The knives in the hands of my brother and the poisonous scorpion fell to the ground. At first, I thought my brother was stabbed by the poisonous scorpion, but this is not the case. The poisonous scorpion was stabbed in the chest by the dagger in my brother's hand.

At that time, my brother turned his back to me, so I didn't see the dagger in his hand. The poisonous scorpion looked at the dagger inserted in his chest, spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and then fell directly to the ground. He died without even twitching, and his eyes turned dead gray.

"I know you too well. You were not born to be aboveboard. You want to play Yin moves, but I have a hand!" said my brother, looking at the poisonous scorpion lying in a pool of blood.

Later, I learned from brother Kun that the move of poisonous scorpion holding a dagger in his left hand was learned from his brother in those years, but how could he beat his brother? After all, his brother taught him this move.

My brother often carries a dagger with him for self-defense and against vicious villains such as poisonous scorpions.

After the poisonous scorpion fell down, brother Kun and brother Hu drove away all the little brothers of the poisonous scorpion. Brother Jiangshan came up to pick me up and sent me to the hospital. I received treatment in the hospital. I have to say that the medicine is really developed now. The broken fingers were quickly treated in the hospital, and other injuries on my body are much better after treatment.

I heard that I was injured and lying in the hospital. The steel tooth sister didn't go to work and directly came to the hospital to see me.

Steel tooth sister took care of me in the hospital for more than half a month. My injury is almost better. What I want to do most after I leave the hospital is to revenge Zheng Feng's bastard and Tang Tianyi. At this time, even if I kill them directly, I won't blink.

After the death of the poisonous scorpion, his younger brothers were scattered, and my brother and brother Kun could finally have a comfortable life for a few days. The first thing I do after I leave the hospital is to ask Jiangshan to help me find out about Zheng Feng's son of a bitch. What I want to do now is to revenge Zheng Feng's son of a bitch.

Although the county is big, with the help of brother Kun, Jiangshan quickly inquired about the address of Zheng Feng's son of a bitch. Jiangshan said that Zheng Feng's son of a bitch was preparing to leave after he heard that the poisonous scorpion was dead. This son of a bitch must be in such a hurry to run away for fear of being retaliated by me, but I won't let him go.

After I got well, my fat brother Liu Lang went directly to Zheng Feng's company to block Zheng Feng, but Zheng Feng's son of a bitch wasn't there at all, which made us run in vain.

Just when we were worried that we couldn't find Zheng Feng's son of a bitch, brother Kun gave us a message that Zheng Feng was on his way to the airport and the son of a bitch was going to run by plane.

Brother Kun called five brothers to drive us to block Zheng Feng. I heard that Zheng Feng was on his way to the airport. We rushed to the airport. I can't wait to clean up Zheng Feng's son of a bitch. I want to torture him so that he can't survive or die.

When we hurried to the airport, we encountered a big traffic jam. It was far away. It was impossible to move for a while and a half. We thought we couldn't block Zheng Feng's son of a bitch, but we didn't expect that the enemy's road was narrow. I actually saw Zheng Feng in the traffic flow.

Zheng Feng's son of a bitch was in front of us at that time. It was estimated that it was too blocked. Zheng Feng got out of the car to smoke. I found him by chance when he smoked. It really took no time to find a place. God is helping me! Zheng Feng can't run away.

Zheng Feng looked around when he smoked. When he saw me, he seemed to see a ghost. He quickly put out his cigarette butts, regardless of the car, and directly crossed the guardrail to escape.

"Fuck NIMA! Stop!" after we got off the bus, fat brother pointed to the bastard Zheng Feng and began to scold.

Zheng Feng was a frightened bird. He was yelled by fat brother. At that time, he ran desperately. We didn't slack off at all. We crossed the guardrail and chased after Zheng Feng's ass.

Zheng Feng's son of a bitch is like a mouse in the sewer. He drills at the seams, but it's impossible to get rid of us like hungry wolves.

Zheng Feng drilled at every turn. Soon he came to a dead end. Zheng Feng, who had no way out, saw us coming. He knelt directly in front of me, looked at it and said sincerely, "please, let me go! Please!"

"Didn't you think about today when you tortured me? Do you think you tortured me so much, and I might let you go now?", I looked at Zheng Feng and said coldly, Zheng Feng, the son of a bitch, was arrogant when he was in power. He lost power just like a grandson. Last time I had been taught a lesson and let the tiger go back to the mountain to stay in trouble, I will never make such a mistake again this time.

I ignored Zheng Feng, but it was not easy to do it outside, so we knocked Zheng Feng unconscious and took him away. When Zheng Feng woke up, he had been tied to the chair by us, just like he tied me at the beginning.

When he woke up and saw himself on the chair, Zheng Feng was in a special panic. He always begged me to let me go. He also proposed that as long as I let him go, he could give me any conditions, or give me money. He would give me as much money as possible, as long as he let him go.

"I don't want anything. I just want to torture you. Don't worry. I'm a fair person. I'll punish you as much as you did to me!" I said, holding Zheng Feng's finger in my hand.

But I didn't break it for him. He screamed there, "I haven't done it yet. What's your name? Are you scared now?"

At this time, Zheng Feng's forehead was full of sweat. After listening to me, he nodded again and again and begged me to let him go. It's absolutely impossible to let him go, but I want to torture him in another way.

"You want me to let you go, don't you? OK!" after I said this, there was a dawn on Zheng Feng's face. I took a knife and threw it to the ground. Looking at Zheng Feng, I said coldly, "if you take a knife and cut off your thing by yourself, I'll let you go and don't bother you anymore!"

Zheng Feng shook his head after listening to me. It's a sign of a man. If you cut it off, you'll become a eunuch?

But at this time, Zheng Feng's shaking his head was a nod for me. I asked fat brother and Jiangshan to hold Zheng Feng down, and then prepared to castrate Zheng Feng with a knife. Zheng Feng struggled there after being held down by Jiangshan and fat brother. He begged me to let him go, and the cold sweat on his head was flowing.

I think it's kind to castrate Zheng Feng, a son of a bitch. It's not too much to kill such a son of a bitch.

"Don't worry, now the medicine is so developed. I'll cut it off for you. You can go to the hospital and spend some money to pick it up. Why are you so miserable?" the fat man looked at Zheng Feng and said with a bad smile.

After I cut Zheng Feng's pants, I was ready to use a knife. Zheng Feng was so scared that he was about to cry. Looking at me, he begged, "please let me go. As long as you let me go, I'll give you all my money!"

"You'd better keep the money for your own operation!" I said with a great effort, and the birds rose and fell in my hands! The blood was dripping on the ground like a fountain. Zheng Feng only convulsed with pain at that time, and then fainted directly.

Today's medicine is really developed. I heard that I can take it back after cutting it off, but I'm not a good man. It's the greatest kindness not to kill Zheng Feng directly. He's such a scourge that he can cut off his children and grandchildren and benefit the society.

After Zheng Feng fainted, a basin of water woke him up. Just like he did to me at the beginning, he felt that he was missing an object. Zheng Feng quickly begged me to let him go and let him go to the hospital for treatment.

I don't have any medical knowledge, but I heard that as long as the best time of eight hours has passed, it's impossible for Da Luo immortal to come.

After I shut Zheng Feng up all night, I asked brother Kun to send someone to send Zheng Feng back. Before I took Zheng Feng away, I put his gadget in his pocket. Although this is really abnormal, compared with what he did to me at the beginning, I think there is nothing at all. I am much kinder than him.

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