The two hands separated quickly after they met in the quilt, as if they felt a thorn. Obviously, the two hands were not alone. Steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning both closed their eyes and pretended to be asleep, but I knew very well that they were awake, but I didn't break it, so I fell asleep honestly.

After a period of good cultivation, I went back to the di bar to continue working. Zheng Feng and Tang Tianyi didn't dare to look for things in the di bar after the last thing. I also got temporary stability.

But to tell the truth, I am very uncomfortable. I was cleaned up by Tang Tianyi and Zheng Feng. No matter who changed, I want to revenge. I am also a man with a cavity of blood, of course, no exception.

But Zheng Feng and Tang Tianyi are covered with poisonous scorpions. It's hard for my brother to do it, not to mention me, a waste wood without any power.

I work honestly in the di bar. When I pay my salary, I will save it and send it back to my parents. It's not easy for my parents to raise me so big. Besides, I'm so old and self reliant. It's time to repay my parents.

Li Xiangning is still doing her live broadcast. Although sun Han has left me for some days, I still unconsciously think of sun Han when I see the live broadcast. Maybe she hurt me deeply, but we loved each other very much. Although I still hate her in my heart, it is undeniable that she gave me many good memories.

Li Xiangning's parents call from time to time to ask whether Li Xiangning is doing well. Li Xiangning smiles every time she answers the phone, saying that I am very kind to her and let her parents not worry.

In fact, I'm also a little confused, because I don't know how to deal with the three people's feelings between me, steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning. Steel tooth sister gave me her body and tried her best to be good to me. Of course, I can't live up to her.

And Li Xiangning, I know she likes me and even loves me, but I'm not sure if I can give her the future. If I can't give her wedding clothes, of course I won't take off her underwear. Besides, I also have a steel tooth sister.

But I don't know if it's because I've been together for a long time that I can't leave Li Xiangning at once, but I can't continue like this with Li Xiangning. It's very unfair to steel teeth. Because of this, I usually have special contradictions.

Steel teeth sister loves me very much and will never make it difficult for me to choose. Whenever I am in conflict with this, steel teeth sister will let me take my time. She won't be jealous. The generosity of steel teeth always makes me feel more guilty about her.

Because I feel ashamed of steel tooth sister, I usually try to be good to steel tooth sister. When I get paid, I buy her a gift, or I take her out to play when she is free, and then I linger in the evening.

But my practice made Li Xiangning very angry. After playing for a day, Li Xiangning would angrily ask me why I took steel tooth sister out to play and bought her gifts. Even if I took steel tooth sister out to play and buy gifts, I didn't buy anything for her.

Just because of this, Li Xiangning and I had a cold war for three days. In these three days, she didn't take the initiative to talk to me, and I didn't talk to her. I worked honestly in the di bar.

Since Li Xiangning was kidnapped last time, the poisonous scorpion often sent people to make trouble in the di bar. Sometimes we can deal with it, but sometimes we have no idea.

One night, the di bar was open normally. The men and women on the dance floor danced with the strong music, but within two minutes, there was a fight and abuse on the dance floor. Jiangshan quickly asked people to turn off the stereo.

After the stereo was turned off, we quickly cleaned up the idle people on the dance floor. In the middle of the dance floor, eight killed Matt and three young people quarreled there.

The eight murderers Matt are all tattooed. At first glance, they know they are not good people, and the three young people should be students. Although they are students, their arrogant posture and tone also know that they are not good students. They will not come to such a chaotic place as Diba.

We hurried up to pull apart the killing Matt from the three students and asked them why they quarreled. The three students said that killing Matt deliberately bumped into them and wanted to bully them because of the number of people. The eight killing Matt looked disdainful, looked at me and said arrogantly, "labor and capital just want to quarrel. Why? You can control it!"

The three students didn't dare to answer back when they saw that I was scolded. Looking at me, they said with great contempt: "what do you people do to eat? They are so arrogant. Don't you start to clean them up! Are you a shrinking turtle?"

One of the students has a very hot temper. We haven't said anything yet. He just picked up the beer bottle and hit Matt's head, which was bleeding.

Seeing this situation, we quickly started to prepare to control the three students, but we just started, and those who killed Matt also started. Those who killed Matt were not others, but us.

On that day, because some brothers were going out to do something with brother Kun, we didn't have many hands. In the face of the attack that killed Matt and the three students, we just managed to cope with it. I was punched a few times in the process of the fight.

Just as we were about to control those who killed Matt, the head was opened. Matt didn't know where he took a knife out, rushed over and stabbed a student to the ground, "fuck NIMA, dare to beat labor and capital, labor and capital will kill you today!"

The student's stomach was stabbed several times, and the blood flowed out. The ground was soon covered with a pool of blood. We quickly hit 120, and then helped the injured student up.

We had just picked up the injured student, and the cops, commonly known as the police, came. When they came, they saw blood all over the ground and took us all to the bureau without saying a word.

We squatted in the bureau all night, and brother Kun came to protect us the next morning, because the defendant of Di bar illegally gathered people to fight and injured people last night. Di bar was directly sealed, and brother Kun also compensated the student a lot of money.

Obviously, this thing is designed by people. When you are full, you have nothing to do. The only thing to design this thing is the bastard of poisonous scorpion.

Afterwards, we knew that those who killed Matt were the people arranged by the poisonous scorpion, and the cops were also the people called by the poisonous scorpion, so that brother Kun could not open the bar well, but even if we later learned that the thing was done by the poisonous scorpion, we couldn't do anything with the word poisonous scorpion.

The first is because the poisonous scorpion is powerful. The second is because there is no evidence to prove that the poisonous scorpion did it.

After Kunge's Di bar was closed for three days, Kunge let the di bar resume business through the relationship, but the di bar originally had a lot of oil and water to catch. After this incident, few people came, and the turnover was also a straight line.

In addition, whenever the business in the di bar starts to recover, the bastard Scorpion will find someone to make trouble in the di bar.

The di bar lost a lot of money because of the guerrillas of the poisonous scorpion. Brother Kun closed the di bar directly for some time, so that the bastard of the poisonous scorpion couldn't do anything.

After a period of time, brother Kun let the di bar reopen. The di bar was born a place of right and wrong. Later, although the poisonous scorpion didn't find anyone to make trouble in the di bar, people often make trouble in the di bar. Some are intentional and some are drunk. Anyway, the trouble often happens, Our duty is to maintain the operation order of the di bar, and sometimes we will inevitably do it.

It's hard to avoid getting hurt when I do it. I've been hurt several times.

Over time, I gradually understand some of these ways. If some social people dare to make trouble in the di bar, they don't have to do it. As long as it is said that this is the venue of brother Kun of Qinglong club, they will shut up and stop.

Of course, the person called by the poisonous scorpion is an exception.

When I heard Jiangshan say so, I was also very curious. What is the so-called green dragon? Later, I learned that the Qinglong society is the most powerful community organization in the county. Such a powerful community organization naturally needs the elements of black forces.

And brother Kunge poison scorpion, they are a member of the black force and a member of the green dragon club.

There are also many industries under the green dragon club. Brother Kun's Di bar is strictly the industry of the green dragon club. More than 100000 yuan are handed over to the green dragon club every month. This is what the jargon calls "Sheung Shui".

I learned these things later. I didn't know that the so-called "Mafia" was so complicated. After understanding it, I knew that the Mafia was not just fighting and killing as I thought. The water of this road was unfathomable.

The influence of Qinglong society is not limited to the county, but even spread to the whole country and even abroad. Its power is immeasurable.

After learning about the green dragon club, I solemnly told my brother my idea: I want to join the green dragon club! Become a member of the green dragon club.

My brother was drinking tea with brother Kun. After hearing what I said, my brother looked at me, then put down the tea, looked at me and said very seriously: "some roads can't turn back. I need to make it clear to you about the consequences of joining. There are two results after you join, one is to go into the coffin and the other is to squat in the bureau!"

I once saw a gangster movie. There is a saying in it that the gangster is one foot in the coffin and one foot in the prison. That's what my brother means.

When I was about to nod, Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang also came in, looked at his brother and said, "brother long, we also want to join!"

Jiangshan fat brother came to me, patted me on the shoulder, and then stood in a row with me.

"You are not children anymore. Of course I respect your decision, but I stress again that this is not a joke. If anything happens, you will bear the consequences!" my brother looked at me and said.

We nodded together. My brother said he would take us in two days. Let's go to work first.

The reason why I want to join Qinglong club is not for anything else, but to deal with Tang Tianyi, Zheng Feng and the poisonous scorpion behind them.

Two days later, my brother asked us to change into decent clothes. He took us to join the green dragon club.

For the first time, excitement and excitement occupied our chest. At that time, we naively thought that joining the green dragon club was a great honor. We didn't know until later that joining the green dragon club was tantamount to flying moths to the fire and dying.

After changing our clothes, we followed our brother to the wusheng temple built by Qinglong club. The green dragon club has a history of nearly 50 years. Due to its long existence, many rules of the green dragon club are very traditional. For example, new entrants must first worship the second master before they enter the green dragon club.

The reason why the Qinglong society built the wusheng temple was first to let the second Lord Guan bless the Qinglong society and the second was to have a place for new people to kneel down.

Many rules of the green dragon club are very traditional. In addition to kneeling down to worship Lord Guan, newcomers have to choose a auspicious day, otherwise they can't kneel down to worship Lord Guan.

The wusheng temple built by Qinglong Club covers a large area. It is not a problem to accommodate two or three hundred people. Usually, there are special people responsible for cleaning and offering sacrifices.

Like us, there are many people ready to join the green dragon club. When we arrived, 70 or 80 people were waiting.

Soon after we arrived, the poisonous scorpion came with several people. When he saw his brother and brother Kun, the poisonous scorpion said with a smile: "long, how are you recently? Have you made a fortune!"

"Thanks to you, I've lost a lot of money recently! But don't worry, I'm very polite. I still know what reciprocity is. I'll repay you well!" brother Kun said angrily looking at the poisonous scorpion.

Brother Kun's Di bar has been plagued by poisonous scorpions recently. If you could do it, I think brother Kun would have done it long ago.

After listening to brother Kun, the poisonous scorpion said with a smile: "you'd better enjoy the generous gift I gave you, so you don't have to repay me. By the way, I heard that your di bar has been open again recently. I'll have someone to cheer you up another day. After all, it's cold and clear to open Di bar!"

Brother Kun looked at the poisonous scorpion biting his teeth, but he didn't say a word, or brother Kun was too angry to speak at this time.

After fighting with brother Kun, the poisonous scorpion looked at his brother. The poisonous scorpion looked at me and then at his brother. He smiled and said: "Aaron, you really have a heart. You pulled your brother into the water. You killed my cousin at the beginning. Let your brother be careful. Maybe I accidentally killed your brother sometime!"

"Your cousin is damned, and I have to remind you that I can kill your cousin, and I can kill you as well. If you don't believe it, try it!" my brother said calmly looking at the poisonous scorpion, but the smell of gunpowder in his words is no worse than the power of the bomb.

"Don't tell me, I really don't believe this! By the way, you just said my cousin should die, right? I just looked at your brother. Your brother is short-lived. You should protect him well, or you won't cry when he is cut into several sections!" , the poisonous scorpion looked at his brother and said that his eyes were full of sharp edges.

My brother and the poisonous scorpion looked at each other like this, and the smell of gunpowder on the scene was self-evident. Just at this time, a fat middle-aged man waved to my brother, "ah long, don't come and say hello to us when you come!"

When my brother heard the middle-aged man's voice, he went over, and the poisonous scorpion went aside.

As I said before, there are some traditional elements in the green dragon club. In addition to tradition, there are also levels in the green dragon club. From top to bottom, there are faucets, handlebars and big brother Tangkou. Like brother and poisonous scorpion, he is not even big brother Tangkou. At most, he is a gangster leader, but his brother was big brother Tangkou before he squatted in the game, so he is in the eyes of others , my brother is at the same level as the big brother at the entrance of the hall.

After we waited in the courtyard outside the wusheng temple for a while, everyone arrived. Those big people stood under the mighty wusheng statue, first perfumed the second master of wusheng Guan, and then came to the kneeling link of us newcomers.

The person who presided over the ceremony gave each of us three incense sticks. With the sound of kowtowing, we all knelt down.

"One worship of the green dragon will last forever, two worship of the green dragon with one heart, and three worship of the green dragon family!"

"Kill those who bully your brother and betray your brother! Kill those who bully your teacher and destroy your ancestors! Kill those who don't respect the rules!...... Kill!"

After finishing the rules and kneeling down, we lined up in front of a large wine jar, punctured our fingers in turn and put blood droplets into the wine jar. After the blood melted into the wine, everyone had to drink a bowl of blood wine before the ceremony was over.

In the evening, we all went to have a big meal and said it was the entry wine for us newcomers.

After eating and drinking, we were even members of the green dragon club. At that time, we didn't understand the struggle. We felt very proud, as if the birds away from home had found their home.

But the fact is that we have embarked on a road of no return and no way back from the moment we kneel down.

After dinner, my fat brother Jiangshan Liu Lang was walking on the road. Because we were so happy and excited today, we planned to walk back and take it as a walk.

When we came to a gas station, Pang stopped me. I asked Pang what was the matter. Pang pointed to the gas station and said to us, "TMD, isn't that the bastard Zheng Feng?"

I looked with fat brother's fingers. Indeed, in a car that was refuelling in the gas station, the person sitting was no other than Zheng Feng's son of a bitch!

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