I quickly zipped up and asked the steel tooth sister to put on the inside. After a little sorting, I went to open the door. As I thought, sister Qian and Li Xiangning came back. When I opened the door, sister Qian looked at me with a bad smile. It was like discovering my little secret. After they came in, they saw the steel tooth sister sitting on the sofa.

The red tide on sister steel teeth's face hasn't subsided yet. After seeing Li Xiangning and sister Qian coming, sister steel teeth was a little shy. I quickly introduced sister steel teeth to sister Qian. Sister Qian nodded and pulled me aside.

"We've heard what you did in the house just now! Don't you coax Li Xiangning? You're really a boy. You have such a beautiful girlfriend as Li Xiangning, and you're looking for a woman!" sister Qian looked at me and said.

It seems that the sound insulation of my brother's residence is too poor to be heard.

Sister Qian then returned to the room. There were only three people left in the living room, Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth. When Li Xiangning came in and saw sister steel teeth, her face was not very good-looking, and sister steel teeth was not a fool. She had noticed the change on Li Xiangning's face. When she saw sister Qian enter the room, sister steel teeth said that if I had nothing to do, she would go back first.

After I sent the girl back, I came back. After I came back, Li Xiangning looked at me angrily and said, "what were you doing in the house with her just now?"

In fact, Li Xiangning knows exactly what it is, and I have nothing to explain. I told the truth to sister steel teeth. Anyway, I can't hide it. Besides, I have no reason to hide it.

After listening to me, Li Xiangning went to the room angrily. After I returned to the room at night, Li Xiangning had a showdown with me. She asked me whether I wanted her or not? I'm a little embarrassed sitting in bed. It's a lie to say that I have no feelings for Li Xiangning. It's also a lie to say that I love Li Xiangning more than steel teeth.

I asked Li Xiangning to go to bed first. I was really sleepy at night, but Li Xiangning refused to sleep.

"I'll ask you again, do you want me? You've always treated me like this for such a long time. I can't stand it. Give me a letter today. If you don't want me, I'll go today!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said pitifully, with tears in her eyes.

Obviously, I have to give Li Xiangning an answer tonight, otherwise she won't give up. In fact, I don't want to make Li Xiangning sad, but the situation is already like this. It's inevitable to hurt li Xiangning. Instead of hurting her all the time, it's better to have a long pain than a short pain.

"Since you have to ask for an answer, go back tomorrow and I'll send you there. If you're afraid you can't explain to your parents, you'll tell your parents that I'm looking for a woman outside! So you can have a step down!"

After hearing what I said, Li Xiangning put on the quilt and went to bed. Originally, I planned to get up the next morning to send Li Xiangning, but when I got up, Li Xiangning had left. When I asked sister Qian, I knew that Li Xiangning had already got up. Sister Qian said that at this time, it was estimated that Li Xiangning had already got on the bus.

I called Li Xiangning, but she didn't answer. Li Xiangning's parents didn't call me until this afternoon. Li Xiangning's parents said Li Xiangning had arrived. Li Xiangning told her parents that I had been busy with work recently and didn't have time to accompany her. She simply went back.

When I heard Li Xiangning's parents say so, I was very grateful to Li Xiangning. I thanked her for not speaking ill of me. I was not a good person.

After Li Xiangning returned to her parents, she still worked as an online anchor. During the day, she helped her parents set up a farm. Li Xiangning's parents set up a farm in the countryside. However, because there was not enough money, they borrowed money from the bank, and if I had money, I would send some to them to repay the bank.

After Li Xiangning left, I moved to the residence of steel teeth sister and I lived with steel teeth sister. It's embarrassing to disturb my brother all the time.

The business of Di bar has gradually become hot from the original desolation. Sometimes we don't get off work until 3 or 4 a.m. because there are too many guests.

I always thought that joining the green dragon club was useless. Anyway, I still had to go to work every day after joining the green dragon club, but in one afternoon, I completely changed my cognition of joining the green dragon club.

That afternoon, my brother called me Jiangshan fat brother and Liu Lang into the room, and then took a picture to us. On the picture was a man of about 30 years old, fat, big ears, greasy face, and a big earring fell off his ear.

"This man, nicknamed Da Feilong, is a member of the green dragon club and the distant cousin of the poisonous scorpion. Da Feilong stole one million public funds from the green dragon club to eat, drink, whore and gamble. Up to now, he hasn't paid back. It has been said that I should kill Da Feilong, but I have something to do recently. I'll leave it to the four of you. I'll tell you the time and place at that time "Get ready first!" said my brother, looking at us.

When my brother said to kill the big fat dragon, I actually didn't want to, because when I wanted to join the green dragon club at the beginning, I simply wanted to pretend to be arrogant and deal with Tang Tianyi and Zheng Feng. I didn't intend to kill anyone.

I told my brother what I thought. My brother smiled and said only one thing to me: people in the Jianghu can't help themselves. If they take this road, they can't turn back.

Later, I accepted my brother's request and went to prepare the guys with Jiangshan and them. The reason why my brother asked me to do it was that he really had something to do. The second reason was that my brother wanted us to make a name for ourselves in this road. Only when we did something could we make a head start in this road. Otherwise, I could only be a little brother for a lifetime, A lifetime pony.

No matter in that industry, the people at the bottom will always be exploited, and my brother certainly doesn't want me to be the exploited person.

In order to kill the Big Fat Dragon smoothly, Jiangshan fat brothers prepared guys, such as short knives and steel pipes.

Two days later, brother asked brother Kun to give us the address and time. He said that big fat dragon would take a bath and massage in a bath center in the evening, and when big fat dragon went to take a bath and massage was the best time for us to do it.

After taking the guys, we were ready to start. Brother Kun drove us to the bath center. Brother Kun said he was waiting for us outside. Then he would leave and let us go in.

After discussion, we decided that my fat brother Jiangshan went in to do business, and Liu Lang stayed outside to meet us. This was also to prevent the big fat dragon from escaping.

When we were ready to go in, brother Kun stopped us. Brother Kun asked us to put down the short knife, and then gave Jiangshan a small dagger to hide in his underpants.

At that time, we didn't understand why brother Kun did this. When we went in, we knew why brother Kun let us do this. There were two big men standing at the door of the bath center. If you want to go in, you have to search. You can't go in with guys. Brother Kun wanted us to go in unimpeded.

We went in after a body search. The bath center is very large. The first floor is for bathing, the second floor is for massage, and the third floor is a room that can provide accommodation.

There are the most people on the second floor. We went to the second floor and didn't find Da Feilong for a while. Just when we were worried about not finding Da Feilong, Da Feilong came down to the second floor surrounded by two younger brothers. Da Feilong was wearing a bathrobe. It seemed that he had just taken a bath from the first floor.

We went aside to sit on the seat and called three little sisters to massage us, but while we were massaging, our eyes were staring at the big fat dragon.

After big fat dragon came to the massage hall, he found a seat to sit down, and then called a good-looking massage sister to press his feet. It is estimated that the massage sister looks pretty. After less than two minutes of massage, Big Fat Dragon began to have a crooked idea about the massage sister, and put the other foot directly on the massage sister's chest, rubbing it around and enjoying it.

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