When the empty yellow mouse saw that his bar was made into such a mess, it was estimated that he would spit blood with anger, but I hope he would die of anger directly. After we hung up brother Kun's phone, we met brother Kun at his residence.

Although my brother didn't fulfill his promise to make an appointment with yellow mouse, my brother asked many people to wait on the spacious street downstairs. I didn't understand at that time. I asked my brother why he called so many people. Hasn't yellow mouse's bar been made like that by us?

My brother looked at me and said that the yellow mouse would arrive soon. Wouldn't it be impolite not to ask someone to wait for him?

Sure enough, as his brother said, Huang mouse soon came with a large group of people with guys. After he came, Huang mouse went directly to his brother and pointed to his brother and scolded angrily: "Guan Yilong, fuck NIMA! You called me and asked me to come out and make an appointment. Whoever wins will be the big brother at the entrance. Now I know that you are beating around and calling someone to do my game while I'm away!"

"You said I sent someone to smash your field. Do you have any evidence? Please, now the society wants to talk about evidence! You have no evidence to hang on me! Don't wrong good people!" my brother learned from the way that the yellow mouse played a rogue at that time and said to the yellow mouse in the tone of the yellow mouse rogue at that time.

I really wanted to laugh at that time. The son of a bitch, yellow mouse, deserved it!

"You are the only one who is right with me, not you!" said the yellow mouse angrily, looking at his brother.

"I don't want to say anything. In a word, if you have evidence, take it out. If you don't have evidence, don't beep here. We have to sleep at night!" my brother said angrily looking at the yellow mouse.

The yellow mouse was so angry that he took the guy and pointed at his brother and said fiercely, "you're a kind of TMD. Today, labor and capital will see how much you hang!". The yellow mouse who was so angry can't manage so much. If he took the guy, he's going to chop his brother.

The elder brother looked at the guy split by the yellow mouse and didn't hide. He just stood upright and didn't mean to hide at all. The elder brother looked at the angry yellow mouse and said coldly, "you still want to be wild on my territory. If you have seed, you can cut it down. I promise you can't walk out of this street alive!"

When the elder brother finished, the younger brothers scattered in twos and threes in the street came around one after another. They were all holding steel pipes.

The number of hands called by his brother was much more than that brought by yellow mouse. Of course, yellow mouse was not blind. When he saw people coming around, yellow mouse stopped and put down the knife.

"You Guan Yilong are very kind. You bully me with many people! Good! Very good! Let's see!" Huang mouse said, glared at his brother fiercely, and then took his little brother out of the crowd.

My brother is calm. I admire his calmness, which is probably the difference between big brother and little brother. After Huang mouse left, my brother waved his big hand: "go back first, have a good sleep and have dinner with the big guys another day!"

"Brother long, let's go first. Call us whenever you have anything!" the younger brothers agreed and went back.

After staying at my brother's house for a while, we all went back respectively. After all, it's getting late.

After Huang mouse's bar was polluted by us, it took us several days to redecorate it, but no one went again after the decoration. Those guests were terrified that night.

Moreover, I also heard that someone was bitten by a snake in Huang mouse's bar that night, and was bitten by a poisonous snake. For this reason, the guest almost died. Huang mouse spent tens of thousands of yuan to settle this matter.

In this regard, I think Huang mouse deserved it. Who asked him to send someone to do something in his brother's bar was called lifting a stone and smashing himself in the foot.

My brother's bar continued to operate normally after the seal was removed, but the bastard Huang mouse sent people to make trouble again and again. Those people he sent were stopped outside the bar by us and beat us. Just because of this, we didn't fight less. Although we didn't lose, we also had short fists. The most important thing is that the fight brought trouble to my brother's bar Many negative effects, originally the source of tourists was bleak, and no guests came to the door in this fight.

My brother's bar has been open for a few days, and the yellow mouse has been open for a long time. The yellow mouse must make more money than his brother.

Although Huang mouse had sent someone to do things in his brother's bar, his evil brother had been out, but Huang mouse made significantly more money than his brother, that is to say, his brother can't be the big brother of Tangkou. At that time, Huang mouse can only sit in the big brother's seat.

Brother Tangkou is a position that everyone at the bottom wants to do. Being brother Tangkou means a wider territory, more business and more younger brothers. If Huang mouse is allowed to be brother Tangkou, Huang mouse will never give his brother good fruit to eat in the future.

Yellow mouse knew that he made more money than his brother, so he simply spoiled his brother's bar business. In this way, even if he didn't do it, he was also a winner in the end.

Brother, the business of the bar is directly off, and the light is on when the bar is open.

One night, Huang mouse took people to his brother's bar. As soon as Huang Mouse arrived at the door of the bar, we stopped him. Huang mouse looked at us and smiled: "Don't worry, we didn't bring any guys, nor did we bring firecrackers, snake explosives and other things. I just want to take my brothers to play this time. Anyway, the time is coming. I should also take my brothers to relax. In this way, we are happy and take care of your business. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

"Anyone can go in this bar, but you bastard can't go in!" I looked at the yellow mouse and said fiercely.

After I finished, my brother came out of the bar. My brother looked at the yellow mouse and smiled coldly: "since we came to the bar to play, of course we are very happy. As long as we pay, we are welcome!"

Huang mouse smiled arrogantly, then looked at me and said with a disdainful smile: "see, you should learn more from your brother. Your hair hasn't grown up. You want to learn to install big brother in the film! You'd better eat more milk powder at ordinary times!"

After that, the yellow mouse was very arrogant and walked into the bar. When he went in, he deliberately bumped me and almost knocked me down.

After Huang mouse went in, the bar, which had been silent for a long time, sounded strong music again. Huang mouse called all his little brothers, and a large group of people danced happily on the dance floor of the bar.

The yellow mouse also shouted with the music there, and then danced while drinking. Seeing such arrogant yellow mice and others, our hearts were very unhappy.

But although we are very upset, we still have to deliver wine to Huang mouse and others. Huang mouse's son of a bitch also appointed me to bring wine to him. He doesn't drink what others bring.

I tried to control my anger and served the wine to the yellow mouse. After putting it down, I walked away. The yellow mouse stopped me and asked me to bring the wine again, but he didn't drink a drop of wine on Mingming's table.

I held back my resentment and dissatisfaction and went to serve wine to the yellow mouse again. After I put down the wine, the yellow mouse asked me to serve wine again, but his table was full of wine. The bastard yellow mouse was obviously looking for trouble and deliberately fooling me.

"Can't you drink all the wine on the table before you shout?" I looked at the yellow mouse and said angrily.

"I'm rich, I'm self willed, I'm not free! Go and bring the wine quickly!" the yellow mouse looked at me and said loudly with arrogance on his face.

"You want to drink and serve it yourself!" I looked at the yellow mouse and said fiercely.

"You have more backbone than your brother, but I don't like your backbone!" Huang mouse took a glass of wine and poured it directly on my face.

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