After wiping the wine on my face, I mercilessly smashed the tray in my hand towards the yellow mouse, but the tray failed to hit the yellow mouse and let the yellow mouse catch it.

After catching the tray, the yellow mouse looked at me and said with a sneer, "Oh, he's very angry. He wants to hit me before his hair is all together." after that, the yellow mouse threw the tray to the ground arrogantly.

"Fuck NIMA!", I've been completely angry. No matter he clenched his fist and smashed it on the yellow mouse's head, the wine on my face hasn't dried yet. My face is full of wine smell, and the smell of wine stimulated my anger even more.

Hearing something from me, Jiangshan fat brother rushed over immediately. When my brother heard the noise, he also brought someone to help. When they came, I was very angry and rushed towards the yellow mouse. The yellow mouse kicked me to the ground. I was kicked to the ground like a bastard without touching a hair of my fist.

"Yellow mouse, if you come to play, I'm very welcome, but if you TMD come to find something, I won't be polite to you!" after my brother helped me up from the ground, he looked at the yellow mouse and said fiercely, and the tusks dissatisfied with the yellow mouse appeared for the first time.

"I wanted to come and play, but now I've changed my mind. I just want to find something in your field. How can I drop it?", after Huang mouse said that, he overturned all the wine on the table and smashed it on the ground. As soon as the wine glass was broken, Huang mouse's younger brothers gathered around Huang mouse like ants to move.

Huang mouse called almost all the people he could call today. There were a lot of people, at least hundreds.

Huang mouse and his brother's power are half the weight. Huang mouse called all his younger brothers today. Even if his brother called all the people under his hand, Huang mouse is not afraid at all. What's more, some of my brother's staff have not come back yet, and there are not many people who can call, which makes the yellow mouse more arrogant.

"What's the matter? You think I'm very upset? If you have seed, hit me? I'm itchy today. If you have seed, hit me. I'll stand here and let you fight!" said Huang Shuzi, who was very aggressive, but although Huang Shuzi was very aggressive at this time, we can't help him. After all, there are so many younger brothers, We are the only ones who suffer.

"Why? Don't you dare to hit me? Show some backbone. How can you be like your grandson?" the yellow mouse looked at us and said arrogantly.

"Don't say I won't give you a chance. If you don't clean me up, I'll go!" said the yellow mouse. He arrogantly opened a bottle of beer and drank it. Then he took a wad of money and threw it in front of his brother like a almsgiving beggar.

"I still know the rules very well. Here, this is our consumption tonight. Take more tea and don't change it!" said the yellow mouse, pointing to the stack of money on the ground and looking at his brother very arrogantly.

The elder brother looked at the yellow mouse coldly and didn't bend down to pick up the money on the ground. After the yellow mouse said that, he left with his large group of younger brothers. This was still really arrogant. He twisted his body when walking. It looked like the kind of fighting, but no one dared to fight him.

After the yellow mouse left, his brother walked aside with a gloomy face. His brother didn't care about the stack of money on the ground, so he let it lie there.

Time is getting closer and closer. It's only a few days from what Mr. Jiang said. Everything has become a foregone conclusion. Even if the gods come, they can't change the foregone conclusion.

Soon, the day agreed by Mr. Luo Jiang will come. That day, my brother took brother Kun and me to attend the meeting of the green dragon club. The meeting of the green dragon club is mainly to choose brother Tangkou, and the candidate of brother Tangkou must be yellow mouse. After all, he makes more money in the bar than his brother.

When we came to the conference room of Qinglong club, there were not many people, just brother Hu came, and no one else came.

Brother Hu asked his brother not to have a burden in his heart. He's just a big brother at the entrance. If he doesn't, he'll be gone. It's not a big deal.

"I have no burden in my heart until I die. I just feel very unwilling to lose in the hands of the yellow mouse!" my brother looked at brother Hu and said, also, if anyone doesn't want to hate someone higher than himself.

But then again, who doesn't want to be a big brother and a little brother all his life? But I can only give up if I can't get it.

Brother Hu and brother Hu were chatting there. After a while, the fat chicken came in with the yellow mouse. After the fat chicken came in, he deliberately walked in front of his brother, looked at his brother with a smile and said, "ah long, although you can't be brother Tangkou this time, you don't have to lose heart. When we abdicate, you'll come to sit in brother Tangkou's seat sooner or later!"

Fat chicken, an old bastard, is deliberately showing off to ridicule his brother.

"Brother chicken, don't say that. You can't hang up for a while. I guess it's still early if I want to take your seat!" my brother looked at the fat chicken angrily and said that the fat chicken wanted the yellow mouse to kill us at the beginning, or because the fat chicken was an elder of the green dragon club, my brother wanted to kill him directly.

"You dead fat chicken, make sarcastic remarks here! What are you arrogant about? Even if your little brother Huang mouse becomes the big brother of Tangkou, what are you happy about? It's not your son who becomes the big brother of Tangkou!" brother Hu said angrily looking at the fat chicken.

Brother Hu's words made the fat chicken blue with anger, and his nostrils were angry.

When he was young, fat chicken abducted women from the countryside to become a young lady in the city. He also did a lot of immoral things. Once he saw a beautiful rural girl and wanted to be stronger than that rural girl. As a result, the rural girl vowed to die and kicked the fat chicken hard in the crotch. After being kicked, the fat chicken completely lost its fertility, And the ability in that area has also decreased a lot. According to brother Hu, fat chicken is a second man who can't finish it in a minute.

After the ability of fat chicken decreased, his wife still fooled around with his little brother, and was pregnant with his little brother's children. After this matter was discovered by fat chicken, fat chicken's wife stole his money and ran away with fat chicken's little brother. The accumulated resentment of these things also makes the fat chicken more cruel and cruel.

All Qinglong will know about the fat chicken is brother Hu and several other old people. These things are the deepest resentment in the fat chicken's heart. Brother Hu usually doesn't mention them, but today the fat chicken is too arrogant. He can't control so much for a moment. He opened his mouth and said it.

The fat chicken looked at brother Hu with a gloomy face. His fingers trembled with anger. It was the first time I saw the fat chicken so angry.

Tiger didn't care about the fat chicken and sat down in his seat.

After the fat chicken slowed down, he sat down in his seat. The yellow mouse standing behind him has been arrogant staring at his brother, obviously mocking.

After a while, everyone arrived. After Mr. Jiang came and offered incense, the meeting began.

"I made it very clear last month that brother Tangkou chose between Aaron and yellow mouse. The way to choose is to see whose bar makes more money, and I sent someone to check it!" Mr. Jiang looked at Aaron and yellow mouse and said to the people below.

Hearing what Mr. Jiang said, the fat chicken yellow mouse's face showed a proud smile.

Although our hearts are unwilling, the facts are in front of us and can only be accepted.

"I've seen the account books of a long and Huang mouse bar. I know who makes more money!" Mr. Jiang glanced at his brother, then stood up and looked at everyone at the bottom and announced loudly: "next, I'll announce that a long will take the vacant elder brother's seat at the entrance!"

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