After the poisonous scorpion said that, those people rushed up and chopped at us with a knife. The people in the di bar were scared to flee everywhere. The di bar with loud music just now was full of screams.

To tell you the truth, I was very nervous when I saw those people called by the poisonous scorpion chopping at us with a knife. I was really afraid of death. If I cut it down with a knife, I must hang up.

If we are not afraid of death, it is estimated that few people are afraid of death. Seeing those people called by the poisonous scorpion chopping at us, my first reaction is to run quickly, but brother Kun and brother are not afraid and still stand there.

"Poisonous scorpion, I have to remind you. Do you think you will come to a good end if you really do it to us? You should know what happens. I won't say more. You can do it yourself!" my brother said calmly looking at the poisonous scorpion, very calm, The calm attitude and unhurried tone of voice made me unconsciously admire my brother.

"Wait a minute!" after listening to his brother, the poisonous scorpion quickly stopped his people.

"Wait for me, I'm at odds with you! There's still a long way to go, wait and see!" said the poisonous scorpion, pointing to his brother fiercely. After that, he took someone to leave.

When the poisonous scorpion was about to leave, Tang Tianyi looked at me and said with a smile, "Guan Yihan, the matter between us is not over! Ha ha!". After that, Tang Tianyi patted the dust on his suit and left with the poisonous scorpion.

I don't know why. After Tang Tianyi said these words to me, I have a vague feeling of uneasiness in my heart. I feel that something unwanted is about to happen.

Poisonous scorpion, I felt relieved after they took people away. Brother and brother Kun didn't react much. After a drink, brother and brother Kun left. I hurried to find sister steel teeth.

After some passion in gang Ya's residence, I dragged my hollowed out body back. In the next half a month, the company has been doing business with Tang Tianyi. Li Xiangning's father's company produces daily necessities, such as products in shampoo and shower gel.

Tang Tianyi's industry is engaged in department store sales, which is why Tang Tianyi talks about business with Li Xiangning's father. Although I don't have any education and my knowledge level is not high, I found one thing, that is, the business volume discussed between Tang Tianyi and Li Xiangning's father is a little large, and no manufacturer has ever made such a large list.

I vaguely felt that there was fraud here. I told Li Xiangning's father about the abnormalities I found, but Li Xiangning's father said it was all right. Anyway, the output in the factory can keep up, and Tang Tianyi's price this time is higher than that given by other manufacturers. If this business is successful, it will make a lot of money.

Although I can't do business, I know one thing. Tang Tianyi is not a good man. This bastard won't be so kind.

Not surprisingly, by the time of delivery one month later, the goods produced by the company were detected to be unqualified products. There were too many chemicals, which had seriously exceeded the standard.

This news is a devastating news for the company. You know, Tang Tianyi will not accept unqualified products, and the company will compensate Tang Tianyi for breach of contract.

Originally, there was not much working capital in the company. In this way, the company is likely to face bankruptcy.

I didn't sleep in those two days. In order to protect the company, Li Xiangning's father tried to sell the goods at a low price. Although it was unconscionable, it could at least protect the company. But the most tragic thing is that although Li Xiangning's father reduced the price a lot, no one is willing to pay for the goods.

Under the persuasion of Li Xiangning's father, the delivery date was delayed by three days, but although it was delayed by three days, we didn't think of any way, so we had to make a tough decision to deliver the goods.

On the day of delivery, Tang Tianyi came to Li Xiangning's father's company with a radiant face. Tang Tianyi was radiant and energetic, but I became a giant panda because of this batch of goods. I had heavy dark circles and yawned all the time. Li Xiangning's father was not much better. He was very haggard and looked more than a teenager.

After Tang Tianyi came, Li Xiangning's father respectfully made him tea, handed him cigarettes and asked him to sit down. Tang Tianyi was not polite either. After sitting down, he threw the inspection results of this batch of goods on the table.

"Guan Yihan, although we are old classmates, we'll do it one by one. You can do it yourself?" Tang Tianyi knocked his legs proudly after saying that.

Things have come to this situation, and Li Xiangning's father naturally has nothing to say. In order to preserve the company, Li Xiangning's father asked me to plead with Tang Tianyi. Of course, I don't want to, but for Li Xiangning's father, the company I'm the general manager, I can only harden my scalp to plead with Tang Tianyi.

I called Tang Tianyi aside, then looked at Tang Tianyi very sincerely and said, "I know you don't like me, but this time I want to ask you to give this company a hand!"

"Hehe, OK, I can let you go, and you can pay off the liquidated damages within ten days!", Tang Tianyi made no concession to my bow, looked at me and said jokingly.

"You're on purpose, aren't you? You've set up a set since the day you started talking business with Li Xiangning's father?" I don't need to ask Tang Tianyi. Anyway, he won't accept my plea. I might as well put away the hypocrisy and face him directly.

"I like you to speak in such a tone! And I can tell you that I really designed this thing. I didn't intend to talk about this business, but when I saw you that day, I decided to talk about this business!" Tang Tianyi said with a smile, and there was ridicule in her eyes.

"I heard you've been trying to sell these unqualified goods these days, haven't you? But it's embarrassing to hear that no one is willing to buy! Ha ha!" Tang Tianyi smiled at me.

"Originally, I didn't intend to target Li Xiangning's family, but I was forced to be helpless because of your existence!" Tang Tianyi gave me a mocking look, then turned around and left. When leaving, he asked me to prepare the liquidated damages!

Originally, the company was waiting for this batch of goods to eat. As a result, there was something wrong with this batch of goods. There was still excess money to repay Tang Tianyi's liquidated damages. If you want to repay Tang Tianyi's liquidated damages, it is estimated that you have to sell the company.

While my father and I were discussing how to solve this problem at Li Xiangning's house, Tang Tianyi came with Zheng Feng.

"What are you doing here?" I was angry when I saw Tang Tianyi. I wanted to beat him up. He would be welcome there.

"Don't worry, I'm a man of my word. If I give you ten days, I'll give you ten days. I'm only here to accompany my friend to visit Li Xiangning's parents!" Tang Tianyi smiled at me with his playful smile.

After Tang Tianyi and Zheng Feng sat down, Tang Tianyi looked at Li Xiangning's father and said, "if you can promise me a condition, I will accept the goods at the original price. You don't have to worry about liquidated damages! What do you think?"

Li Xiangning's father's company is his painstaking efforts. As soon as Tang Tianyi said so, Li Xiangning's father's eyes lit up, as if he saw the new world, "what conditions do you say?"

I don't have any hope for Tang Tianyi. This bastard is definitely not a good man. He will be so kind there. He must want to set a trap for Li Xiangning's father.

"Zheng Feng, you know, her family condition is very good, and she's OK! The most important thing is that she likes your daughter Li Xiangning. Anyway, your son-in-law and your daughter haven't got a license to marry. If you let Li Xiangning marry Zheng Feng, I will not only accept the goods, but also cooperate with you for a long time! What do you think?"

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