When I heard Mr. Jiang say this, I didn't react at that time. After reacting, I unconsciously cheered for my brother. Brother Kun was also happy for his brother with a smile on his face.

The fat chicken yellow mouse was stunned when he heard the result. After Mr. Jiang said that, the yellow mouse looked at Mr. Jiang very impolitely and shouted to Mr. Jiang, "Mr. Jiang, your eyes should work well? Obviously, I make more money in the bar than a long. I should take the seat of the big brother at the entrance. How can I get a long to sit? It's not fair!"

The fat chicken also said, "Mr. Jiang, you said the rules at the beginning, but now you're going a little too far! It's not obvious to suppress us. How can we say that we have made contributions in the Qinglong club, and we've never been less than our money and contributions!" obviously, the fat chicken said that he was very dissatisfied with Mr. Jiang's practice, However, fat chicken is an old Jianghu. It speaks very tactfully and will not directly offend Mr. Jiang. However, in the final analysis, fat chicken still means that, but it speaks more old-fashioned.

"Yes, it's really unfair for me to do this according to your, but as far as I know, during the period when Huang mouse and a long opened the bar, Huang mouse first asked someone to make trouble in a long's and caused a human life. A long's bar was closed for half a month. Do you think it's fair?" Mr. Jiang said righteously looking at the fat chicken and Huang mouse.

Huang mouse flatly denied this. He didn't admit that he was behind the scenes, "Mr. Jiang, you have to show evidence before you speak. There's nothing. Do you think you've wronged me?" Huang mouse looked at Mr. Jiang and said unhappily, without a trace of respect.

"The evidence is right, then I'll give you the evidence!" Mr. Jiang said, winking at the people at hand.

Soon, the people under Mr. Jiang brought in a man with purple hair. When the purple haired man saw Mr. Jiang, his legs trembled with fear as if he had seen the living king of hell. It is not difficult to see from the dirty clothes of the purple haired man that he has been beaten in the past two days.

The yellow mouse didn't look very well when he saw the purple haired man, but because Mr. Jiang was in the yellow mouse, he could only bear not to attack.

"Repeat what you told me last night. You'd better cooperate and tell the truth, otherwise you can't guarantee whether you can hold me!" Mr. Jiang said angrily looking at the purple haired man.

Mr. Jiang's Regal majesty is particularly frightening, especially for the purple haired man.

The purple haired man can still see bruises, and his purple hair is as messy as a chicken nest. It must be hard for him these days.

After Mr. Jiang finished, the purple haired man was about to speak, because he knew what would happen if he didn't speak. I noticed that the yellow mouse gave the purple haired man a look with a murderous look when he was ready to speak.

However, compared with Mr. Jiang and the yellow mouse, the purple haired man was more afraid of Mr. Jiang than the yellow mouse.

"That night, the yellow mouse asked us to make trouble in Longge's bar. We caught a girl in Longge's bar, gave the girl a lot of medicine, and hid medicine in Longge's bar! These are what the yellow mouse asked us to do. It really has nothing to do with me. Don't kill me!", The purple haired man looked at Mr. Jiang and his brother kowtowing there and pleaded.

After getting the news, the purple haired man was taken out. I don't know what happened to him in the end.

Later, I learned that my brother found the purple haired man yesterday. Under my brother's torture, the purple haired man recruited. After locking up the purple haired man, my brother told brother Hu about it, and brother Hu told Mr. Jiang about it, so all this happened today.

"Well? This is the evidence you want. Do you have anything else to say?" Mr. Jiang said calmly, looking at the fat chicken and the yellow mouse, with a sense of dignity.

In fact, Huang mouse had nothing to say. He admitted that he sent him that night, but Huang mouse was willing to admit defeat, especially in the hands of his brother. How could he be willing to lose so.

"Although it's true that I did this, ah long also sent someone to make trouble in my bar and blew up my bar! What should I do about this account? Is it hard not to ignore it so much?" said Huang mouse, looking at Mr. Jiang with great dissatisfaction.

"I've also heard about this. Aaron did it wrong, but if you hadn't chosen it first! Aaron wouldn't have done it!" Mr. Jiang said expressionless looking at the yellow mouse.

"So it's my fault to say anything, and he's right about everything?", Huang mouse looked at Mr. Jiang and said angrily. Mr. Jiang was very angry with Huang mouse. After that, he made a show of hands.

"Shit, TMD, it's obvious that a bowl of water is unfair. You just want to protect Aaron! What kind of leader are you!" Huang mouse was angry at that time. If it weren't for someone at the scene, he would have started to fight Mr. Jiang.

Seeing this, the fat chicken quickly pulled the yellow mouse behind him and scolded the yellow mouse loudly: "are you stupid? Do you dare to talk to Mr. Jiang like this? Don't you know the rules of the Qinglong club! Apologize to Mr. Jiang quickly!"

After being scolded loudly by the fat chicken, Huang mouse apologized to Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang didn't take these things to heart. After all, he has been a leader for so many years and has never seen any kind of people.

"You are all the pillars of the green dragon club. It's normal for young people to be angry, but I hope you can work well for the green dragon club in the future! I'll take it as if it hasn't happened this time!", Mr. Jiang looked at Huang mouse and said.

Huang mouse was unwilling to find the fat chicken behind him. Mr. Jiang was going to officially announce that his brother was the big brother, but he was interrupted by the fat chicken.

"Mr. Jiang, although Huang mouse is really wrong, I don't think Aaron is any better. I suggest brother Tangkou to choose another person, so that everyone won't have any objection!" the fat chicken looked at Mr. Jiang and said.

Obviously, fat chicken, an old bastard, sees that yellow mouse can't be brother Tangkou, and doesn't want his brother to sit in brother Tangkou's seat.

"Today is my decision. I don't think there is a more suitable candidate than a long in the green dragon club! What? Do you have any objection?" Mr. Jiang said, looking at the big brothers at the entrance.

Those big brothers at the entrance of the hall are not fools. They won't go through this muddy water for things that have nothing to do with them. How good it is to make money honestly. Why do they have to stand on the opposite side of Mr. Jiang?

After Mr. Jiang finished, all the Tangkou brothers said they had no objection. "Since everyone has no objection, I announce that the vacant Tangkou brother seat will be taken by Aaron! It turns out that the business field in the Tangkou brother's hand will be taken over by Aaron!"

After Mr. Jiang finished, we were all very happy to applaud for my brother. After my brother said a few polite words, he sat down in the empty seat. After standing for so long, my brother was finally able to sit down. As a brother, I was also very happy for my brother.

After a few casual words, Mr. Jiang announced the adjournment of the meeting, and we all went outside one after another.

After going out, the yellow mouse went to his brother, looked at him and said with a sneer, "you can, I didn't expect you to have such a skill!" the yellow mouse was very unwilling to the result today.

"I'm really sorry. I made you happy today! Why don't you come to my bar this evening? Relax?" my brother replied with a sneer at the yellow mouse.

Yellow mouse looked at his brother and smiled coldly: "I won't go at night if I have something to do, but don't be happy too early. We'll see who cries in the end!"

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