Standing at the top of the green dragon club, I was naturally very interested. On the day I joined the green dragon club, I was lucky to take a look at it from a distance, but I didn't see it very clearly. I just looked at it vaguely.

Just when everyone was quiet, a middle-aged man with a big back came in from the door. He was dressed in a suit and shoes and wore a pair of shiny black shoes. The whole man looked special and energetic.

This man is Mr. Jiang, the leader of the Qinglong club. Mr. Jiang has carried the flag of the Qinglong club since he was 30. Now it has been more than ten years. Under the leadership of Mr. Jiang, the Qinglong club is becoming stronger and stronger, and its business is all over the world.

Mr. Jiang looked at me when he came in. I was very excited and felt that I was about to be reused. After Mr. Jiang came in and sat down, he first perfumed Mr. Guan, and then began the meeting.

"I called you here today mainly to discuss with you about brother Tangkou. It must be clear to you that just last week, a brother Tangkou of our Qinglong Club died in a car accident. I'm very sorry about this, but it's said that the seat can't be empty all the time! So today is for you to recommend. I want to support you Opinion, see who is more suitable to be the big brother at the entrance! "Mr. Jiang looked at everyone at the bottom and said.

After Mr. Jiang finished, the next Tangkou brothers can speak. Among the Tangkou brothers, the fat chicken and brother tiger have the most say. After Mr. Jiang finished, the fat chicken spoke, "Mr. Jiang, my fat chicken doesn't stay in the Qinglong club for only one day or two. I can read countless people. Among so many people in the Qinglong club, I think Huang mouse is more suitable to be the big brother of the hall. He and I don't stay in one day or two. I know him very well. He has absolutely nothing to say when he is the big brother of the hall!"

After finishing, the fat chicken pulled the yellow mouse in front of Mr. Jiang and asked the yellow mouse to say hello to Mr. Jiang.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jiang. I'm going to die and become the Tangkou elder brother. I'll definitely make my brothers popular and spicy!" Huang mouse boasted to Mr. Jiang. After he said that, the Tangkou elder brothers at the bottom began to laugh and say that the popular and spicy ones can stand it?

Mr. Jiang didn't say much either. He smiled and nodded to let the yellow mouse go first and let him think about it.

After the yellow mouse went down, Mr. Jiang looked at the big brother at the bottom and said, "do you have anyone else besides the yellow mouse? If you have anything, just say it!"

Fat chicken still has some influence in the green dragon club. Of course, his supporters recommend yellow mouse together, but there are some exceptions. Seeing that those big brothers at the entrance recommend yellow mouse, brother Hu can't sit still anymore. He stands up and looks at Mr. Jiang and says: "Mr. Jiang, I recommend a long. A long has been with me for many years. He has stayed in the green dragon club for a long time. Moreover, a long was also the eldest brother at the beginning. I think no one is more suitable than a long in terms of who is the eldest brother at the entrance!" after that, brother Hu took a deliberate look at Huang mouse.

After brother Hu looked at the yellow mouse, the fat chicken also looked at brother Hu without showing weakness. Although they didn't have any words, there was no less gunpowder in their eyes.

After brother Hu said that, other short haired Tangkou brothers also recommended their candidates, but the most popular ones are brother and yellow mouse. They are the most favored. No doubt, the last Tangkou brother is to choose one of them.

At first, I didn't know why my brother came to the meeting. Now I understand that my brother came to compete for the position of big brother at the entrance of the hall. However, Huang mouse's voice is not lower than his brother's. in the end, the winner is still uncertain.

If I were qualified, I would like to vote for my brother, but my level is too low to vote at all.

"It seems that Aaron and Huang mouse are the popular candidates today. Unexpectedly, everyone has recommended them. The seat of brother Tangkou must be selected from both of them. Let's start voting. Whoever has the highest number of votes is brother Tangkou!" Mr. Jiang waved his big hand and the voting officially began.

I don't know whether the fat chicken's old bastard spent money. Many people voted for the yellow mouse. I don't know where the yellow mouse is good, ugly, and bad at first sight. I don't know whether these hall brothers have eye problems.

The final voting result came out. The yellow mouse had one more vote than his brother. Seeing his votes, his brother was arrogant and twisted his waist in front of his brother.

The fat chicken was also very proud. Looking at brother Hu, he said with a smile: "it seems that the yellow mouse can mix in Qinglong! Ah long doesn't need to lose. He can still get a seat when I sit for a few more years!"

"The key is that you can't die. If you die, it's much easier to do!" said brother Hu, looking at the fat chicken in a bad tone.

"If you don't quit, how can I be willing to die? How can I die behind you!" the fat chicken looked at brother Hu and said proudly, that's arrogance.

Just when everyone thought that the outcome had been decided, Mr. Jiang said, "everyone has already cast their own votes, right, but logically speaking, I am also a member of the green dragon Association. Should I also have one vote?"

Mr. Jiang is the most powerful person in the Qinglong society. What he says is what he says. Who dares to refute?

"Since I also have one vote, I decided to vote for a long. I know a long's character very well and I believe him!" Mr. Jiang looked at his brother and said.

"Mr. Jiang, don't they have the same number of votes? Who will be the big brother?" the fat chicken looked at Mr. Jiang unhappily and said, and the arrogance disappeared.

"Now competition is popular, let them have a competition! I will arrange the competition between them. Let's break up the meeting for the time being!" Mr. Jiang said and then broke up the meeting.

Soon after I went back with my brother, Mr. Jiang called both my brother and the yellow mouse. After my brother came back, I knew that Mr. Jiang called his brother and the yellow mouse and said that he would give them a bar and let them run it well for a month. At that time, whoever makes more money will be the big brother at the entrance.

Brother also took brother Kun and us to see the bar given by Mr. Jiang. The decoration, environment and area of the bar are OK. Brother plans to simply buy it and open it the day after tomorrow.

Brother Kun asked the three of us to work in the di bar when we came to his brother, so we don't have to work in the di bar.

After watching the bar, I went back first. Brother Kun and brother still had something to deal with. When I came back, Li Xiangning was playing with her mobile phone. Li Xiangning didn't cook, so I took Li Xiangning out to eat.

Li Xiangning and I went to a restaurant with a large number of tourists. Although the distance is a little far, I heard that the food in this restaurant is very delicious.

After we sat down, we ordered a table of food and sat there to eat. When Li Xiangning ate, she often mixed vegetables for me, especially gently asked me to eat more. I smiled and said, do you want to feed into a pig?

"No, you are a pig!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said playfully.

"If I were a pig, you would be a little sow? White and fat little sow! Hei hei", I looked at Li Xiangning and said with a smile. I felt more secure when I saw Li Xiangning's smile on her face.

"You are a pig, you are a boar!" Li Xiangning smiled and knocked on my head with chopsticks.

Just as Li Xiangning and I were talking and laughing there, Huang mouse took two people into the hotel. When I saw Huang mouse, I asked Li Xiangning not to talk. But even so, Huang mouse who entered the hotel found me in the crowd.

When Huang mouse found me, he walked towards me with a smile. When he came in front of me, he looked at me and said with a smile, "what a coincidence, isn't this Aaron's brother? Are you here for dinner?"

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