I want to answer fat brother, but my injury makes me speechless. After a while, I heard a fight downstairs and someone's scream. Listen to that voice, the fight downstairs should be very fierce.

After about ten minutes, there was no sound downstairs, only the footsteps of people upstairs.

Soon, my brother came with Kunge, Jiangshan, Pangge, Liu Lang and a large group of other people and filled the third floor.

Brother, they all have knives in their hands, but at this time, all the knives in their hands are full of blood and steaming blood. There are blood stains on fat brother's face and clothes.

Seeing that I was beaten like this, my brother had tears in his eyes. Without saying a word, fat brother took a knife and walked fiercely towards Zheng Feng who was about to attack Li Xiangning. "If labor and capital don't kill you today, the name of labor and capital will be written upside down!"

Fat brother then rushed towards Zheng Feng. Zheng Feng had a psychological shadow over fat brother. Seeing fat brother's blood, Zheng Feng quickly hid behind Tang Tianyi.

Tang Tianyi is not a fool. He quickly pulled me up with his hand, then put the dagger on my neck, looked at brother Kun, and they said, "I tell you, don't come here, or I'll kill him!"

Seeing Tang Tianyi put a dagger on my neck, brother Kun didn't move, so they looked at Tang Tianyi.

Tang Tianyi held me to go downstairs, while fat brother took off his coat and put it on Li Xiangning, then untied Li Xiangning and helped Li Xiangning up. Li Xiangning looked at her brother and asked him to save me anyway and let her do anything.

Tang Tianyi took me downstairs. After going downstairs, I saw all the bodies lying on the first floor and the second floor, and the stairs were full of blood.

After Tang Tianyi kidnapped me downstairs, brother Kun and they also brought people downstairs. My brother has been staring at Tang Tianyi for fear that Tang Tianyi might accidentally kill me.

A few minutes after going downstairs, the poisonous scorpion also came with a large group of people. Tang Tianyi took me behind the poisonous scorpion, and Zheng Feng's bastard quickly hid behind the poisonous scorpion.

The poisonous scorpion saw that I was still alive and asked Tang Tianyi what was going on? Tang Tianyi said that he came before he started, and he had to do so to protect himself.

"Is your mind filled with shit? You haven't started for such a long time!" the angry scorpion kicked Tang Tianyi hard and threw Tang Tianyi to the ground.

"Poisonous scorpion, you don't need to spill your anger on my brother for the resentment between me and you?" my brother looked at the poisonous scorpion and said fiercely. The brother with a little blood on his body was particularly scary when he said this. It's estimated that the timid people will be directly scared to soften their legs.

"Hehe, I'm aiming at your brother on purpose, and I'll let you taste the taste of losing relatives! You killed my cousin, I'll die with you!" said the poisonous scorpion, looking at his brother and unwilling to show weakness.

"I don't want to talk more nonsense to you. You should let my brother go quickly, or we'll fight to kill him today!" said my brother, holding a knife in his hand and looking at the poisonous scorpion.

The poisonous scorpion didn't bring as many people as his brother. He's not a fool. Of course, he weighed the weight of such a simple choice. The poisonous scorpion looked at me, then grabbed my collar and dragged me to the front, then kicked me on my back and kicked me in front of my brother.

"Today, I'll let you two brothers go for a while. The future is long, and I won't let you live!", the poisonous scorpion left with people. He brought a few people, and he won't fight with his brother.

After the poisonous scorpion left, my brother quickly helped me up and asked me how I was. I said it was no big deal and I couldn't die. My brother gently touched my head. I remember if I wrestled and met when I was a child, my brother would gently touch my head, and then told me that touching my head would not hurt.

I was very sad to bury my head in my brother's wide chest, and then sobbed in a low voice.

My brother sent me to the hospital. After some treatment, I was admitted to the ward. The doctor said that my injury was very serious and needed a good rest in the ward. If I was uncomfortable, call the doctor.

I didn't sleep that night, and my brother didn't sleep either. My brother was afraid of my boredom. He also talked to me about those embarrassing things when I was a child. Since I came to the county, this is the day my brother said the most to me and the day his brother had the best attitude towards me.

After I stayed in the hospital for eight days, the doctor said it was OK to cultivate myself. There was no big problem for the time being.

The day after I was hospitalized, steel tooth sister came to the hospital to take care of me. She didn't go to work and has been taking care of me in the hospital.

When she first came to the hospital and saw me beaten like that, she couldn't help crying, and her eyes were red and swollen. In fact, I was very happy to see that she was so worried about me. It was worth a lifetime to have such a woman crying for me.

After staying in the hospital for a period of time, I was received into the rental house. Steel tooth sister has been coming to the rental house to take care of me. Although Li Xiangning is also taking care of me carefully, steel tooth sister can't rest assured. She has to look at me before she can rest assured.

After I got out of bed, steel tooth sister accompanied me to go out for a walk in the sun. In short, she was very kind to me at that time. She was as kind to me as my mother.

The injury on my body hasn't completely healed. In the afternoon, it was windy and the weather gradually became cooler. Steel tooth sister helped me back to the rental house. After I lay down, steel tooth sister sat at the head of my bed and asked me if I wanted to eat. She got me something to eat.

Li Xiangning wanted to come up and care about me, but when she saw the steel tooth sister at the head of my bed, Li Xiangning went to play with the computer silently.

I called Li Xiangning to her side and sincerely said sorry to her. If I hadn't implicated Li Xiangning, Li Xiangning wouldn't have been abducted by Zheng Feng that day.

"It's all right. Don't I have nothing to do? You're so badly hurt! I don't blame you," Li Xiangning said gently, looking at me.

After a pause, I still said what I wanted to say. I looked at Li Xiangning and said, "why don't you go to the countryside with your parents, or go to other cities. You'd better not live with me!"

After hearing what I said, Li Xiangning was so wronged that she was about to cry. Looking at me, she said sadly, "what's the matter with me? You're going to drive me away again! Where did I provoke you?"

I said it's not your problem, it's mine. The reason why I want Li Xiangning to leave is because I don't want her to be hurt again. I don't want to involve her. Now Zheng Feng and Tang Tianyi can be said to have taken the Revenge of life and death. If Li Xiangning follows me again, I'm afraid I can't protect him.

Tang Tianyi and Zheng Feng are protected by poisonous scorpions. I have no way to take them. Therefore, I am more and more worried about Li Xiangning.

After listening to me, Li Xiangning looked at me and said firmly, "it's okay. I'm not afraid with you by my side!"

I tried to persuade Li Xiangning to leave again, because I was really worried about Li Xiangning's accident. When her parents left, they told me to take good care of her. How can I explain to her parents if something happens to her.

"I won't go! Anyway, I won't go anyway!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said firmly.

Since Li Xiangning is so firm, I have nothing to say. In the evening, Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister went to bed after taking a bath. Steel tooth sister wants to sleep with me. Li Xiangning doesn't want anyone to lay on the floor, so the three of us are crowded on a small bed.

I sleep in the middle. Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister sleep on my left and right sides. However, because the bed is relatively small, I can't turn over. Once I turn over, I will press Li Xiangning or steel tooth sister, so I can only lie down and sleep so honestly.

After Li Xiangning turned off the light, I was ready to go to bed. Who knows, at this time, one hand suddenly touched me. After carefully taking off my underpants, I held my one. When I met the cold hand, I unconsciously changed the stone, but within two minutes, another hand also touched it.

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