wants to fix me. I won't let him go!

Li Xiangning cried for a while, took off her torn clothes and trousers, and only wore the inner cover to sleep in the quilt.

I couldn't sleep over and over. There was always a fire in my heart. At this time, Li Xiangning drilled into my quilt and asked me in a low voice if my anger had disappeared? I said Tang Tianyi mocked me. Even you were angry with me with him. Did you say I was angry.

"I didn't mean it. Who made you so nice to steel teeth? I just wanted to be angry with you!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said pitifully.

I looked at Li Xiangning's small face, sighed and didn't say anything more. Li Xiangning saw that I didn't speak, so she was very naughty and fell on my body, then held my hand again, and then gently set it.

Without being polite to her, I kissed her cherry mouth and pinched her hands on her upturned ass. Li Xiangning had experience this time. When I was about to finish, she quickly pulled the toilet paper so that she wouldn't get her hands.

Because of the good business with Tang Tianyi, I was very busy for more than a week, but after more than a week, I got a two-day holiday. As soon as the holiday arrived, I went to play with Jiangshan fat brothers.

But when I saw Jiangshan Pangge and them, they all had bruises on their faces. It seems that they should have been beaten. I asked them who beat them. They said it was the purple hair that day. The purple hair was a poisonous scorpion. After returning, they moved to the rescue and cleaned up Jiangshan Pangge and them. Jiangshan said that if brother Kun hadn't come in time, they might be worse than this.

What's more, brother Kun doesn't let brother Jiangshan and brother Pang take revenge. That's why Jiangshan and brother Pang are unhappy all day. They are not the people who bear humiliation and bear heavy burdens.

After I came to the di bar, brother Pang and Jiangshan drank with me. We just had a few bottles. Brother Kun and brother came to the private room and saw that we were drinking. Brother Kun and brother joined us with a smile and drank with us.

"OK, han zi, have you become the general manager?" when brother Kun talked with him, he said that I was the general manager of Li Xiangning's father's company. As soon as he heard it, fat brother laughed and asked me.

I said modestly, "in fact, it's just a name, and it doesn't have much effect!"

"Don't be modest with us. Tell your brother the truth. Is there a female secretary?" fat brother smiled when he said the word female secretary, and I knew what he was thinking.

But fat brother really thinks too much. What female secretary is there? I'm only a general manager who has to study. What female secretary will I be equipped with.

Fat brother smiled at me and said, "han zi, let's say it first. Don't forget us when you get rich. If I can't get along, I'll come to you!"

Originally, brother Pang and Jiangshan were in a bad mood, but as soon as I became the general manager, brother Pang and Jiangshan ran over to chat with me with a smile.

While we were bragging there, a man came in and reported the news to brother Kun that the poisonous scorpion was coming.

Brother Kun heard that the poisonous scorpion came, the smile on his face disappeared, and went out with a black face. After his brother went out, we also went out with him.

The poisonous scorpion sat at the bar drinking wine. Beside him was the purple hair of that night and Tang Tianyi in suits and shoes. However, at this time, the purple hair had become a bald head and a duck billed hat, which looked particularly obscene.

Tang Tianyi smiled playfully when he saw me. I hate his smile most. I can't wait to slap him in the face.

The poisonous scorpion is still the same as before, and there is no change, but now the poisonous scorpion seems to play a trend, wearing a leather coat full of rivets, and two more poisonous scorpions are tattooed on his arm.

"Yo Ho, ah long is here too! You're enjoying yourself!" said the poisonous scorpion with a smile when he saw his brother, but he disdained and didn't have the slightest respect in his eyes.

"Come on, what are you doing here?" my brother said angrily looking at the poisonous scorpion.

"Shit, I can't come here for two drinks and play with a girl. Anyway, I also spend money to come in, but I remember that I really have something to find you!" after the poisonous scorpion said, he took off the purple feather duckbill hat, pointed to the shiny bald head of purple feather and said to his brother: "That's why I came here. He's my little brother. He used to have a flowing purple hair. As a result, he was made into a big bald head by the people under your hand. Although he also asked people to beat the people under your hand, one yard belongs to one yard, and the hair has to be counted!"

"What do you mean, do you want the people under my hand to shave off their hair?" brother Kun said angrily looking at the poisonous scorpion.

"What you said is not no good, as long as they like, I don't care!" the poisonous scorpion looked at brother Kun's stall and said, but his eyes were murderous.

Poisonous scorpion is obviously looking for something. That purple hair is just an excuse.

"If you come here to play, I'm very welcome, but if you come to find something, don't blame me for being rude!" my brother said coldly looking at the poisonous scorpion.

After my brother said that, we all stood forward and wanted to scare the poisonous scorpion with momentum, but it was obviously useless.

"It's not obvious. I'm just looking for something!" the poisonous scorpion smashed the wine cup in his hand to the ground. Looking at his brother's gloomy face, he said fiercely: "you killed my cousin the day before yesterday. Do you think I don't know? Just focus on this, Guan Yilong, labor and capital can kill you!"

I don't know the gratitude and resentment between my brother and the poisonous scorpion, but I can see that the hatred between them has risen again.

"Your cousin broke the rules, and I couldn't help killing him!" my brother was very calm and didn't have any fear, so he looked at the poisonous scorpion.

The poisonous scorpion looked at his brother fiercely, and his teeth were clucking. Now the situation is very obvious. The poisonous scorpion shows that he is bringing purple hair to seek justice, but the real purpose is because of his cousin.

"Fuck NIMA! I want you to go down and bury my cousin!" said the poisonous scorpion and punched his brother in the face.

Seeing that it would make the poisonous scorpion so arrogant, we stopped the poisonous scorpion when we went up. The poisonous scorpion stared at his brother angrily, and fire was coming out of his mouth.

"Today I will kill you!" said the scorpion.

After the poisonous scorpion finished, a large group of people rushed in outside the Diba, all holding bright knives. After entering, the large group of people stood behind the poisonous scorpion.

"TMD! Cut them to death! Chop them into meat sauce!"

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