"NIMA's, stop all labor and capital! Otherwise labor and capital will be impolite!" the fat brother rushed up and knocked Zheng Feng away, and then helped me up from the ground.

I can't stand steady. I'm shaky. I may fall at any time. After Jiangshan and Pangge came with the steel pipe, the people in the di bar quickly came to help. There were almost 20 people in the di bar, while Zheng Feng and Tang Tianyi only brought seven people. If they started, they would be dead.

"Beat them, kill them!" although I couldn't stand steadily, I still said this sentence with all my strength.

"TMD, kill them for me!" fat brother helped me to one side and sat down. Then he took the steel pipe and was ready to do it. Zheng Feng's bastard was frightened and looked flustered.

Just as brother Pang was ready to do it, brother Kun came. Brother Kun came to him and asked him to put down the steel pipe. After brother Kun came and asked the reason, he came to Tang Tianyi and asked them to get out quickly.

Tang Tianyi looked at brother Kun unconvinced, and then took Zheng Feng and they left. Jiangshan asked brother Kun why he didn't clean up Zheng Feng and let Tang Tianyi pass them? Brother Kun said there was a reason for this. He didn't say more after that. Let Jiangshan take me to the hospital to bandage me first.

Although I know that brother Kun let Tang Tianyi go for his own reasons, I'm still very uncomfortable. After all, I was beaten by Zheng Feng. I'm really unwilling to let them go.

It was already two o'clock in the morning when I came to the hospital to dress up. I went back by myself. Jiangshan and they went back to bed.

When I returned to the rental house, Li Xiangning had fallen asleep. Li Xiangning slept vaguely. Seeing that I was tied with gauze on my head, Li Xiangning quickly sat up and asked me what happened.

I told Li Xiangning what happened in the di bar. Li Xiangning asked me to lie in bed and she rubbed the place where I was beaten.

In the next few days, I recuperated in the rental house and didn't go to work in the di bar. Thinking that I was played like a dog by Tang Tianyi, Zheng Feng and others, I was particularly uncomfortable and full of anger.

When I feel unhappy, I will go to the residence of steel tooth sister to let her take off her pants and let me vent. Steel tooth sister sees that I am not comfortable in my heart and will always be obedient and raise her ass to let me vent.

After letting me vent, the steel tooth girl went to work. I was ready to go back, but on the way back, I found that there were three men following me. The three men were swarthy and had tattoos on their arms. This was not the most important. The most important thing was that I saw a knife pinned to their waist when they turned around, It's a short knife of about twenty centimeters.

When I saw the cold shining knife, my heart trembled unconsciously. The most sad thing is that I am hurt and my body has become inflexible.

I hurried and walked quickly. At present, I dare not go back. If I go back to the rental house, Li Xiangning may also be involved. I swam around towards the residential building. Not surprisingly, the three men followed me. They have been following me for so long.

When I walked quickly to a small alley, the three men ran behind me, and then pulled out the knife at my waist. I was afraid and swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously, and then tried to keep calm and asked them what they wanted to do?

"What are you doing? I want your life!" the three men said, then rushed at me with a knife and stabbed me.

This is no joke. They want my life! I was willing to slack off and ran away quickly. I shuttled through the alley. The three men were determined to kill me and pursued me closely behind me.

To tell you the truth, I was almost scared to pee at that time. If I couldn't run away, I would have to be stabbed to death by them! I tried my best to run in the alley, but after running for a long time, they still followed me, only a meter or two away from me. As long as I slow down a little, I'll die today.

After running for a while, I ran to an alley full of sundries. The alley was like a garbage dump. It was full of garbage, such as rotten tires, rotten bicycles, bottles and cans, which almost filled the alley.

But there's no way. This is my only way to live. But if I pass here, I can't run fast. If I'm caught by those three outlaws, I can only wait to die.

"Boy, you can't run this time! If you're obedient and don't run around, I'll give you a pleasure. Insert a knife from your heart and let you die through. Don't worry, as long as it hurts, it won't hurt!" the desperado looked at me and said fiercely. They were tired of chasing me and kept panting there.

I won't just wait to die. I haven't even married my daughter-in-law and my son hasn't been born. It's really impossible to die like this.

I picked up a rotten wheel of a bicycle from the pile of sundries behind me and was ready to fight these three outlaws. It depends on God whether I die or live.

I drank loudly to embolden myself. To be honest, looking at the knives in their hands, I was very afraid. My hands and feet were shaking. If I didn't embolden myself, I was afraid I wouldn't have the courage to fight with them to death.

After taking a few breaths, the three outlaws stabbed me with a knife. I got the wheel in front of me. When their short knives stabbed me, they all stabbed close to the iron wire compartment of the wheel. I kicked them hard in the crotch when they were ready to take the knife back.

The most vulnerable part of a man is this. After being kicked by me, the leading outlaw was lying on the ground with a pig liver color on his face, covering his crotch and wailing constantly.

The alley is narrow enough for a person to walk there. The leading outlaw is blocking in front, and the two outlaws behind can't get through. This is a good opportunity for me.

After I left the wheels on the ground, I stepped on those sundries and passed through the alley. The remaining two outlaws still pursued me with knives. After I passed through the alley, I came to the road with a lot of traffic.

The car on the road was like an arrow. It was driving fast on the road. I was scared and didn't dare to pass. If I was hit by a car, it would be a direct consequence of death.

But at this time, the two outlaws had chased out of the alley with knives. Pointing at me, they said fiercely, "look where you run. Today, labor and capital stabbed you!"

Then the two outlaws caught up with me fiercely. They were ready to stab me with a knife. They might be killed by a car when they ran across the road, but they could only be stabbed if they didn't pass. Anyway, they were all dead. Life and death depend on life. Success or failure depends on heaven!

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I jumped into the traffic flow. God spared my life. I didn't have any cars when I passed. I hurried to the opposite side.

After weighing up, the two outlaws also jumped into the traffic flow to kill me, but sadly, as soon as they jumped into the traffic flow, the train came quickly. At that time, they were directly hit by the truck and flew out a few meters away, and then hit the ground heavily. Their blood splashed high. It seems that they have little hope of survival.

I was not stunned. I hurried to the di bar to find brother Kun and tell him what happened just now. Brother Kun frowned tightly after listening to me, and then asked me not to worry. He told his brother first and would find a way at that time.

Brother Kun asked me to stay in the di bar and not go out for the time being, but I don't trust Li Xiangning. What if those fugitives go to find Li Xiangning.

I hurried to the rental house. When I went, the rental house was in a mess, and Li Xiangning disappeared. I had a bad hunch that Li Xiangning must have had an accident.

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