Sister steel teeth is really obedient to me. I've always been very grateful to her. When she's done, sister steel teeth nests in my arms like a little cat, and then looks at me with a sweet smile: "brother Han, it's really comfortable to do it with you! I want to do it with you all my life!"

I held the steel tooth sister tightly in my arms, then kissed her gently on her forehead, said go to bed, and covered her with a quilt to go to bed.

Since the moment we killed the big fat dragon, we have come to the opposite of the poisonous scorpion. However, the poisonous scorpion dare not do it easily due to the existence of his brother. Similarly, Zheng Feng Tang Tianyi under the protection of the poisonous scorpion is not easy for us to do it.

The hatred between the poisonous scorpion and his brother is getting worse and worse. Although they haven't shown their tusks yet, this day is inevitable. Sooner or later, they will fight each other.

Since the last time there was a conflict in brother Hu's bar, the poison scorpion hasn't been looking for brother Kun's trouble in the open for a period of time, but it's just a sign of the storm. The poison scorpion is not a good man. There's no news. Maybe he's trying to deal with his brother.

One afternoon, I just went to the di bar to prepare for work, but the steel tooth sister called me. I was a little confused at that time. I just left for a while. What can I do for the steel tooth sister?

After I answered the phone, the whole person was not well, because the person on the other end of the phone was not the steel tooth sister, but the voice of a man. Of course, I knew who the man was. It was the bastard of the poisonous scorpion.

"You're lucky. You have two concubines! If Tianyi hadn't told me I didn't know!" the poisonous scorpion said with a smile on the other end of the phone.

I was not angry and asked where sister steel teeth had gone. The poisonous scorpion smiled: "don't worry. I just invited her over for a cup of tea. Of course, if you don't come quickly, I can't guarantee what she will experience after drinking tea!"

"If you dare to touch her, I will never spare you!" I said fiercely on the phone, but I was extremely worried. The steel tooth sister had no friends, and I was the only one to accompany her in the county.

"You don't have to frighten me. I know how many pounds you have. I'll tell you the address. If you don't come in half an hour, I'll rape your girlfriend first and then kill her! Oh, by the way, you'd better come alone. If you bring more people, I'll let you collect the body!" the poisonous scorpion hung up after saying coldly.

Poisonous scorpion is not a good person. What he said is not to scare me. He can really do it. After I put down the phone, my heart is full of eagerness. If something happens to sister steel teeth, I will feel guilty all my life. If it wasn't for me, sister steel teeth wouldn't be in trouble.

After thinking about it, I made a decision, that is to do as the poison scorpion said. Brother Kun and I had something to do temporarily, so we went back first. Brother Kun nodded and asked me to go back. After I went out of the di bar, I went directly to the place the poison scorpion said.

The address the poisonous scorpion said was a remote house. After I went in, the poisonous scorpion was playing cards with people. There were many hundred yuan bills on the table. In the corner, the steel tooth sister was tied with flowers and stuffed with a towel in her mouth. When she saw me, the steel tooth sister was obviously very excited, but with a towel in her mouth, the steel tooth sister couldn't say anything.

"Coming!" when the poisonous scorpion saw me coming, he put all the cards aside, then looked at me and said with a smile, "well, that's your girlfriend. I guarantee with my personality that no one has touched her before you come!"

"Let her go!" I looked at the poisonous scorpion and said fiercely.

"You can let her go, but you have to do something for me. If you do it for me, I'll let her go, or I'll turn her now!", the poisonous scorpion looked at me and said with full confidence. The steel tooth sister is in his hand. Of course, he has enough confidence. I asked the poisonous scorpion what he wanted me to do. The poisonous scorpion smiled and said let me go to brother Kun's Di bar and bring the account book.

The account book is very valuable for business people. Without the account book, you don't know the profit and loss. If you don't know the profit and loss, you can't run a good business like a blind man.

The purpose of poison scorpion's doing this is probably to want brother Kun to be unable to manage well. Brother Kun is very good to me, but I know in my heart that brother Kun is good to me entirely because of my brother, but anyway, brother Kun treats me well. Isn't it tantamount to being ungrateful.

At that time, I decisively rejected the poisonous scorpion and said that Guan Yihan couldn't do such an ungrateful thing. The poisonous scorpion spread his hands, looked at me and said with a smile: "in that case, no wonder I am. In fact, I wish you wouldn't agree, so that I can have a good time with your little girlfriend!"

The poisonous scorpion said and walked towards the steel tooth sister. The steel tooth sister saw the poisonous scorpion walking towards her and looked at me pitifully. Tears were about to flow out of her eyes.

"OK, I promise you, but you must not touch her finger!" I looked at the poisonous scorpion and said fiercely.

The poisonous scorpion nodded, looked at me and continued, "of course, I will never touch her finger, but I have to remind you that you only have a chance tonight. You can't wait until it expires!"

"You deceive people too much! How could it be tonight?", I was angry at that time. The poisonous scorpion was trying to fix me. It's not easy for me to steal brother Kun's account book tonight.

"Now is not the time for you to bargain with me. You have only two choices, either agree or not!" the poisonous scorpion sat and looked at me leisurely. He didn't take the steel tooth sister as one thing at all, nor did he take me as one thing.

Steel tooth sister squats in the corner and looks at me with red eyes. I can see that steel tooth sister is very afraid at this time. She is very afraid to stay in this place and the bastard of poisonous scorpion.

I really couldn't bear to see sister steel teeth suffer, so I agreed to the request of poisonous scorpion and helped him steal brother Kun's account book tonight.

After agreeing to the scorpion's request, I left and came to the di bar. Brother Kun was not there at that time, but brother Kun's room was locked. I found Jiangshan and said brother Kun asked me to get something in her room. Jiangshan believed me very much and opened brother Kun's door very readily. Jiangshan also asked me what I wanted to get. He helped me find it together.

I asked Jiangshan to get busy first, and then I found the account book in brother Kun's room. Soon I found the account book in brother Kun's drawer. After taking the account book, I quietly came to the poisonous scorpion like a thief. When I came to the poisonous scorpion, I gave the account book to the poisonous scorpion, and then let the poisonous scorpion go.

When the poisonous scorpion saw me so fast, he still doubted whether the account book I took was true. After reading the account book, the poisonous scorpion nodded, looked at me and said with a smile: "it's fast. I'm good at my word. Let people go!"

The poisonous scorpion asked someone to untie the steel tooth sister. After the steel tooth sister untied, she threw herself into my arms and was about to cry.

"Brother Han! Wuwuwuwu ~", the steel tooth sister looked at me and said pitifully.

The poisonous scorpion looked at the account book, then directly took out the lighter and burned it. After burning the account book, the poisonous scorpion smiled and said, "well, you can leave. Why? Don't you want to leave?"

I'm not unwilling to leave, but I don't think the poisonous scorpion will be so kind. I always thought the poisonous scorpion would brush some Yin moves, so when he asked us to leave, I couldn't believe my ears.

I looked at the poisonous scorpion, then took the steel tooth sister's hand and left.

On the way back, I've been thinking about one thing. There's almost an irreconcilable situation between the poisonous scorpion and my brother. He has no reason to let me leave like this?

At first, I thought that the poisonous scorpion was trying to make brother Kun unable to run Diba well, but later I learned that the person that the poisonous scorpion wanted to deal with was not brother Kun, but me.

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