After Ya Mei said that, her tears didn't cooperate. That's how steel teeth sister is. Everything is considered for me first, regardless of whether she will be hurt. That's why I feel sorry for steel teeth sister. Her actions make me feel guilty for her.

"In the final analysis, these things are all my fault. If you don't blame me, I'm already very happy. How can I fail you! Let's go. It's getting late. Let's go back to bed." after everything is clear, I feel so comfortable, just like the sunshine in the haze weather.

I lived comfortably in gang Ya's rental house for two days. On the third morning, Li Xiangning's parents called me, "Xiao Han, my uncle and aunt didn't want to call you. After all, you and Xiangning have been separated, but my uncle and aunt can't help it. Since you left that night, Xiangning has locked herself in the room without eating or drinking for two days. She doesn't open the door even if she asks her to open the door. We are really afraid of her doing something stupid. We want to call you to let her know You come to persuade Xiangning. After all, you have been together for so long. She should be able to listen to your persuasion! "

"Good uncle and aunt, I'll come later!", I can't refuse the kindness of Li Xiangning's parents. In the final analysis, Li Xiangning's parents used to be kind to me. People now ask me. If I refuse, will it be impersonal soon?

After I changed my clothes, I went. Li Xiangning locked herself in the room. Li Xiangning's parents asked her to open the door outside. She said faintly that I had nothing to stop.

From Li Xiangning's voice, it's not hard to hear that Li Xiangning's state is very bad. If Li Xiangning's parents didn't ask to open the door, I went up and asked Li Xiangning to open the door. However, Li Xiangning didn't give me preferential treatment or even say a word to me.

"Why do you want to come in? Didn't you leave? Why do you come back after you left?" Li Xiangning said to me faintly after I called outside the door.

"I came back to get something. I forgot to take it at that time. I just remembered today! Open the door for me first, and I'll go when I get something!" I said to Li Xiangning in the door. If I didn't say so, Li Xiangning probably wouldn't open the door for me today.

After I said that, Li Xiangning got up and opened the door for me. After I pushed the door in, Li Xiangning kicked the slippers aside, and then went to bed to cover the quilt and continue to sleep. Li Xiangning is a very clean person. Everything is neat. Kicking the shoes is not her style. Obviously, it is the result of Li Xiangning's bad mood. I can see Come on, she's in a bad mood.

Li Xiangning slept in bed with her back to me. Her hair was messy like a chicken nest. I went to Li Xiangning's bed and hugged her across the quilt. "I heard you haven't eaten in the past two days, haven't you? What if you don't eat? Let's get up and have something to eat!"

"Don't you want to leave? Why are you back? Don't you want me? Then why do you care about me? I don't want you!" Li Xiangning held me in her hand, opened it, and buried her head in the quilt.

"I didn't say I didn't care about you. Didn't I get rid of you that night? Do you remember what you said? You asked me to be responsible for you! So I have to take care of you and be responsible for you!" and I gently lifted the quilt covered by Li Xiangning.

After hearing what I said, Li Xiangning got out of the quilt, sat and looked at me and asked in a low voice, "really? Are you responsible for me? Won't you leave me?"

I haven't seen Li Xiangning for only two days. Li Xiangning is haggard and looks thinner. I still have some feelings for Li Xiangning. I'm also very uncomfortable to see her like this.

"Well, if I don't leave you, I'll stay and stay with you!" I held Li Xiangning tightly in my arms and said to Li Xiangning as gently as possible. What Li Xiangning needs now is comfort.

After hearing what I said, Li Xiangning hugged me tightly, then whispered in my chest, "I thought you didn't want me!" and then hammered me twice with a small powder fist.

"Well, let's get up for dinner and eat well!" I said. I hugged Princess Li Xiangning down, and then took Li Xiangning to the dinner table. Li Xiangning's mother quickly brought the steaming food to Li Xiangning. She also took a bowl of chopsticks for me, saying that I should eat together while the food was still hot.

I really didn't eat, so I ate with Li Xiangning. When I ate, I tried to be gentle to Li Xiangning, and brought her vegetables and rice, just to make Li Xiangning happier.

After dinner, Li Xiangning looked at me with big eyes and asked, "you said you would accompany me. Did you stay with me today instead of going?"

I was going to leave before Li Xiangning asked this question, but when Li Xiangning asked this question, I decided to stay with Li Xiangning for a day. After dinner, I took Li Xiangning to the amusement park for a whole day. In the evening, I also took Li Xiangning to a movie.

After watching the movie, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Li Xiangning took my hand and looked at me sweetly and asked, "do you compensate me today?"

"Accompany ah, but this big night, what can I do with you? Sleep with me?", I looked at Li Xiangning holding the tip of her nose and said with a bad smile.

Li Xiangning rubbed me, and then went back with me. When we went back, Li Xiangning's parents hadn't gone to bed. After taking a bath, Li Xiangning went to the room, and I followed.

After I went in, Li Xiangning took off her clothes and lay on my body, and then kissed on my lips. Li Xiangning, who had experienced personnel, was very gentle and obedient in bed.

Originally, Li Xiangning is the kind of woman who makes men crazy. She also deliberately lies on me and tempts me. Finally, I have a tough attitude to survive. Li Xiangning probably doesn't intend to give in.

"Otherwise, wait until you buy TT!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said when I was about to touch Li Xiangning.

I haven't used TT very much before. This time I propose to use TT mainly because I'm afraid of making Li Xiangning's stomach bigger. If I really make Li Xiangning's stomach bigger, the relationship will be really troublesome.

"It's all right. It's so easy to get pregnant. It's only one night. Buy it later!" Li Xiangning put her arms around my neck and looked at me softly.

"No, I'm afraid I'll enlarge your stomach if I'm not careful. In my current situation, I can't afford to raise children!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said, in fact, this is not the main thing. I'm afraid Li Xiangning's pregnancy will affect my relationship with steel teeth.

"It's all right. If you can't afford to have a baby, I'll raise it myself!" said Li Xiangning, taking off my belt and underpants and throwing them aside.

At this point, I have no way back. I lie on Li Xiangning and linger with Li Xiangning.

After finishing, Li Xiangning lay on my chest, looked at me and asked, "aren't you afraid she's unhappy when you're with me today?"

"It's ok if she's unhappy. Unfortunately, she thinks of me for everything. She won't blame me for what I do. That's why I choose to talk to her. I owe her too much!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said, these are my heart words.

"Yes, she's such a good woman that men like it!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said with some loss.

"Well, it's getting late. Let's have a rest early. I have something else to do tomorrow!" I patted Li Xiangning on the back and was ready to go to bed.

Just as I was about to go to bed, Li Xiangning put her hand into my underpants, looked at me with a small pout and said, "I don't want to go to bed yet, or let's do it again! I'll cooperate with you whatever you want this time!"

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