Li Xiangning was like a determined women's army. With a hard pull, she took off my underpants, and then stood up to take off her inner body and rode on me. I quickly grabbed Li Xiangning's hand to take off her inner body, and then pulled up my underpants.

"What's the matter at night? Put on your pajamas and go to bed! After that, I pulled Li Xiangning's quilt over and covered Li Xiangning, and then I lay down and went to sleep.

Li Xiangning pouted and opened my quilt, then got into my arms, looked at me and said pitifully, "tell me the truth, do you want to have sex with her every day?"

I said no, this is my promise to steel tooth sister. I said I promised to go to steel tooth sister. After listening to me, Li Xiangning said unhappily: "according to what you said, you also said to be good to me!"

I said it was just a show. Your parents were there at that time, and I had to do it.

After that, I didn't talk to Li Xiangning again. I didn't hear her. I only remember that Li Xiangning finally went to bed crying.

I know Li Xiangning will be sad after I say so. As she said, I'm used to being with me. I'm not. I've been with Li Xiangning for so long, and I'm used to having her around me, but I promise to steel teeth. I can't help it.

After having lunch with Li Xiangning at noon the next day, I was ready to move to sister steel teeth. When I was packing, Li Xiangning took my hand and asked me if I could stay. I comforted her for a while, and then took the things to sister steel teeth's door.

Steel teeth sister came to help me take things in after work at noon. At that time, steel teeth sister was wearing a uniform. While she was free at noon, I took her to the windowsill and asked her to hold her hand on the windowsill. Steel teeth sister was obedient and held her hand on the windowsill.

I took off her inside very rudely from behind her, and then I got involved with her on the windowsill. After that, the steel tooth sister went to work. Because I didn't have enough time, I did it in a hurry and cleaned her up in the evening.

After the steel tooth girl went to work, I sat on the steel tooth girl's bed and played with my mobile phone. Kunge Di bar didn't go to work until 6 p.m. it's still early.

When I had nothing to do, I opened the live broadcast software to see the style of the female anchors, but I found that Li Xiangning was live broadcasting. The title of Li Xiangning's live broadcast was particularly frightening. It was actually called "live suicide".

At that time, I thought it was Li Xiangning's gimmick to suck powder, but after I opened Li Xiangning's live studio, I found that it was not a gimmick, but a live suicide.

Li Xiangning in front of the camera was crying very sad. She said she was too sad. The person she liked abandoned her and lived with other women. However, the most striking thing was not Li Xiangning's crying, but the cut in Li Xiangning's wrist. Li Xiangning obviously cut her wrist. The blood on her hand was flowing continuously. She didn't stop bleeding. She just let the blood flow.

At that time, many people watched Li Xiangning's live broadcast. Many people advised her not to commit suicide. Some were scolding the person li Xiangning said she liked, saying that that kind of person was scum and it was not worth dying for him.

Li Xiangning cried sadly, and her face began to turn pale. I could afford to wait there at that time. I quickly called 120, and then ran to the door of the rental house. I asked Li Xiangning to open the door outside, but Li Xiangning didn't open it, saying that I wouldn't open the door unless I came back.

I was too lazy to talk, so I kicked the door off with a hard kick, and then hurried in.

Li Xiangning shed a lot of blood at that time, and there was a piece of blood red on the ground. At this time, Li Xiangning's face had become very pale and dangerous. I took a towel and pressed the wound for her. Li Xiangning rushed into my arms when she saw me coming, and then asked me if I still left her?

"Don't worry, I won't leave you. Let's go to the hospital now. Be obedient!" I picked up Li Xiangning and came to the hospital in an ambulance.

After the doctor wrapped up Li Xiangning's wound, I stayed in the hospital and gave Li Xiangning blood transfusion. Li Xiangning looked very pale at that time, but she was still awake. She saw the blood in my blood vessel running to her body through the blood transfusion vessel. She looked at me and tried to smile: "Now what's flowing in my body is your blood. Now we have a little connection. You have me and I have you!"

I gently knocked Li Xiangning's little brain, looked at her and said angrily, "you still laugh. If I hadn't accidentally watched your live broadcast at that time, you wouldn't care if you died! I tell you, you can't do this again next time!"

"Who told you to leave me? If you don't leave me, I'll do stupid things. You promised me today. If you don't leave me, you'll keep your word. If you don't keep your word, your son has no fart. Eyes." Li Xiangning looked at me and I said solemnly.

"Look at you, your ass is not big enough to have a son!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said.

"If you don't try, you know I can't have a son! You haven't tried!" Li Xiangning looked at me with a pout.

I didn't go to di bar to work at night. I had been taking care of Li Xiangning in the hospital. Li Xiangning was discharged at noon the next day.

After I sent Li Xiangning back to the rental house, I went to take my clothes from sister steel tooth's residence. After I made it clear to sister steel tooth, sister steel tooth asked me to go back with Li Xiangning. She said that Li Xiangning's injury was not well yet. Let me let Li Xiangning down a bit.

Steel teeth sister is very sensible, which is why I have an impeccable favor for steel teeth sister.

After I took my clothes, I had a good sleep at the first time. I took care of Li Xiangning last night and didn't sleep very well. After I lay down, Li Xiangning got into my arms like a little cat and slept with me.

It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up. I cleaned up and was ready to go to work. After I went to work, I found something. Li Xiangning's suicide was broadcast live on the news last night. People also suspected that she was hyping. Fortunately, there were mosaics covering her face. Otherwise, Li Xiangning's parents saw it. That's enough, Li Xiangning's father still loves watching news.

At 1 a.m. when I came back from work, Li Xiangning had been broadcast live with injuries. She was still jumping in front of the camera in her sexy uniform a few days ago. Li Xiangning was broadcasting live. I couldn't disturb her, so I watched her live on my mobile phone.

Li Xiangning's fans and viewers have obviously increased a lot. When I entered Li Xiangning's live studio, the gifts inside were brushed carefully and loosely, and they were all small gifts.

But after a few minutes, a local tyrant came to Li Xiangning's live studio. The local tyrant brushed many expensive gifts for Li Xiangning.

Li Xiangning was so stunned that she forgot to say thank you. The local tyrant painted a wave of gifts for Li Xiangning, but the local tyrant was not a good man. She had to let Li Xiangning take off her clothes and show it live to him.

Li Xiangning explained to her for a long time that she didn't take off her clothes for live broadcasting, but the local tyrant scolded Li Xiangning for being a bitch and rotten goods when he saw that Li Xiangning refused to take off her clothes for live broadcasting.

Li Xiangning said that she was the one who came out to sell. She still installed what was pure and noble there. Although Li Xiangning ignored the local tyrant, Li Xiangning was very unhappy when she read the words sent by the local tyrant.

I couldn't see it at that time, so I yelled at the local tyrant. I really don't understand. Li Xiangning scolded Li Xiangning without taking off her clothes. Is such a person mentally ill.

I was filled with indignation and scolded the local tyrant. The local tyrant sent me to ask who I was and asked someone to clean me up at that time.

I was angry and sent my name. The local tyrant stopped talking and sent a word slowly for a long time.

"The enemy's road is narrow. I'm Zheng Feng!"

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