Although the company is the work of Li Xiangning's father, Li Xiangning is also his heart. Such a choice is very difficult for Li Xiangning's father. After thinking about it, Li Xiangning's father called out Li Xiangning in the room.

After Li Xiangning came out, Zheng Feng said hello to Li Xiangning politely and friendly, but Li Xiangning didn't like Zheng Feng very much. Li Xiangning's father told Li Xiangning what Tang Tianyi said just now in front of all of us, and then asked Li Xiangning's opinions.

Although Li Xiangning didn't work in the company, she was also very clear about the current situation of the company. After thinking about it, Li Xiangning shook her head, then looked at me with hot eyes and said, "I love Guan Yihan. Love is priceless. I can make money if I don't have money!"

Li Xiangning's father looked at Tang Tianyi and said, "don't worry, Mr. Tang. Since we have signed a contract, I will pay the liquidated damages that should be paid. Please go back first!"

"Well, since you insist on this, it's OK! The future will be long!" Tang Tianyi went out with a black face after saying that.

Li Xiangning sat next to me and asked me to go to sleep first. She said that I haven't slept much during this period and asked me to make up for my sleep.

I looked at Li Xiangning. When she said she loved me, my heartstrings moved unconsciously. Li Xiangning saw me staring at her and asked me why I looked at her like this, "nothing, I felt you were beautiful again!"

The next day was another busy day. Li Xiangning's father wanted to see if he could find some lists outside to maintain the operation of the company.

However, I heard a very bad news. Zheng Feng's also expanded the industry to daily necessities, and the price is lower than that of Li Xiangning's father's company. Originally, there was less fat in this area. After Zheng Feng's parents put in a foot, there was no residue left.

Later, I learned that these were arranged by the bastard Tang Tianyi. He established a cooperative relationship with Zheng Feng. The first is to win-win cooperation and make money together. The second is to deal with Li Xiangning's family. Zheng Feng's parents are eager to deal with Li Xiangning's family. Even if they lose money, they will bring Li Xiangning's family down.

The only way to live was cut off by Zheng Feng's family. It seems that the company is doomed to fail.

I also went to my brother and asked him to find his friend to help me again. My brother said that her friend helped Li Xiangning's father for his sake last time. He not only didn't make money, but also lost so much money.

My brother said he was too embarrassed to ask for help again. My brother said so. I had no choice but to admit it.

Li Xiangning's father sold the company and then repaid Tang Tianyi's liquidated damages. After paying the liquidated damages, there was not much money left. Even the employees' wages were not enough. Later, Li Xiangning's father sold the house to pay the employees.

After the salary was paid and the liquidated damages were paid, Li Xiangning's family didn't have much money. Li Xiangning's parents are going to take the remaining 100000 yuan to engage in farming in the countryside. Li Xiangning refuses to follow her parents to the countryside and insists on staying in the county.

I rented a new house in the county. Li Xiangning lived in it with me. I was a poor boy, so the bankruptcy of Li Xiangning's family had no impact on me.

Brother asked me to go to brother Kun's Di bar to find something to do. Anyway, Pang and Jiangshan were there. After renting the house, I went the next day. Brother Kun asked me to work with Jiangshan and Pang. The money should be given to me according to Jiangshan and them.

There are not many things in the di bar, that is, taking wine bottles, but the most common thing in the di bar is fighting, so we should not only be able to take wine, but also fight to maintain the order in the di bar.

Li Xiangning didn't want to find a job. Either she was too tired or her salary was too low. I took her out to find a day's work, but she didn't find a suitable job.

Her parents used to support her. Now I'm also a poor man. I can't take care of myself. There's more money to take care of her.

"If you don't find a job, follow your parents and go to the countryside. I don't have money to support you!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said.

"I don't care. I'm determined to follow you anyway, so you have to raise me!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said with a pout.

Anyway, I can't tell you Li Xiangning clearly. In the end, I can't help it. I asked Li Xiangning to do the live broadcast. A beautiful woman like her will not make much money if she does the live broadcast, but at least she won't starve to death.

Do what you say. I borrowed thousands of yuan from my brother to buy equipment for Li Xiangning, and then let her do the live broadcast. Li Xiangning didn't want to do the live broadcast, but I said that if you didn't do the live broadcast, you would follow your parents back to the countryside. After that, Li Xiangning started the live broadcast honestly.

Li Xiangning doesn't have many fans because she hasn't paid much attention to live broadcasting. In order to make money by sucking powder, Li Xiangning bought many sets of uniforms from the Internet and wore them for live broadcasting. Originally, Li Xiangning was beautiful and had a good figure. After wearing the uniform, she drew his curves incisively and vividly.

Soon, Li Xiangning attracted many fans to watch her live broadcast, and her gifts and rewards are gradually doubling.

Sometimes Li Xiangning will occasionally get the favor of a local tyrant and get a lot of gifts and rewards. Li Xiangning takes out the gifts and shows them off in front of me. She smiles and says to me, "handsome boy, I'll take care of you!"

One night, it was almost early morning at that time. I just got off work from the di bar. At that time, Li Xiangning was still live broadcasting, performing dances for others. When dancing, she scratched her head and even made many tempting moves.

After I saw it, I didn't care so much. After taking a bath, I lay down and went to bed. Li Xiangning saw that I came back and broadcast it for a while, turned it off, and then ran to my bed with a smile.

"Why are you off work so late today? I just learned a new dance today. Do you want me to show you!" Li Xiangning opened the quilt and sat on my stomach, and then prepared to dance for me.

"Don't dance yet. I have something to tell you!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said.

Li Xiangning nodded. I looked at Li Xiangning and said in embarrassment: "look, your family is bankrupt now. At the beginning, I have achieved the goal of helping you, and your parents have gone back to the countryside! Otherwise, let's go our own way. I don't want the money you promised to give me. If you want to do this house, you can do it, and you don't have to pay the rent!"

After I said that, Li Xiangning's smiling face turned sunny and overcast in an instant. Li Xiangning looked at me pitifully and said, "you see, my family has no money, so you want to leave me! OK, you go!"

In fact, I was also in a dilemma. When sister steel teeth heard that Li Xiangning's family was bankrupt, she called me and asked me if I had a place to live. If there was no place to live, she went to her place to live with her and gave me some money. At that time, the money for renting the house was sister steel teeth's.

I just think it's unfair to steel tooth sister, and then I think about showdown with Li Xiangning tonight. Steel tooth sister has been waiting for me for a long time, and I'm very sorry to let her wait for me like this.

After Li Xiangning finished, I said calmly, "that's it. I'll pack up my things and move there tomorrow morning. You can do the live broadcast. You should be good alone!"

Seeing that I was determined to leave her, Li Xiangning quickly hugged me, looked into my eyes and said pitifully, "don't leave me. I've been with you for so long. I'm used to you around me. What should I do if you leave? If you dislike me, I can change it soon!"

I said that's it. I had steel teeth waiting long enough. After that, I lay down and slept under the quilt.

When I was sleepy, I felt someone taking off my pants. I quickly opened my eyes, but I saw Li Xiangning riding on me wearing only the inner and hood. At this time, she was taking off my pants.

I looked at Li Xiangning and said, "what are you doing? Why don't you sleep at night?"!

"You moved there just to have sex with her. I can let you have sex!"

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