After Tang Tianyi left, we all left. As soon as I got into the rental house, sister steel teeth called me. Sister steel teeth said she had something to do with me and asked me to see her.

It was already 7:00 p.m. when I went outside to see steel tooth sister. We made an appointment to meet in a hotel. Soon after I arrived, steel tooth sister also arrived. At that time, it was hot. Steel tooth sister came wearing a broken flower dress, a pair of monochrome cloth shoes and horsetail.

After coming in, the steel tooth sister sat next to me, and then gently called me brother Han, "brother Han, haven't you seen me for so many days? Do you miss me?"

"Of course, let's go to the movies after dinner. There are just a few good movies to watch recently!" I looked at the steel tooth sister and smiled.

Steel tooth sister looked unhappy. She sat next to me and looked at me. She said unhappily, "brother Han, Li Xiangning came to me today. She said that you and she had already been there and that you were going to get married! She asked me to leave you and said that if I left you, she would give me 200000!"

After I rubbed my temples, how did sister Wen steel teeth answer at that time? Looking at me, sister steel teeth said unhappily: "I didn't promise her at that time, but brother Han, you answer me first. She said you were going to get married. Is it true?"

"I don't want to explain anything, but I can assure you that I will never fail you! You can rest assured!" I looked at the steel tooth sister and said seriously.

After listening to what I said, my little face smiled again. We had a good meal in the restaurant with me. After we had enough, we went to the cinema and watched a movie.

It was already 10 p.m. after watching the film. After I came out of the cinema, Li Xiangning called me. Li Xiangning asked me where I was now and why I didn't go back. I said I wouldn't come back today and had a rest outside all night.

Although Li Xiangning didn't like to hear my answer, she gave a sound. After hanging up the phone, I was ready to stay in the hotel with steel tooth sister for one night.

We came to a hotel with a good environment. After opening the room, we went in. Steel teeth asked me to take a bath first and then do it. I couldn't wait to take a bath and then came out.

Steel teeth sister was playing with her mobile phone. I sat next to steel teeth sister with a bad smile, then put my hand into steel teeth sister's dress, looked at steel teeth sister and said with a bad smile: "it's getting late, let's go to bed early!"

"Sleep? Really sleep? You just want to sleep with me! I'm going to take a bath first!" the steel tooth girl looked at me and I said playfully. Then she was very proud and ready to take a bath.

I was willing to let sister steel teeth take a bath there. I said I could take a bath at any time. I'll take a bath first and then take a bath, "I don't, I'll take a bath first! You're so stopping me, I'll sue you QJ!" sister steel teeth said with full confidence looking at me.

"No, I haven't teased you for a few days. I'm so disobedient! OK, I have to clean you up today!" I said, so I directly pressed steel tooth sister on the bed, and then directly took off steel tooth sister's dress. Steel tooth sister quickly blocked her inner part with her hand, looked at me and said angrily: "You call me like this again, brother Han, you always bully others like this!"

"Scream, the more you call me, the more excited I am! Scream!" I looked at the steel tooth sister and said with a bad smile. Then I took away the steel tooth sister's hand blocking the inside, and took off the steel tooth sister's inside at once.

After taking off the inside of steel tooth sister, I began to kiss steel tooth sister. After kissing, I began to do business. At first, steel tooth sister pretended to be a chaste martyr and refused to follow me, but after I got it a few times, steel tooth sister obediently followed me. She will do what she wants.

When it was over, the steel tooth sister snuggled up pitifully in my arms, looked at me and said sweetly, "brother Han, you haven't come to accompany others for several days. They don't want to do it with you today. You're still strong!"

"Darling, I'll often see you when I have time!" I said, looking at the steel tooth sister.

"You should accompany me every day in the future! Then I'll let you do it. If you don't accompany me often, I won't let you do it in the future!" the steel tooth sister looked at me and said playfully.

"Well, well, let's not say more about what's available and what's not. Let's do it again. Don't move this time!", I said, and I fell on the steel tooth sister, and then acted recklessly on the steel tooth sister.

Sister steel teeth cooperated with me this time. After I finished, I was a little sleepy. After a brief chat with sister steel teeth, I went to bed. The next morning, Li Xiangning called me and asked me to go back for breakfast. I said no, I ate outside. After that, I hung up.

As soon as I hung up the phone, steel teeth woke up. Looking at the good weather outside, steel teeth kissed me on the face, looked at me and said sweetly, "the weather is so good today. Do you want to come here while the weather is good!"

Originally, I didn't want to, but I couldn't stand the tease of steel teeth. I still disarmed and surrendered on steel teeth. After that, I sent steel teeth to work. Steel teeth was obviously satisfied with her happy face, but I was very sad. I was very sleepy and yawned all the time.

It seems that you can't work harder on sister steel teeth in the future. Her body is almost hollowed out. After she went to work, sister steel teeth tactfully touched me there, and then looked at me with a smile: "brother Han, you're not hard anymore. Next time I won't let you get out of bed!"

After that, sister steel teeth kissed me on the face and went to work. I also returned to the rental house. When I returned to the rental house, there was only Li Xiangning in the rental house, and Li Xiangning's parents went out.

Seeing me back, Li Xiangning asked me where I was last night, and I didn't hide it. I told Li Xiangning the truth. After that, I said I was a little sleepy and went to bed first, but Li Xiangning stopped me, "did you have that with her last night!".

I nodded. "By the way, she told me something last night. She said you let her leave me. You gave her 200000, didn't you?"

I'm particularly unhappy about this. The feelings between me and steel tooth sister can't be measured by money. Measuring feelings with money is undoubtedly an insult to this relationship.

"Do you think you are rich or do you think the relationship between me and steel tooth sister can be bought with money!" I looked at Li Xiangning angrily and said.

"Don't I want to be with you? If I didn't care about you, would I do this? You still say that about me when you come back!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said wrongfully.

"Well, well, I don't want to say anything more. I'll go to bed first!" I looked at Li Xiangning angrily and said.

Originally, I felt guilty about steel tooth sister. Li Xiangning's practice undoubtedly lowered her image in my heart.

"You told me that you often fooled around with her. Did I say anything?" Li Xiangning said, looking at me and complaining. Her little face was covered with tears.

I just wanted to say Li Xiangning. At this time, Li Xiangning's parents opened the door and came in. When Li Xiangning's parents came in, Li Xiangning's eyes were full of tears. Li Xiangning's parents came in and pulled Li Xiangning aside when they saw such a situation, and then asked me what was going on and why Li Xiangning cried?

I said that we just had a little difference. There was no big deal. After that, I made a mistake with Li Xiangning. Let's not say anything else, but at least in front of Li Xiangning's parents, the play that should be performed still needs to be performed.

"Well, let's not talk about the contradiction between you two. Come here, Xiaohan Xiangning. We have something to tell you!" Li Xiangning's parents called me and Li Xiangning aside.

After calling us aside, Li Xiangning's parents sat down. After sitting down, Li Xiangning's mother looked at me and said, "Xiao Han, tell us honestly, are you out there?"

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