Zheng Feng, this son of a bitch, I wanted to clean him up for a long time. If Cao Cao arrived, we stopped to go back and walked directly towards the gas station.

After entering the car, we found that there was not only Zheng Feng's son of a bitch, but also a charming woman dressed enchanting. Zheng Feng only flirted with that woman and ignored our existence. Fat brother went to the window, reached in, grabbed Zheng Feng's collar, looked at Zheng Feng and smiled: "You son of a bitch can enjoy it! Are you going to go to the car shock when you drive out with your girl?"

When Zheng Feng saw fat brother, it was obviously too late, because we also came up. Zheng Feng's face changed when he saw me. The face that originally smiled at the woman turned gray.

Fat brother directly pulled Zheng Feng out of the car, and then sat in the driver's seat. After fat brother got on the car, the three of us pulled Zheng Feng and the woman into the car. After getting on the car, fat brother drove away. As for going there, only fat brother knew.

Zheng Feng was escorted by Liu Lang's backhand, and the woman was wantonly played with by Jiangshan and me. It was obvious that the woman came out to sell. Seeing that the situation was wrong, she didn't dare to say more about her.

Brother Pang drove the car to the suburbs. It was very late at that time. There was no ghost in the suburbs. After getting off the bus, brother Pang got Zheng Feng and the woman out of the car. Brother Pang Jiangshan and Liu Lang wanted to vent with the woman's body, so let me look at Zheng Feng first.

After that, fat brother and they took the woman into the woods. Soon there was the woman's cry. About half an hour later, fat brother Jiangshan Liu Lang and the three of them came towards me while pulling the zipper. Fat brother asked me to have a good time first. Zheng Feng looked at them and said I wasn't interested. I'm a woman and can't mess around outside.

After hearing what I said, fat brother let the woman go. After the woman left, we came to Zheng Feng.

"Son of a bitch, I didn't expect that it would fall into our hands this time!" the fat man kicked Zheng Feng with a big foot and kicked Zheng Feng to the ground.

"You let me go. I'm also forced to be helpless. If you want to blame Tang Tianyi, he asked me to deal with you, and I don't want to deal with you." Zheng Feng saw the four of us. At that time, he softened, begged for mercy on the ground, and even shifted all the responsibility to Tang Tianyi.

"Then I ask you, who was the idea that took Li Xiangning away? Who was it that I went to save Li Xiangning and hit me?", I looked at Zheng Feng and asked fiercely. Thinking of this series of things, my anger ran up three feet high. I wanted to kill Zheng Feng directly.

This son of a bitch, now that he knows that a great disaster is coming, he will give advice. He did a good job when he hit me. I won't let him go. I want him to have a good taste of being beaten.

"It was Tang Tianyi's son of a bitch's idea. He said you didn't want me to tie Li Xiangning away. He also asked me to beat you. I can't help it. He forced me to do so. Grievances have heads and debts have owners. You want revenge. You go to him! These things have nothing to do with me." , I haven't seen it at ordinary times. Zheng Feng, a bastard, still has a set of ways to shirk his responsibility and push his responsibility clean.

Fat brother couldn't listen anymore. He directly pulled Zheng Feng up from the ground by pulling Zheng Feng's collar, and then knocked Zheng Feng down with a left hook fist. "Can you brag like TM? It wasn't arrogant before. Now he starts to shirk his responsibility when he knows he's dead!" After that, fat brother slapped Zheng Feng in the face. The slap was very loud, almost like playing a drum.

Zheng Feng was almost beaten and cried by fat brother at that time. He was lying on the ground with pig liver color on his face, but how he pretended to be wronged, none of us would sympathize with him.

Jiangshan and Liu Lang cleaned up Zheng Feng severely when they went up. Zheng Feng was crying for his father and mother there. Zheng Feng's face was turned into a pig's head by us. It swelled up like a steamed stuffed bun just out of the cage.

But these are not enough to vent our hatred. Fat brother's banging fists knocked down, and Zheng Feng was smashed without even wailing. Moreover, when fat brother hit Zheng Feng with his fist, I also heard the brittle sound of bones. If there is no accident, I estimate that Zheng Feng's ribs have broken at least two. After all, fat brother's fist is not a joke, and it's still so annoying Two strong punches.

Zheng Feng kept wriggling on the ground and was almost beaten by us. Seeing that Zheng Feng had become such a bird, Liu Lang said fiercely: "anyway, we beat him half dead. It's better to kill him directly. Such miscellaneous things are also a disaster in the world!"

"Please, don't kill me! Please!" when Zheng Feng heard Liu Lang say he was going to kill him, he quickly shook his head and begged us not to kill him.

Seeing that Zheng Feng has been beaten like this, I think it has taught him a lesson. It's almost over.

"If you follow Tang Tianyi's son of a bitch to help tyranny in the future, I'll tell you to kill you directly next time! Do you hear me!" I looked at Zheng Feng and said fiercely.

Zheng Feng nodded repeatedly and said that he would never, but only he knew the details.

After leaving Zheng Feng in the suburbs, we drove away in her car. Zheng Feng's car was sold on the black market by brother Pang. All the money they sold was let them play with a woman. I went back to the rental house to say hello to Li Xiangning, and then I was ready to go to find sister steel teeth. When brother Pang played with that woman, I was angry, I'm waiting to go to Zhonggang tooth sister for a fire.

I told Li Xiangning that I would not come back tonight when I went out, and then I was ready to leave. Li Xiangning quickly came and grabbed me, looked at me and asked, "are you going to find her? Find her?"

I nodded. After all, Li Xiangning is not a child. She doesn't understand these things.

"Do you have to find her? I'm also a woman. I can let you do that," Li Xiangning said very seriously when she came to me and looked at me.

I said I couldn't give you the future or anything, so I wouldn't touch you. After that, I was ready to close the door and go out, but Li Xiangning came up and hugged my waist, looked at me and said, "do you know it's hard for me to go to other women so brazenly, can't you go?"

"OK, OK, no! No", Li Xiangning held me like this. How can I go.

After taking a bath and lying down, Li Xiangning also went to bed and was ready to go to bed. Just as I was going to watch a little movie and asked Li Xiangning to solve it with her hands, steel tooth called me.

Steel tooth sister asked me in that very gentle voice whether I had slept now. I said I had just slept. Steel tooth sister whispered to me on the other end of the phone: "brother Han, do you want to come today? I'm safe today! And I bought a new uniform on the Internet. If you come, I'll show you!"

Originally, my heart was particularly impure at this time. Steel tooth sister still spoke to me in such a gentle tone. I would suffer there. At that time, I wanted to open the quilt and go directly to steel tooth sister.

Just when I wanted to say that I was looking for you, Li Xiangning, who was beside me, pulled several hairs from mine. It hurt me at that time.

Finally, I was very against my heart and said to sister steel teeth that I was a little tired today. I had a rest for the time being and went to find her when I was free.

Steely tooth gave a very tempting, um, and then said that she waited for me and asked me to keep my strength.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiangning fell on my body, then clenched her small pink fist and punched me a few times. She said that I slept with her, but I thought of other women in my heart.

After that, Li Xiangning continued to get it for me with her hands. When I was about to finish, Li Xiangning suddenly got out of bed and thought she had gone. Unexpectedly, she went to change her clothes, and she was still that kind of clothes.

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