At this time, I was like a dead dog and let Zheng Feng clean up. Zheng Feng wanted to cut me with a knife, but he was stopped by the poisonous scorpion. The poisonous scorpion said he could clean me up, but he couldn't let me die. The poisonous scorpion even released it to Zheng Feng, "if you kill him for me, I'll kill you!"

Zheng Feng was obviously annoyed by the poisonous scorpion's words, but Zheng Feng may be angry with the poisonous scorpion. Zheng Feng spilled all his anger on me and punched and kicked me mercilessly. My nose was bleeding and bruised, but the most painful thing was the broken finger.

I was directly knocked unconscious by Zheng Feng, but soon after I fainted, I was awakened by Zheng Feng's bastard with cold water. I was immediately hit by the pain all over my body and stamped my feet. However, after a period of time, the pain on my body has been reduced a little compared with that a while ago.

Zheng Feng looked at me with a smile. I bowed my head and didn't look at Zheng Feng. Who knows if he would clean me up with this bastard. I just lowered my head, but my stomach was very spineless.

Zheng Feng smiled. "Are you hungry? For the sake of how badly you were cleaned up by me today, I'll show mercy and let you have a meal!"

With that, Zheng Feng turned and went out. I'm the only one left in this dilapidated house. Tang Tianyi, the poisonous scorpion, doesn't know where to go.

A few minutes later, the bastard Zheng Feng came towards me with a bowl of rice. There were meat slices on the rice. Zheng Feng put the bowl down on the ground and untied the rope that tied me.

Zheng Feng pointed to the bowl of rice on the ground like walking a dog, looked at me and said, "don't say I'm not good to you. The rice is here. As the saying goes, people are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you'll be hungry. You can eat it while it's hot, but don't say I didn't give you food!"

I squatted down and looked at the bowl of rice on the ground. My dignity made me bow my head, but my hunger made me bow my head. Because my fingers were broken and I didn't have chopsticks, I could only lie on the ground like a dog and eat the bowl of rice. I kept telling myself in my heart that I ate to live better and live to revenge Zheng Feng bastards!

"Do you know that you look like a dog now? It's no different from a dog. I wonder why you didn't directly reincarnate into a dog!" Zheng Feng looked at me condescending and said with sarcasm in his mouth.

I didn't care about the insult of Zheng Feng's words. I continued to eat the rice in the bowl. Only when I eat can I have strength and have strength can I retaliate against Zheng Feng.

"You eat so dry, why don't I add some soup for you?" Zheng Feng said, and a hot stream poured on my head, which also smelled of urine. Yes, that bastard Zheng Feng peed in my hair.

I stopped all my actions and just watched the urine dripping on my head. Zheng Feng smiled sarcastically and said, "why? Don't you drink this freshly baked soup?"

I didn't speak, so I lowered my head. Zheng Feng saw that I didn't move. He directly pressed my head into the bowl, and my face was covered with rice grains.

As soon as I clenched my teeth and exerted all my strength, I directly stood up and kicked Zheng Feng in the stomach. Zheng Feng had some accidents after I kicked him down. Zheng Feng sneered on the ground, then stood up and knocked me down with two fists, "You are very kind. You can get up and kick me if you are beaten like this. If the poisonous scorpion didn't let you die, I would have killed you!"

Zheng Feng kicked me hard in the stomach after saying that. All the rice I just ate was kicked out.

"Didn't you stand up and kick me? I'm waiting for you!" Zheng Feng looked at me and said fiercely. After that, Zheng Feng kicked me again. After kicking me, Zheng Feng let me go and tied me back to the chair.

I was tied up for two days. Zheng Feng insulted me and beat me when he didn't agree. For a moment, I thought I might as well die and suffer when I was alive, but I soon gave up the idea. I tried to live and give back to him ten times the pain imposed on me by Zheng Feng!

After being tied up for two days, one night, I heard the poisonous scorpion say that his brother was on his way. The reason why the poisonous scorpion wanted to tell me this was because he wanted to kill me in front of his brother. He wanted his brother to taste the feeling of loss, because he took too many things from him.

Of course, the poisonous scorpion won't just wait for my brother to save me. The poisonous scorpion called dozens of people to escort me, so that my brother can't save me, but I don't know why Zheng Feng and Tang Tianyi are not here today.

After a while, brother Kun and brother Jiangshan came. Brother, they didn't bring anyone else. This was the condition put forward by the poisonous scorpion. The poisonous scorpion said to his brother that if his brother dared to call others, he would kill me directly.

After they came, the poisonous scorpion carried me out like a dead dog and threw me to the ground. At the moment I saw my brother, I couldn't help crying. At this time, I had been cleaned up. My whole body was smelly, and there were injuries and bruises everywhere.

Seeing my broken fingers and bruises on my body, my brother's face suddenly became gloomy, "poisonous scorpion, why don't you let people go!"

"You think I'm a fool. If I let him go, will you let me live well?", the poisonous scorpion stepped on my finger, and I screamed with pain and trembled all over my body.

"How can you let my brother go?" said the brother, looking at the poisonous scorpion.

Jiangshan fat brother, they are very angry when they see me like this, but they can't vent. They can only hold all their anger in their hearts.

"It's very simple! If you just kneel down and knock my head three times, I'll consider letting your brother go and being knelt down by brother long of the Great Green Dragon Association. Few people can enjoy such a big gift? Of course, you can choose at will. I won't force others to do it!" said the poisonous scorpion, looking at his brother.

It is said that the man has gold under his knee. The poisonous scorpion undoubtedly wants to humiliate his brother.

My brother looked at me trampled on the ground by the poisonous scorpion. There were tears in my eyes. My brother nodded, "OK, I kneel! I kowtow. I hope you can let him go. The resentment between me and you has nothing to do with my brother!"

My brother fell on his knees, and then knocked his head three times to the poisonous scorpion. When the poisonous scorpion saw his brother kneeling down, he laughed, "brother long, I've been with you. I know who you are. I really didn't think of it. You really knelt down for me!"

"Now you can let my brother go?" the brother stood up and looked at the poisonous scorpion.

"What I just said is not clear enough. I just said to think about it. I didn't say I would let him go!" the poisonous scorpion looked at his brother and smiled. He was obviously playing with his brother.

My brother was obviously very angry, but in order to save me, my brother didn't say anything, "poisonous scorpion, put forward your conditions. As long as you let him go, I can promise you anything!"

"Brother long, I was fooling with you at the beginning. It was because of you that I came to this road. Neither you nor I fooled for a day or two. Do you think I will let him go? The grudges between us have been put here. We are not you or me!" the Scorpion's face changed when he spoke.

At this time, the poisonous scorpion took a knife from behind, held it in his hand, looked at his brother and said, "brother long, the more you mix up, the more confused you become. You shouldn't bring only such a few people today! You only bring so few people, do you think you can go back alive tonight?"

The poisonous scorpion said, holding the knife in both hands, and then stabbed me hard.

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