I quickly called my brother and asked him to help me. My brother told me not to worry. He will come later.

A few minutes after hanging up the phone, my brother drove in. My brother got off and came to my rental house. After taking a look at the messy rental house, my brother asked me that I had a conflict with those people recently. Li Xiangning was probably abducted.

I said that Zheng Feng and Tang Tianyi were the people who had a conflict with me recently. Tang Tianyi and I have had a long-standing resentment, but he should not be able to abduct Li Xiangning. On the contrary, Zheng Feng's son of a bitch is very disliked. Zheng Feng's son of a bitch has long coveted Li Xiangning's beauty. If Li Xiangning is abducted, Zheng Feng is the most suspected.

What worries me most is that Li Xiangning has been kidnapped. If anything happens to her, how can I tell her parents.

Now the most tragic thing is that I don't know where Zheng Feng lives. Even if Zheng Feng abducted Li Xiangning, I'm helpless.

Like me, my brother has no clue. My brother sits on the front of the car, holding his head with his hand and meditating there. I can see from my brother's melancholy eyes that my brother must have encountered something difficult recently.

My brother looked at me, then looked at me with red eyes and said, "Xiao Han, it's my brother who bothered you. If it weren't for my brother's reason, you wouldn't encounter these things."

I didn't understand what my brother said. I asked my brother why he said so. My brother said that he ran away from home and worked outside. It was not as chaotic as at home. My brother offended some gangsters when he worked outside and was directly beaten into the hospital by those gangsters.

My brother has no relatives outside and doesn't dare to take revenge after being beaten by those gangsters. However, although my brother has worked steadily at work, those gangsters still bully him every day. Once when my brother was bullied, he met a big brother who helped him out. Later, my brother followed the big brother on the road of no return to the underworld.

On the road of the underworld, my brother made many enemies, even his former little brother, who is now the poisonous scorpion. Originally, the relationship between my brother and the poisonous scorpion was that water and fire can't tolerate well water and don't invade the river, but because my brother killed the poisonous scorpion's cousin in the front time, I completely annoyed the poisonous scorpion.

Brother, the poisonous scorpion can't move, so the poisonous scorpion put the target on me. The three outlaws who chased me today said that the poisonous scorpion probably ordered me.

Of course, there is also the industry of Li Xiangning's family. The reason why Li Xiangning's family's industry went bankrupt is actually the ghost behind the poison scorpion. He instructed Tang Tianyi to unite with Zheng Feng to deal with me. First, he broke down Li Xiangning's family, and then let someone kill me, and Li Xiangning was implicated by me.

After my brother said that, I understand why all this happened recently. I don't know how deep the water of the underworld is, but I know that my brother and I are brothers. Blood is thicker than water.

I looked at my brother and said I don't blame him. Everything is life. Since I am a brother, I will face and overcome difficulties together.

My brother patted me on the shoulder and handed me a cigarette. After smoking, my brother drove me to brother Kun and asked him to send someone to find Li Xiangning. We didn't know Zheng Feng was there, so we had to use this stupid method.

But the people sent by brother Kun didn't find Li Xiangning at 7 p.m. and didn't see the shadow of Zheng Feng, which made me more and more worried about Li Xiangning.

Just when I was very worried, a strange called. After I answered, I knew that the owner of this number was not someone else, but the bastard Zheng Feng.

"Guan Yihan, right? Are you looking for Li Xiangning now?" Zheng Feng said with a smile on the other end of the phone.

I was very anxious and very angry and shouted, "fuck NIMA, did you take Li Xiangning away! I warn you, if you dare to touch her hair, I will never let you go!"

"Can you brag like a little? You useless waste also want to touch me. I won't talk to you anymore. Li Xiangning was really kidnapped by me. If you want to save her, I can consider giving you a chance!" Zheng Feng said arrogantly on the phone.

I shouted: if you dare to touch her, I'll kill you!

Zheng Feng said the address disapprovingly at the other end of the phone, and made it clear that I could only go alone, otherwise what would happen to Li Xiangning? He can't guarantee it! After that, Zheng Feng hung up the phone. When he called again, no one answered the phone there.

I told brother Kun about it. Brother Kun told me frankly that it was obviously a trap. If I went, I would be fooled by Zheng Feng.

But the only way to save Li Xiangning is this. After I changed my clothes, I went to the place Zheng Feng said.

It was a house that had not been completely renovated. The house had a total of three floors. After I took a taxi, I walked straight towards the house. Zheng Feng and Tang Tianyi waited for me there smoking and drinking wine on the roof. When I saw it, Tang Tianyi smiled playfully.

As soon as I got downstairs, I was stopped by two people. They asked to search me. After searching, they let me go upstairs. I stepped on the stairs. Tang Tianyi and Zheng Feng called a lot of people this time. There were people on the first floor, the second floor and the third floor, adding up to at least more than 20.

When I got to the third floor, I found that Li Xiangning was not on the third floor. There were only Tang Tianyi, Zheng Feng and three other people on the third floor.

"Where's Li Xiangning? Where did you TMD get her?" I looked at Zheng Feng and said loudly.

After Zheng Feng finished drinking the glass of wine in his hand, he spread it out, looked at me and said with a smile: "Why are you in such a hurry? First calculate the account between us!"

After Zheng Feng finished, he smashed the cup in his hand to the ground, and then walked straight towards me. Zheng Feng looked at me and snorted coldly: "why did you have to put a foot between me and Xiangning? You made me lose Xiangning, and my family lost a lot of money. You beat me!"

Zheng Feng said, picked up the chair next to him and hit me fiercely. I wanted to resist, but I was kicked and knelt on the ground by the people behind me. Zheng Feng's chair hit me like this.

With a bang, I was hit on the ground and the chair was deformed.

I want to stand up. I don't want to lie on the ground like this, but Zheng Feng stepped on me and I can't stand up.

"Tell me if you deserve it. If you had taken my money and left Li Xiangning, nothing would have happened now. You have to make Li Xiangning's family bankrupt. You will be willing to become such a fool yourself!" Zheng Feng said, and I kicked my head and made my head dizzy.

Zheng Feng kicked my head again, looked at Tang Tianyi and asked Tang Tianyi with a smile whether to hit me to vent? Tang Tianyi smiled and waved his hand. He said he didn't need it. He said he had to wait for me to stand up.

I lay on the ground and stared at Zheng Feng and Tang Tianyi fiercely. Tang Tianyi smiled at me and said, "I didn't intend to target you, but there's no way. If you want to blame your brother, who let him fight against my cousin everywhere?"

"Both of them are rubbish!" Zheng Feng said and put his foot on my belly.

I was so painful that I covered my belly and curled up on the ground. At this time, Zheng Feng grabbed my hair, looked at me and said with a smile: "don't you want to see Li Xiangning very much, then I'll meet your wish!"

Zheng Feng said a few words to the people around him. After a while, Li Xiangning was driven upstairs. Li Xiangning was bound, her eyes were covered, and her mouth was stuck with tape. She couldn't speak, but could only make a whine.

The clothes on Li Xiangning were chosen by me when I went out with her. She always said that the clothes were ugly. Unexpectedly, she put them on today.

"You don't want to see Li Xiangning. Well, I'll let you watch how I fuck her!"

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