Seeing that the knife stabbed me down, I instinctively blocked it with my hand. To tell the truth, I was really afraid at that moment. I was afraid that I would die. Just when I was ready to die, a domineering voice interrupted everything, "poisonous scorpion, stop!"

I turned my head and saw brother Hu coming with a large group of people with bright knives in their hands. At first glance, they were not good.

My brother knows the poisonous scorpion very well. My brother knows that the poisonous scorpion is going to kill all of us this time, so my brother took more care and called brother Hu to ask him to send someone to help, and brother Hu came at the right time.

The poisonous scorpion originally planned to kill all of us tonight, but he expected brother tiger to come in time.

Seeing brother Hu coming with people, the poisonous scorpion put the knife aside, looked at his brother and said, "I knew you wouldn't be so simple! Well, since it's all for this today, I have nothing to say. I'll fight for life or death!"

The poisonous scorpion asked people to take a sack in the corner of the room. The sack was full of bright knives. Obviously, the poisonous scorpion didn't intend to solve it peacefully today, but chose to fight it.

Although brother Hu has brought people to help, there are not many more people brought by brother Hu than the poisonous scorpion. If he really starts, it doesn't mean who will lose and who will win. It's still unknown whether he will win or lose. Besides, who knows whether he has left a behind hand for a veteran like the poisonous scorpion.

"You and I have a long-standing resentment, and it's time to understand this resentment!" said my brother, took the knife in brother Hu's hand, and then looked directly at the poisonous scorpion.

The smell of gunsmoke between them has spread to the corner of the whole room. My brother asked the poisonous scorpion to let me go first, but how could the poisonous scorpion listen to my brother's command? The poisonous scorpion grabbed me up, then looked at my brother and said coldly with a smile: "whether I can kill you tonight or not, your brother will have to die!" after that, the poisonous scorpion picked up the knife and prepared to do it.

"Poisonous scorpion, I don't mind if you want to kill him, but I hope you look at this before you start," said brother Hu and handed his mobile phone to the poisonous scorpion. On brother Hu's mobile phone is a picture of an old man lying in a hospital bed. The old man is very old and looks 70 years old.

"Aaron knows that you grew up with your grandpa, so he asked me to send someone to see your grandpa. Don't worry, your grandpa is fine now, but if you dare to kill Aaron's brother, I'm sure your grandpa will die!" brother Hu said with full confidence looking at the poisonous scorpion.

"I also learned from you. Originally, I disdained such indiscriminate means, but you are so shady to my brother, don't blame me for being rude!" the brother looked at the poisonous scorpion and said.

After listening to brother Hu, the poisonous scorpion put me aside, looked at his brother and said with a sneer, "OK, you're good!" after that, the poisonous scorpion's face changed directly, looked at brother Hu and said fiercely, "you caught my grandpa, right? Well! Today I want all of you to bury my grandpa!"

The poisonous scorpion took out his mobile phone and pressed it for a few times. Within three minutes, the door was surrounded by people. No doubt all those people were called by the poisonous scorpion. It turned out that the poisonous scorpion had expected that his brother would be good at it, so he called all his little brothers, but he only brought some people, and others were ambushing outside.

"There are a lot of people! It seems that you are going to fight to death tonight!" my brother went out the door and looked at the people at the scene and said to the poisonous scorpion.

The poisonous scorpion dragged me out and threw me aside. Then he went to his brother and looked at him and said, "we have fought openly and secretly for so many years. Today we will fight to win or lose! Either you die or I die!"

My brother looked at the poisonous scorpion, then looked at the poisonous scorpion and smiled bitterly, "I really regarded you as a brother, but you stabbed me in the back, which made me squat in the Bureau for three years. I squatted in the Bureau for three years, but you enjoyed all your glory and wealth outside! You can't die well because you are treacherous!"

"You also know the rules of the green dragon club. You should die if you abandon your first sin! Today I will clean the door for the green dragon club!" my brother said coldly looking at the poisonous scorpion.

"What you said is quite right. I did sell you at that time, but what's the matter? You only have such a few people. If you have any complaints, go down and talk to the Lord of hell!" said the poisonous scorpion, and fiercely raised the knife in his hand.

The current situation is extremely disadvantageous to my brother. The poisonous scorpion called almost hundreds of people, while the people called by brother Hu and his brother only have dozens of people. If you really use a knife, it is my brother who will lose.

I'd rather I was killed by a poisonous scorpion than see my brother cut to death by a poisonous scorpion. I looked at my brother and said with all his strength: "brother, hurry up and leave me alone!"

Brother Hu brought dozens of people. If he ran away, he still had a chance to make a living.

"Your brother really cares about you, but you don't have a chance to run now!" said the poisonous scorpion, looking at his brother coldly.

"You think too much, I never thought of running away! But you don't have a chance to run!" said the elder brother coldly, looking at the poisonous scorpion. When the poisonous scorpion saw his elder brother so calm, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"You bully us with more people, don't you? I Guan Yilong may not be better than you, but more than my brother, you're far from it!" after my brother said loudly, he called brother Kun to call people.

Brother Kun put his finger into his mouth, and then whistled loudly against the night sky. The whistle cut through the night sky like lightning in the night sky. Soon, many people came from all directions, all carrying guys in their hands.

Originally, the people of the poisonous scorpion surrounded all their brothers, but the people called by brother Kun surrounded the people of the poisonous scorpion. Although I don't know how many people brother Kun called, there are definitely more people on the side of the poisonous scorpion.

"Treacherous man! He is a loser after all!" my brother said coldly looking at the poisonous scorpion.

Seeing that his brother had left such a hand, the poisonous scorpion smiled at himself, "it seems that I will lose today, but I won't let you win so easily!" the poisonous scorpion said and chopped at his brother with a knife.

The people of the poisonous scorpion wanted to help, but they were stopped by the people called by brother Kun. Brother Kun and brother Hu didn't mean to help, so they looked at their brother and the poisonous scorpion cutting each other.

Facing the fierce knife from the poisonous scorpion, my brother didn't shrink back. He took the knife and went up to fight.

My brother and the poisonous scorpion cut up and down indiscriminately. Every knife went down with a bang, and sparks came out of the knife.

The poisonous scorpion's attack is very fierce. He killed every knife. This is his last fight. My brother did not have any fear in the face of the scorpion's attack and tried his best to resist.

My brother and the poisonous scorpion cut each other for more than ten minutes, and the blade of the knife was blunt, but it was obvious that they had not decided the victory or defeat, but at this time, they had little strength and stopped to have a rest.

"I thought you were powerful. It seems that I overestimated you!" said the poisonous scorpion, looking at his brother. He was an obvious provocation.

My brother didn't speak, so he looked at the poisonous scorpion. When my brother was panting, the poisonous scorpion suddenly jumped and cut at my brother with a knife, but that's not the point. The point is that when the poisonous scorpion cut at my brother with a knife in his right hand, his left hand also drew a dagger from his waist and stabbed him at my brother.

The knives in the poisonous scorpion's hand are all showy, and the dagger in his left hand is a fatal blow!

"Brother, be careful!" I shouted, but it was obviously too late. At this time, the dagger in the poisonous scorpion's hand was about to stab my brother's chest.

With a poop, a pool of blood was already flowing down the ground.

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