"I'm wrong. I won't tease you in the future. Take it easy, ah! No!"

In Li Xiangning's begging for mercy, I was finished. Li Xiangning looked at me pitifully, and then went to get a paper towel to wipe it for me. After cleaning it, we hugged each other and went to sleep.

The next morning, Li Xiangning looked at me with a smile, then looked at me and said sweetly, "how was last night?"

"It's OK! Why? You want to tease me again?", I slapped Li Xiangning's ass, then pinched the tip of Li Xiangning's nose and said with a bad smile.

"I don't dare to tease you. You hurt people so much last night!" Li Xiangning looked at me weakly and said.

Li Xiangning was beautiful. She was so weak that I immediately had an impulse to bully her. I turned over and pressed Li Xiangning under my body, and then began to do it on her.

"No, it's getting late. Let's get up! Don't do it again!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said pitifully.

Seeing Li Xiangning's pitiful appearance, I didn't really want to get rid of her. I suddenly had an impulse. I pressed Li Xiangning on the bed and tried hard to get it on her. Li Xiangning wanted to make a sound, but I was afraid of being listened to by her parents, so I had to hold it.

Li Xiangning's small face was suppressed into a bitter gourd face. Seeing Li Xiangning's appearance of not daring to make a sound, I felt particularly funny, and the action intensified. I just deliberately wanted Li Xiangning to make a sound, but I also wanted to see her look of not daring to make a sound.

When it was over, Li Xiangning held a small powder fist and hammered several powder fists on my chest. Looking at me, she said angrily, "you did it on purpose. You know people don't dare to speak. You still work so hard! It hurts people!"

I comforted Li Xiangning. After a while, we both got up. Maybe my movements were too violent. Li Xiangning couldn't close her legs when she got up. Therefore, I didn't get her little pink fist less.

After lunch, my brother called me and asked me to go to work in Kunge Di bar in the evening. Of course, I'm very happy. After all, I've been idle for so long, it's time to go to work.

When I went to work in the evening, Jiangshan told me a news. Jiangshan said that he had inquired about the whereabouts of Tang Tianyi. As soon as I heard the name of Tang Tianyi, I was like a hungry wolf seeing its prey. Of course, I would not let Tang Tianyi go. It was time for him to repay all the past.

After I discussed with Jiangshan and them, we took more than a dozen people to block Tang Tianyi at noon the next day. Tang Tianyi was living in the hotel at that time. We had been waiting outside the hotel for Tang Tianyi to come downstairs. It took about half an hour for Tang Tianyi to come downstairs.

Tang Tianyi wanted to drive away, but we would give him this opportunity. As soon as he came down, we rushed up and surrounded him. When Tang Tianyi saw me, he was not as frightened as Zheng Feng, but very indifferent.

It's hard for us to fight outside, so we caught Tang Tianyi in an alley and threw Tang Tianyi into the alley. After that, we were ready to clean up Tang Tianyi.

After Tang Tianyi was kicked to the ground, he got up and looked at us calmly without any fear. I looked at Tang Tianyi and pretended to be fierce and said, "Tang Tianyi, you're dead today!"

"I know. Looking at you like this, I can't escape today. For 30 years, those who should come will always come!" Tang Tianyi was very indifferent, and his indifference made me feel at a loss.

In fact, when I think about it carefully, Tang Tianyi and I have had a long-standing resentment, but the so-called resentment was just accumulated by sun Han at school. The subsequent conflicts were all poisonous scorpions, not to mention that the poisonous scorpions were dead.

With this thought, the resentment in my heart was eliminated, and the hatred for Tang Tianyi was much less.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, go up and beat him directly, you son of a bitch. I've been unhappy with him since I went to school!" said the fat brother, who was about to clench his fist and clean up Tang Tianyi.

I held brother Pang. Brother Pang asked me what I meant. I said I wanted to fight with Tang Tianyi alone. At school, sun Han fought with Tang Tianyi alone, but he beat me like a dog. Taking advantage of this opportunity today, I want to defeat Tang Tianyi. It should be an explanation for that unforgettable youth.

"I'll fight with you alone. If you win, I'll let you go, but you won't appear in my sight again in the future. How about that?" I looked at Tang Tianyi and said calmly.

"I don't have any opinion. After all, it's better to fight alone than so many of you beat me, but are you sure you can beat me?" Tang Tianyi looked at me and said defiantly.

"Today is different from the past! It's too early to draw a conclusion now!" I said, and I tried my best to clench my fist and hit Tang Tianyi.

Jiangshan fat brother, when they saw that I wanted to fight with Tang Tianyi alone, they consciously stood aside and didn't interfere in the duel between Tang Tianyi and me.

Tang Tianyi saw that I rushed over fiercely without any slack. He dodged and avoided my fierce fist. Tang Tianyi's skill was as fast as before. After avoiding my fist, Tang Tianyi hit me in reverse.

Although Tang Tianyi is thinner than me, the strength on his fist is not small. After he punched me, my body was also very painful.

Angered by the pain, I clenched my fist and attacked Tang Tianyi again. Tang Tianyi moved very fast and quickly avoided it. He also kicked me hard in my abdomen. I was kicked to the ground by Tang Tianyi at that time.

"Han zi, don't waste time with him. Let's go together and see how powerful he can be!" fat brother shouted anxiously after seeing me beaten.

I know that brother Pang is worried about me, and I am also very grateful to him for this, but today I just want to defeat Tang Tianyi by myself and clean up Tang Tianyi with my fist.

I said no to brother Pang, and then stood up again. It may be because I was often beaten. I was not a little more resistant than before. After Tang Tianyi hit me several times, I also found out his way.

After I was knocked down, I stood up again, and then rushed towards Tang Tianyi. Tang Tianyi punched me directly on the nose. At that time, my nose blood flowed out, "did I win?" Tang Tianyi looked at me and said defiantly.

"It's still early!" I didn't manage my nose blood. When Tang Tianyi didn't pay attention, I clenched my fist and punched Tang Tianyi's arm. I did my best.

Tang Tianyi was confused after I hit him. I looked like a tiger going down the mountain. I knocked Tang Tianyi to the ground with a fist, and then clenched my fist and hit Tang Tianyi hard like a storm.

Tang Tianyi was beaten very embarrassed by me. His nose was bleeding and his face was swollen by me. I know I may not be as good as Tang Tianyi, but in terms of resistance to beating, I am no worse than Tang Tianyi. Coupled with Tang Tianyi's rebellious character, I can defeat him as long as I launch a fatal blow when he expands.

I clenched my fist and hammered Tang Tianyi. While beating, I fiercely asked Tang Tianyi whether he was satisfied or not?

At the beginning, Tang Tianyi was unwilling to show weakness and said that he was not satisfied, but the resistance was fruitless. After I had been beaten violently, Tang Tianyi was still soft and unwilling to say that I was satisfied.

After hearing Tang Tianyi say I took these three words, my heart suddenly relaxed a lot. I wanted to say loudly that I won, but I woke up after I stood up. Sun Han was no longer with me, and winning Tang Tianyi didn't make much sense.

"You go, I don't want to see you again from now on!" I looked at Tang Tianyi and said calmly.

Brother Pang didn't agree to let Tang Tianyi go, but after I said it, brother Pang didn't say anything to let Tang Tianyi leave.

When Tang Tianyi came to the entrance of the alley, he looked back at me and left. After leaving this time, I haven't seen Tang Tianyi for a long time. It's time to say goodbye.

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