At this time, I was at a loss. I was aroused by the strength of wine just now. Now I am sober, but the situation has already happened to this point. If I stop now, I seem to be a little confused. I patted my forehead, looked at Li Xiangning's hot eyes, and then said sorry, "I didn't mean it just now, because I drank today. I'm really sorry just now. Let's go to bed and get up early tomorrow!"

Then I lay down on the bed from Li Xiangning and went to bed. Li Xiangning reluctantly took my hand, looked at me and said pitifully, "you can't do this. People are almost naked. You have to sleep again. Get up and continue!"

"Good, go to bed first and get up early tomorrow!" I said, touching Li Xiangning's hair.

"OK! Every time you go to bed at the critical moment, anyway, I'm sure of you today. If you don't move, I'll come by myself!" Li Xiangning said angrily, then took off the white silk stockings that have been torn all holes by me, took off the white inside, and then rode directly onto me.

After riding on me, Li Xiangning began to do it. She wanted to change my stone. Originally, I was determined not to change it, but after being done twice by Li Xiangning's small hand, I was very obedient to it.

"I'm going to break this for you! You're a bad guy. You're always hanging people's appetite!" said Li Xiangning, and she was ready to sit down.

I didn't speak and let her rub around on me. Li Xiangning deliberately rubbed on me, then looked at me and said, "don't say I don't give you a chance. If you want, I'll let you up!"

I asked loudly who it was. The knocker outside didn't speak. I felt a little bad at that time. Who would knock at such a big night? I got up and dressed and was ready to open the door. Li Xiangning quickly changed her pajamas.

Just in case, when I came to the door, I asked again who was outside? But the people outside the door didn't speak. They were still silent. The silence outside the door exacerbated my sense of crisis.

I took the stool under my feet and peeped into the gap on the door. I saw two people standing at the door. One of them I still knew was the fugitive who chased me that day. The other two fugitives had been killed by the car, leaving him as a disaster in the world.

When I saw the fugitive, I knew that tonight was definitely a dangerous night. I whispered to Li Xiangning to put on her shoes. After Li Xiangning put on her shoes, I pulled out a steel pipe from under the bed. There was a guy in his hand, and he had enough confidence in his heart!

Li Xiangning asked me what I was doing. I asked Li Xiangning not to speak and quickly jumped out of the back window of the house. Li Xiangning asked me why. I couldn't explain it to Li Xiangning in a word. I directly took Li Xiangning to the back window and asked Li Xiangning to jump out of the back window.

Li Xiangning wanted to ask the reason, but at my request, Li Xiangning jumped out of the rear window. Li Xiangning had just jumped out of the rear window. The knock outside the door was louder and louder, but they didn't knock again after knocking for a while. They directly chose to knock the door and forcibly enter the house.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I was so scared that I was sweating. I quickly opened the rear window and jumped out of the rear window. Li Xiangning, who was already outside, asked me what was the matter? After I jumped out, I didn't say anything more to Li Xiangning. I directly took Li Xiangning's hand and ran to the road.

The two fugitives saw me jump out of the rear window and followed me out of the rear window. After jumping out, they chased me behind me with a knife. "Little bastard, today is your death. I see where you're going!"

If I were alone, I would have nothing to worry about. I still have the confidence to escape, but I have no confidence when Li Xiangning follows me. Li Xiangning is already thin and weak. Of course, her physical strength is not as good as mine. What I worry about most is Li Xiangning. If we can't escape, we will die.

I took Li Xiangning all the way to the main road. When I ran to the main road, I found Zheng Feng. Zheng Feng, a bastard, was sitting in a black car on the side of the road, wearing a sick suit. It seemed that he had just come out of the hospital, but his face occupied some place in my heart. Otherwise, with Zheng Feng's swollen and tall face, Reading is a very difficult task.

Zheng Feng saw that Li Xiangning and I had escaped to the road, pointed to me and Li Xiangning and said fiercely, "come on, kill them for me!"

As soon as Zheng Feng's voice fell, two strong men came down from the car he took. They came towards Li Xiangning and me with short knives.

At that time, we were only about ten meters away from Zheng Feng. After seeing the two strong men get off with short knives, I quickly pulled Li Xiangning to continue to escape. If we were caught, we would be dead.

At this time, what I regret most is that I didn't kill the bastard Zheng Feng at that time. There is an old saying, let the tiger go back to the mountain and leave future trouble!

Don't think about it. Those fugitives today are called by Zheng Feng to kill me. Zheng Feng wants to kill me most at this time. Of course, I don't think so. But the most important thing now is to run for my life. Running for my life is the most important thing at the moment.

"Guan Yihan, what you imposed on me that day, I'll give it back to you today!", Zheng Feng sat in the car, looked at me and shouted fiercely, his teeth were almost broken by him.

"Don't look back, run!" I took Li Xiangning and ran quickly. At this moment, the situation can't allow us to hesitate for half a minute.

Li Xiangning saw the two strong men behind him chasing us with knives. They were scared and were about to cry.

We had just run a few steps, and the two fugitives who had knocked on the door had caught up. Li Xiangning and I were chased by four people, which was not the worst. The worst thing was that Li Xiangning couldn't run for a while.

"Leave me alone. Run by yourself. I really can't run!" said Li Xiangning, looking at me with a cry. Li Xiangning was obviously frightened. It's not her fault. Who would laugh when chased and killed.

"Run together!" I clenched my teeth and pulled Li Xiangning to continue running. I won't leave Li Xiangning. In the final analysis, she was also implicated by me.

Li Xiangning and I continue to run forward. Li Xiangning, who can't run, is obviously much slower. If we go on like this, we will be caught up sooner or later, and the result of catching up is to be killed.

I took Li Xiangning and ran to the nearby police post. Although there was no one in the police post at this time, it should be able to frighten the four gangsters chasing us. As for whether we can escape, it depends on whether the police post can frighten them.

I took Li Xiangning and quickly ran to the police post. The four people obviously didn't dare to come forward when they ran near the police post. They were guilty of being thieves. Although there was no one in the police post, they were also worried and afraid.

Taking advantage of their guilty conscience, I took Li Xiangning around the back of the police outpost. When they summoned up the courage to come up, we had already run far away.

It's impossible to go back. I don't dare to live outside. I'm very worried about living outside, so I took Li Xiangning directly to find my brother. My brother lives in the house next to brother Kun. After waking up my brother, I told my brother what just happened. My brother asked me and Li Xiangning to live with him for the time being, and we'll go out when it's safe.

Li Xiangning and I had a night's rest at my brother's house. The next morning, accompanied by Jiangshan Pangge and them, I came to the outside of the rental house. At this time, the rental house had been set on fire by Zheng Feng's son of a bitch.

All the things in the house were burnt into coke. For this reason, I also paid a sum of money to the landlord's grandmother.

Zheng Feng, a son of a bitch, was kind enough to let him go. I didn't expect him to retaliate against me so soon. I'll never let him go next time!

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