I don't like Tang Tianyi at all. When I see him, I can't wait to beat him up, but the current situation is obviously that I am in a weak position. It's obviously unrealistic to start. I asked Tang Tianyi loudly what he meant. Why did he get me in the car? Tang Tianyi smiled casually and said it was a poisonous scorpion. He just did it. I want to ask why he can only find a poisonous scorpion to answer.

It's certainly not a good thing for poisonous scorpions to catch me. I don't want to sit and wait for death, but in this case, I can only sit and wait for death. If I resist, I will never come to a good end.

The car stopped at the door of a dilapidated house. I was dragged in by the two strong men like carrying sandbags. When I went in, I kicked me to the ground. My back was particularly hurt by them.

My face hit the ground like a cake. When I looked up, I saw a pair of black leather shoes, and the owner of the black leather shoes was a poisonous scorpion. The poisonous scorpion squatted down and looked at me with a smile: "do you know what I came to you for today?"

I raised my head and looked at the poisonous scorpion fiercely. No matter what the poisonous scorpion is looking for me today, it will never be a good thing.

"You killed the big fat dragon, my brother. I caught you today just to explain to my brother!" said the poisonous scorpion. He pulled me up from the ground and slapped me in the face.

"The hatred between me and your brother has accumulated for a long time, but I can't move your brother, and your brother can't move me, but there's no unique way, I can move you! If you want to blame me, blame your brother!" the poisonous scorpion looked at me and said fiercely, this is what he thought in his heart.

"I don't blame anyone. I only blame myself. I can't kill you!" I looked at the poisonous scorpion and said fiercely. The bastard poisonous scorpion and I are absolutely irreconcilable, but my strength is here. I can't help it at all.

"Bloody and backbone! I like it, but you don't seem to know the current situation! You are an ant now, and I can kill you whatever I want!" the poisonous scorpion said coldly while patting my face and looking at me.

I know who the poisonous scorpion is. Of course, he dares to kill me. Although I am really afraid, I can still keep my reason because of my reason and resentment.

"If you dare to kill me, my brother will never let you go!" I yelled at the poisonous scorpion, but I knew in my heart that the poisonous scorpion was not afraid of my brother, so this threat had no effect.

As soon as I mentioned my brother, the poisonous scorpion's face became more gloomy, and his foot was carried on my lower abdomen. At that time, I was directly kicked out like a ball, and my stomach was tumbling and painful.

I lay on the ground and looked at the poisonous scorpion fiercely. The poisonous scorpion looked at me with a gloomy face and said, "if you don't mention your brother, maybe I'll be a little lighter. Your brother has been against me recently, resulting in a lot of money loss! I don't generally hate him!"

"Bastard like you, don't say you lost money, even if you were hacked to death, you deserve it!" I looked at the poisonous scorpion and said fiercely. At this time, I wish I could go up and kill the poisonous scorpion.

"OK, you're dying. Don't beg for mercy. Your mouth is still so hard. If you can be so hard all the time, I really admire you!" said the poisonous scorpion. He took out his mobile phone and made a phone call. After about ten minutes, there was a knock outside the door.

Only after the poisonous scorpion opened the door did I know that the man outside the door was Zheng Feng's son of a bitch. Zheng Feng was almost killed by me that time. At that time, he was bruised by us, but after all this time, Zheng Feng's injury has been much better.

"Don't say I'm bad to you. Well, you've always wanted to clean him up. Now I've brought it to you. You can do whatever you want! But the ugly words come first. Don't kill him. He still has some effect on me." the poisonous scorpion looked at Zheng Feng and said. Obviously, the poisonous scorpion wanted to give me to Zheng Feng to clean up, and Zheng Feng was certainly happy to clean me up.

When Zheng Feng saw me, he immediately had a smiling expression on his face, looked at me and sneered, "Guan Yihan, haven't seen you for a long time. Last time I let you run away, you weren't so lucky this time!"

When I saw Zheng Feng, my body trembled unconsciously. First, it was because of anger and twentieth, it was because of fear. I got away with it last time. This time it was definitely planted. At that time, we cleaned up Zheng Feng so much that Zheng Feng, a bastard, would never let me go.

The poisonous scorpion looked at me and smiled: "I heard that ah Kun was very angry with you last time you stole the account book. Your so-called brothers also complained about you, right? So don't worry. They won't come to you for a while and a half!"

Although I don't want to hear the poisonous scorpion speak, the fact is really similar to what the poisonous scorpion said. I stole the account book and caused a lot of losses to brother Kun. Brother Kun was very angry with me, and brother Jiangshan Pang was scolded by brother Kun. They were in a bad mood. When I stayed in the house, neither Pang nor Jiangshan took the initiative to call me, I haven't come to me, let alone brother Jiangshan Kun. Even my brother has a bad word about me stealing the account book.

I thought the poisonous scorpion was to deal with brother Kun, but it wasn't. the poisonous scorpion was dealing with me. Pitifully, at that time, I stole the account book like a fool, which was like being sold and helping people pay.

Thinking of these, I can't wait to slap myself, but I can't afford to scold myself in my heart. Zheng Feng has come to me, looked down at me and said to me, "didn't you want to kill me last time? This time I'll let you try the feeling of almost being killed but not dead!"

Zheng Feng stepped on me with one foot, and then clenched my body with his leather shoes. The top of the leather shoes was already hard. When he clenched it, it felt like the meat was stirred. The pain of the skin was more painful than cutting the meat.

I clenched my teeth fiercely, and then shouted with all my strength to prop up my body from Zheng Feng's feet, but I haven't propped up my body yet. Zheng Feng's bastard raised his foot and put it on my back. I was like being hit with a big hammer on my back, and my body hit the ground heavily.

"Remember to clean me up, good, which makes me want to clean you up more!" Zheng Feng looked at me and sneered.

In order to prevent me from resisting, Zheng Feng asked someone to bring in a chair, and then pressed me on the chair and tied me up. His hands and feet were tied.

After I was tied, Zheng Feng came to me with a sneer, then grabbed my finger, clicked and broke my finger directly. My finger was broken back to 90 degrees by Zheng Feng's bastard. When I broke it, I heard the brittle sound of bones.

It was said that ten fingers connected my heart. At that time, I screamed involuntarily in pain. There was cold sweat on my forehead. The cold sweat was like taking a bath and flowing on my forehead.

Seeing that I was stamping my feet in pain, Zheng Feng smiled and said, "how about it? Was it great just now? Do you want me to make you feel good again?"

"No! Ah!" before I finished, Zheng Feng broke my two fingers again and again. The pain made my teeth tremble and I was sweating all over.

"Do you want me to make you feel good again?", Zheng Feng looked at me and said with a smile. At this time, Zheng Feng was like a pervert, his face twisted with laughter.

"No, no!" I'm not a warrior. I'm also a perceptive person. Under the stimulation of pain, I really can't carry it and have to be soft. But Zheng Feng is not a Bodhisattva. Of course, he won't let me go.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear your voice!" said Zheng Feng. He slapped me in the face and punched me on the nose.

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