When Li Xiangning saw it, she awkwardly turned her head to one side and pretended not to see anything, but she did see it. I didn't say much. I went to find Li Xiangning clothes to change. She was wet and would catch a cold after a long time.

I found a suit of clothes for Li Xiangning in gang Ya's wardrobe. Li Xiangning asked me to go to another room. She wanted to change clothes. After I stayed in another room for a while, Li Xiangning changed clothes. Gang Ya's sister and Li Xiangning are about the same height, and Li Xiangning's figure is slightly better, so Li Xiangning's clothes fit slowly.

After Li Xiangning sat down and drank the water, she asked me to uncover the gauze wrapped on my head. She helped me look at the injury. After I uncovered the gauze, Li Xiangning looked at it. Li Xiangning said that the wound on my head had scabbed. It would be good to cultivate myself for a period of time.

After watching my injury, Li Xiangning said she would go back first. After that, Li Xiangning said intentionally or unintentionally, "I'd better go back early. Anyway, I'll only disturb your good things if I stay!"

At this time, there was still heavy rain and thunder outside. The thunder rumbled like a roaring monster. "Why are you going back when it's raining so hard outside? Besides, you're not afraid to meet bad guys when a girl goes back in such a big night! Just sleep here tonight. You can still sleep in a squeeze!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said solemnly, It's such a big night, and it's still raining so hard outside. How can I rest assured that Li Xiangning will go back alone.

After I said that, Li Xiangning nodded and sat down on the steel tooth sister's bed. The steel tooth sister didn't wear any clothes and was wrapped in the quilt without saying a word.

After I took a bath, I changed into loose clothes and sat on the steel tooth sister's bed. I turned on the TV opposite the steel tooth sister's bed to watch a movie. After I sat down, the steel tooth sister kept pushing my ass with her feet. I asked her if there was anything wrong?

Steel teeth sister was embarrassed to let me go. She told me something. After I climbed to steel teeth sister, steel teeth sister said she wanted to go to the bathroom, but she didn't wear clothes. The implication of steel teeth sister was that Li Xiangning was inconvenient.

"If you want to go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom. Anyway, you are all women. What do you have? She also has it!" I said casually. After I said that, the steel tooth girl got out of the quilt naked, didn't wear a cover, and went to the bathroom in her pajamas.

After going to the toilet, steel teeth sister sat next to me to watch a movie with me. Li Xiangning also sat next to me to watch a movie with me. The relationship between Li Xiangning and steel teeth sister was a little awkward. They sat together in a special embarrassment without saying a word, and I became a bridge between them.

After watching it for a while, both Gang Ya Mei and Li Xiangning said that the movies I watched were boring. They asked me to play horror movies. The minority obeyed the majority. I can only play horror movies. I personally dare not watch horror movies, but this time I can only sacrifice my life to accompany a gentleman.

Although it was a horror film they both asked to see, they were also the most timid. They were scared to cry at any scary scene. As soon as they were afraid, they drilled into my arms. On one side, I was there for them like a central air conditioner.

After watching the movie, we were very sleepy outside. After turning off the TV, we went to bed together. I don't remember anything after going to bed.

The next morning, I was woken up by the knock of fat brother and Jiangshan. After I woke up, I found that the sleeping position of Sister Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth was a little so. They were leaning on one of my arms, and my two legs were clamped by them. The most important thing is that their hands were placed on me with the same track and the same work.

Jiangshan and Pangge were outside. I woke up Li Xiangning and gang Ya Mei by the way after freeing up my hands. After Li Xiangning and gang Ya Mei woke up vaguely, they both looked at me and saw each other's hands there. They both tightened their hands and retracted.

After Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister got up, I also got up and opened the door for Jiangshan fat brother. When Jiangshan fat brother came in, Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister just got out of bed. Fat brother looked at me with ulterior motives and smiled. Then he looked at me and said, "Han Zixing, you're really good, two a night!"

Fat brother must have misunderstood, but this can't blame fat brother. After all, anyone who sees such a situation will think that I had something with Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister last night.

Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister also heard what fat brother said, and their faces turned a little red unconsciously.

After washing, Jiangshan and brother Pang called me out. Jiangshan told me that we could go to the yellow mouse's bar this evening. At first, I was worried because I was beaten badly last time and almost lost my life.

Jiangshan asked me not to worry. Brother Kun asked us to do so this time. Tonight, brother Kun will call Huang mouse out on the ground of asking for a fight. Moreover, brother Kun has paid money to buy Huang mouse's men. We can go into Huang mouse's bar and make a good loss.

Since brother Kun asked us to do this, of course I have no reason to refuse. Brother Jiangshan fat, I went out to buy something to do things and bought three sacks.

In the evening, there were many people in Huang mouse's bar. Those people followed Huang mouse to fight. There were only a small number of people left in the bar, and brother Kun paid for it.

We swaggered in directly, and then came to the dance floor with sacks. The men and women in the dance floor were not aware of the danger. They were still twisting their waist with loud music on the dance floor.

Fat brother smiled at us, then untied a sack and threw it hard to the middle of the dance floor. The sack that fat brother took was full of snakes. The man who sold snakes said that there seemed to be several poisonous snakes in the sack, but we didn't care so much. The ultimate goal outside tonight is to bring down the yellow mouse's bar.

After the fat man threw the sack into the dance floor, the whole dance floor was like a frying pan, "shoot, there are snakes, there are snakes from here!" the people on the dance floor hurriedly dispersed for fear of being bitten by snakes.

But it's not over yet. It's just the beginning.

"Let's have some music!" said Jiang Shan. He took a large string of firecrackers from another sack, lit them and threw them into the crowd. The crackling noise frightened the guests in the yellow mouse bar. The whole bar was full of screams and curses.

We are very happy to see this, but it is not over yet.

We put the prepared firecrackers aside where there were many people. We almost ran out of the yellow mouse bar.

Finally, we took out the long prepared explosives. Although the explosives we bought on the black market were small, it was no problem to blow up the facilities in the yellow mouse bar.

After lighting, we threw the explosives at the bar. We only heard a loud bang. The bar was blasted into slag, and the wine was also blasted into glass slag. The wine was also ignited and burned in the bar.

The son of a bitch called us a few days ago and ruined his bar.

Seeing yellow mouse's smoky bar, we smiled at each other and hurried out. If we grind it again, yellow mouse will kill us when he comes back.

After we came out, we called brother Kun and reported the situation here. Brother Kun asked us to go back first. Huang mouse must be looking for us all over the world now.

Although my brother made a verbal appointment with Huang mouse on the phone tonight and said that whoever won would be the big brother of the hall, in fact, my brother didn't go, that is to say, Huang mouse just threw himself into the air with people.

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