"OK, take your time!" my brother said casually looking at the yellow mouse.

Huang mouse pointed to his brother, glared at him fiercely, and then left. After Huang mouse left, we all went back respectively. In the afternoon, Mr. Jiang took his brother to take over the territory and field belonging to his brother and claimed everything belonging to him. In the evening, his brother called us out and told us to eat out.

My brother became the big brother at the entrance of the hall. All the big brothers came to congratulate me. My brother gave a banquet in the hotel and invited us to dinner. My brother gave a banquet to all the big brothers of the whole Qinglong club, and all ten tables were full.

My brother is the protagonist tonight. My brother has to greet people. He is very busy, so we sat down and ate. We are all very happy that our elder brother can be the eldest brother in the hall. We are happy. We naturally drank some wine. After we were full, we went back first. Anyway, there is nothing for us here.

When I was walking on the road, Li Xiangning's parents called me. First, they asked me how I was doing recently. Then, Li Xiangning's parents asked me if I was still with Li Xiangning. Most of Li Xiangning's parents thought that Li Xiangning and I had parted ways, but that's not the case. There are still many entanglements between me and Li Xiangning, I can't straighten it out.

After hesitating for a while, I still said that I was still staying with Li Xiangning. Li Xiangning's parents said that they really hoped that I could live well with Li Xiangning. The implication was to let me marry Li Xiangning and give up the steel tooth sister.

I understand this truth, but let me give up the steel tooth girl like this. I think I can't do it. It's hard for me to make a choice between them.

After a few words, Li Xiangning's parents asked me if Li Xiangning was with me now. I said I was on the road now and called them when I got back.

After hanging up the phone, I came to Li Xiangning's residence. In the house I rented, I was going to go back to the residence of steel tooth sister. However, after Li Xiangning's parents called me, I decided to come to Li Xiangning.

After I knocked on the door, Li Xiangning came to open the door for me. Li Xiangning was wearing a sports vest, a pair of bodybuilding pants and some sweat on her brain seeds. It seems that Li Xiangning was doing yoga just now. Li Xiangning would insist on doing yoga every day. One is to keep fit, but also exercise.

Seeing that my face was red, Li Xiangning asked me if I was drinking outside. I nodded. Li Xiangning asked me to sit down first. She went to pour me a glass of water to drink.

After pouring me a glass of water, Li Xiangning sat down beside me. Li Xiangning looked at me and asked seriously, "don't think I talk too much. I want to ask you again today! Do you... Do you want to be with me?"

Undoubtedly, what Li Xiangning did for me was a multiple-choice question. I was embarrassed by how I answered it. Maybe for me, my best answer to Li Xiangning's question is not to answer it.

"Let's not ask this question first!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said. I knew very well that Li Xiangning must want a result from me now. After all, all the processes were just for that result.

"It's all right, you can answer safely, I won't be angry!" Li Xiangning looked at me and asked seriously. She obviously asked me to make a choice.

"Let me tell you this, you and her are like my hands. You are the palm of my hand and she is the back of my hand. I can't do anything to let me give up anyone!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said. Only this sentence can express my feelings.

Li Xiangning nodded after listening to me. Li Xiangning looked at me and said seriously, "since you have said so, can I be with you? I mean, I just want to be with you. It's okay for you to marry steel tooth sister! I just want to be with you!"

I'm not a fool. Of course, I understand the meaning of Li Xiangning's words very well. This is undoubtedly an injustice to Li Xiangning, but only in this way can I not give up any of them.

After Li Xiangning finished, I didn't say much, just nodded hesitantly.

After drinking the water, I took a bath. After taking a bath, I directly lay down in bed and went to bed. I'm really a little sleepy in such a big night. I'll go to bed early and have something to do tomorrow.

As soon as I lay down in bed, steel tooth sister called me. Steel tooth sister asked me if I still went to her. She was still waiting for me. If I didn't go, she would turn off the light and go to bed first. I said I was ready to go to bed at Li Xiangning's side. I asked steel tooth sister to go to bed first. She had to go to work tomorrow.

Steel tooth sister Oh, she skillfully hung up the phone and went to bed. After I hung up the phone, Li Xiangning came in in her pajamas. Li Xiangning asked me if I was talking to steel tooth sister just now. After I nodded, Li Xiangning didn't ask much. After lifting the quilt, she got into the quilt and was ready to go to bed.

After sleeping, Li Xiangning piled her body next to me and chatted with me, "you know, in fact, I had feelings for you when I was at school, but I was too young at that time and didn't know how to love someone. Do you remember that I especially liked doing the right thing with you?"

"Of course I remember those things. I guess I'll remember them all my life. You were really unreasonable at that time. Your temper and virtue could not be described by a bad word. Anyway, I hated you very much at that time! If I could go through to the past, I would definitely clean you up. Who told your teacher to do the right thing with me!", I held the tip of Li Xiangning's nose and looked at Li Xiangning with a smile.

"In fact, I didn't want to be right with you at that time. I just wanted to arouse your ideas. At that time, I was young, didn't know much, and used the right way to arouse your ideas!" Li Xiangning looked at me with a small face and said with a smile.

In fact, I really want to thank Li Xiangning. If it weren't for Li Xiangning's existence, it is estimated that there is nothing worth remembering in my youth, because my youth would be full of flavor with the proud young lady Li Xiangning.

"I really didn't find that I was so charming. I knew you had an unreasonable desire for me. I didn't aim at you at the beginning. I should soak you!" I looked at Li Xiangning and farted.

Li Xiangning sprinkled Jiao in my arms. When I looked down, I just collided with Li Xiangning's upward looking eyes.

Li Xiangning climbed the Internet and kissed me on the face. I looked at Li Xiangning with a smile. At this time, I don't know if there is something wrong with her eyes. I looked at Li Xiangning and felt that Li Xiangning really had a good look. It's not too much to say that she is like a fairy.

After a cloud and rain, Li Xiangning skillfully lay in my arms, looked at me and said, "you take good care of yourself here, and I'll go back in a few days!"

Li Xiangning said she didn't mean anything here, so she went back first. She could help her parents. She asked me to find her when I was free.

What Li Xiangning said is unreasonable. After nodding, I said to Li Xiangning that I would send her. Li Xiangning said, "OK, but although I'm not here, you should remember to think of me. How can I give you everything! You can't live up to me!"

"Well, of course, but you should also remember to miss me!" I looked at Li Xiangning and smiled. After that, we looked at each other and smiled, and then went to sleep.

After my brother became a big brother in the lobby, he did some other business in the territory belonging to him. My brother asked me to learn from him. At that time, he gave me some money to do business by myself. How can I say that being a small boss is better than working for others.

After learning from my brother for a few days, Li Xiangning packed up her things and prepared to go back to her parents. I borrowed a car from my brother to take Li Xiangning to the station, but unexpectedly, a planned car accident happened.

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