At Li Xiangning's request, we did it again. After finishing it, we felt that our bodies were hollowed out. After a good sleep, Li Xiangning's parents packed up and prepared to go back the next morning. Li Xiangning said that she would stay in the county for a period of time before going back. Li Xiangning's parents saw that Li Xiangning was in a much better mood and didn't say much, Before leaving, Li Xiangning's father asked me to be nice to Li Xiangning as much as possible. After all, Li Xiangning really likes me.

I nodded and said I would try my best to be good to Li Xiangning. After sending Li Xiangning's parents away, Li Xiangning and I started breakfast. When having breakfast, Li Xiangning looked at me and said thank you to me calmly. I asked Li Xiangning why he said thank you to me?

"I know you have made a decision to be with her, so I thank you for coming with me yesterday. I thought it out last night. Since you don't want me, I can't rely on you like that!" Li Xiangning looked at me with tears in her eyes and said that she had decided rather than saw through.

"I really hope I live in ancient times, so I can marry more wives. I admit I like you too! But the situation is here. I'm doomed to fail one! I'm really sorry!" I looked at Li Xiangning and sincerely apologized to Li Xiangning.

Li Xiangning held back her tears and nodded, "I know what you think, but I really don't want to leave you!" Li Xiangning looked at me with tears and said sadly.

At this time, I don't know what to say. After Li Xiangning finished eating, she went to collect the dishes and chopsticks. I also returned to the rental house of steel tooth sister. I want to calm down.

After coming to the rental house of steel teeth sister, steel teeth sister saw that I was unhappy and asked me what was the matter. I didn't hide it and told steel teeth sister everything. Now I'm really in a special contradiction. I want to leave Li Xiangning and can't bear to leave Li Xiangning. I'm really embarrassed.

"If you don't want to leave her, you can stay with her. I just want brother Han. I don't care about identity. I can be your lover, junior. I don't care!" the steel tooth sister looked at me and said seriously.

Of course, I don't want to disappoint sister steel teeth, but I don't know what to do now. Just when I had a headache about these things, my brother called me. My brother said he was going to the Qinglong club for a meeting and wanted me to have a long experience.

I hung up and went. Recently, I was physically and mentally exhausted because of my feelings. It's time to go out and get some fresh air.

After I went, I went to the conference room of the Qinglong club in my brother's car. The conference room of the Qinglong club is located in a teahouse. The second floor of the teahouse is the conference room of the Qinglong club. The conference room is very large, and it is not a problem to accommodate hundreds of people. A statue of Lord Guan was placed in the conference room, and the incense continued all the time.

Soon after my brother came, the big brothers at the entrance of the hall and the core backbone of the green dragon club came, and brother Hu also came. After he came, brother Hu also said hello to me. However, so many people on the scene, I only knew brother Hu and brother Hu, and I didn't know others.

The hierarchy of the green dragon club is obvious. In the conference room, except for the big brother at the entrance and those above the big brother at the entrance, there are no seats for others. Although my brother is an old member of the green dragon club, he also has no seats. Like me, he can only stand behind the table and watch these big brothers at the meeting.

After a while, almost all the people arrived and the seats were full. Some hall brothers would say hello to their brother when they saw his brother, but some didn't even look at their brother. The sense of discrimination brought by that level made me particularly unhappy.

When everyone was almost there, a man with a board inch head and yellow hair came in. The man was wearing a sky blue vest and the protruding muscles on his arms and chest showed his special health and strength, but he was not tall and looked very obscene. He looked like a villain.

The man came in, walked up to his brother, looked at his brother and said, "you're the Aaron, right? I've heard of you before. I heard you were good at fighting before, didn't you? Do you want to come to compete another day?", the man was very arrogant when he said this, and his movements made people hate him very much.

My brother didn't pay attention to him. When the man saw that his brother didn't speak, he became more arrogant. Pointing to his brother, he said more rampantly, "why? I'm afraid. Are you stupid? I heard you were very arrogant before!"

"Are you finished, yellow mouse? Why are you hanging so much all day? Can't you stop for a while?", brother Hu opened his mouth and scolded yellow mouse loudly. The yellow mouse is really annoying.

"Brother tiger! I saw a long and wanted to talk to him. Who knows he's so big! Birds don't bird me!", Huang mouse walked to one side and stood honestly. Although he was arrogant, he couldn't even rank in the green dragon club.

Later, I learned that the yellow mouse joined the green dragon club with his brother. However, his brother was with brother Hu, and the yellow mouse was with fat chicken. Both fat chicken and brother Hu were big brothers in the green dragon club. They were all senior figures. Although their status was not very high, they spoke a lot.

The yellow mouse hasn't been mixed up with the fat chicken since he joined him. He was recently promoted by the fat chicken. The fat chicken also called him to attend the meeting of the green dragon club.

After the yellow mouse stood honestly, at this time, a fat middle-aged man like a pig spoke to the yellow mouse, "yellow mouse, you TM, be honest with me. Labor and capital finally took you to a meeting. You'll beep when you come!"

"Brother chicken, I'm not thinking about talking to Aaron!" besides..., the yellow mouse still wanted to talk to the fat chicken, but after the fat chicken stared at him, the yellow mouse shut up.

The middle-aged man who spoke just now is a fat chicken. The man is really fat as his name. His stomach is like wrapped with sausage. The fat can't be used to describe it. It's completely piled up. If you move it casually, the fat will shake.

I estimate that the fat chicken is at least 300 Jin. It's too fat to see in the neck. The meat on the face is almost covering the nose. The fat head and ears are greasy and full of fat. There's a gold watch on the wrist.

I heard that fat chicken used to start by being a chicken head. In addition, it is fat, so people give it the nickname fat chicken!

"Fat chicken, I heard that a group of foreign girls came to your farm recently, right? We're in the same house. Do you have to invite us to have a good time tonight?", at this time, an elder brother looked at the fat chicken and joked.

"I'm always welcome you to play, as long as you give money! The foreign girls I invited are very expensive, and it's impossible to treat!" the fat chicken said with a smile at the big brothers at the entrance. His fat flesh was shaking with such a smile.

Fat chicken is a money addict. He loves money very much. In his eyes, there is nothing better than money. That is, because of money, brother Hu and fat chicken had a conflict several years ago. Since that conflict, brother Hu and fat chicken have stood on the opposite side. Although there is no conflict at ordinary times, no one will give anyone a good face, This is why the yellow mouse will provoke his brother. The yellow mouse is also provoking brother Hu in disguise, so brother Hu will scold the yellow mouse.

As for the fat chicken scolding the yellow mouse, it's just acting and pretending to be lofty. Maybe he came up with these ideas behind his back.

Originally, I thought everyone had arrived, but it was not. There was another heavyweight who did not come, that was the leader of the green dragon Association.

Just when the hall entrance was joking there, the leader of the green dragon club came, and the whole conference room immediately restored calm. No one was making a noise, especially quiet.

To make Qinglong society so quiet, there is only the leading brother of Qinglong society in the world.

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