It was around 10 o'clock in the morning. I borrowed a car from my brother and was going to drive Li Xiangning to the station. The reason why I borrowed a car from my brother was just to pretend that a man as big as me would lose face.

After loading Li Xiangning's luggage into the trunk, Li Xiangning and I got on the bus, closed the door and prepared to go. Li Xiangning smiled and asked me, "will you drive or not? Don't turn off the engine on the road at that time!"

I really don't know how to drive the car. I'm not an old driver. I learned to drive when I'm free. I'm a novice. I said to Li Xiangning, don't worry. Although I'm not very skilled, I still have no problem driving Li Xiangning to the station.

"I will definitely buy a good car in the future and take you for a ride!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said.

"Well, you must inform me the first time you buy a car. I want to be the first person to take your car!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said with a smile.

We talked and laughed and drove on the road. I drove on an open road. There were few cars on this road because the road condition was not very good. However, this road was close to the station, so I took this road.

Just as I was driving steadily, I didn't know where three cars suddenly burst out from behind me, one truck and the other two vans.

The three cars lined up in parallel, not slow, and soon caught up with my car. The truck didn't know what it meant. It soon drove behind my car, only a few meters away. The people on the car didn't honk, so they rushed towards the car I was driving.

I quickly changed lanes. I thought the truck was going to overtake, but the actual situation was not like this. After I changed lanes, the truck also changed lanes, and directly said goodbye to the car I was driving. That posture had the meaning of knocking over the car I was driving.

I wanted to speed up and avoid, but it was too late. I only heard a loud bang. The car I was driving was directly hit by the truck and pushed against the railing on the side of the road. The body and the railing were rubbing, and there were sparks.

Li Xiangning was even more frightened and screamed. The truck didn't mean to stop. After stepping up the accelerator, he planned to hit me. The car body was flattened just now. If it was hit again, I estimated that my brother's car would be hit into a discus, and Li Xiangning and I in the car would be hit into meat sauce.

It was obvious that the truck was going to kill me. When I saw the truck that was going to hit again, I stepped on the accelerator to the end, and then stepped on the accelerator and sped forward. In this way, the truck could not hit me. The speed of the car was much faster than that of the truck. After I stepped on the accelerator to death, the truck was left behind by me, but it was not far from me.

I thought it would be all right to leave the truck behind, but it's a matter of my life. It'll end so easily.

The two vans that had been following the truck saw that I had thrown away the truck, accelerated and caught up with me, and soon caught up with me and kept parallel with me.

At this time, the window of the van opened. There was a yellow hair holding a steel pipe, stretching out his head and hands, and smashing the steel pipe on the car I was driving. After being hit just now, the body was seriously damaged, and it could withstand the hammer of the steel pipe.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I stepped on the accelerator and continued to accelerate. The yellow hair holding the steel pipe has been smashing on my brother's car. Bang, bang, he has dented the car body in several places. The door has been directly dented by the truck and can't be opened.

I continued to accelerate forward, and the three cars behind the car were also chasing me. It seemed that they would not stop until they killed me.

Soon, I was caught up again, but this time I launched an attack first. The yellow hair wanted to do the same thing again. He smashed the car with a steel pipe. I said goodbye. Seeing that I was so desperate, the yellow hair quickly retracted his head and hands inside, but his action was still a little late.

Before his hand holding the steel pipe retracted, I said goodbye. I only heard a dull sound, and then there was a scream like killing a pig.

"Fuck NIMA, let you smash again!", the yellow hair's hand was severely hit by my car, and the bone should be broken. When I heard the scream of the yellow hair, I couldn't help shouting and scolding.

"Kill him! Kill him!" the glass on the window was broken, and I heard the yellow hair yelling angrily.

As soon as the voice of Huang Mao fell, the two vans accelerated to my left and right sides. Before I stepped on the accelerator to accelerate, a van hit me. With a bang, the God of the car beside me was dented and came in. The car leaned towards another van under the action of inertia.

The other van was not a good car. After working hard, it crashed into the car I was driving. The window glass of Li Xiangning was smashed and the body was dented. Li Xiangning was so frightened that she screamed loudly, and tears swirled in her eyes.

Seeing that Li Xiangning is about to cry, I feel particularly bad, but the situation at this time is really too critical. There is still time to think about other things. Living is the most important thing at present.

The car I was driving was sandwiched between the two vans. It was like a bumper car. I had no ability to move at all. I could only sit in the car and bear the impact on the left and right sides.

The car was directly hit and stalled. My head was hit on the body by the vans on the left and right sides. It broke a little skin and bled. However, the crazy vans didn't intend to end like this. They were still crashing madly.

The van didn't stop until it hit for a while. After stopping the impact, I looked at Li Xiangning. The car had been hit just now. I didn't have time to look at Li Xiangning. At this time, I turned around and found that Li Xiangning had fainted and his head was bleeding. It must have been hit by the car just now.

I wanted to wake Li Xiangning up, but I didn't open my mouth. The truck that had been watching the play behind the car suddenly hit the car I was sitting on. I only heard a loud noise. The car was hit and flew out by the truck like a basketball. What worried me most was that Li Xiangning's head, which had fainted, hit the sunken body again, It was bleeding and looked serious.

There were no railings on this short section of the road. The huge impact of the truck directly crashed my car into the ground on the side of the road.

After the car crashed to the ground, my head hit the body with inertia, and the blood flowed down my cheeks. My skin could clearly feel that my blood was warm.

After my head was smashed for such a moment, my vision began to slowly become blurred. My strength seemed to be drained, and I had no sense of my hands and feet.

I don't know if this is my last moment, but what I want to do most at this time is to touch Li Xiangning's cheek. Li Xiangning is badly hurt. I want to save her. She is such a good girl. I don't want her to lose her life because I am so young.

I looked at the injured Li Xiangning and wanted to open my mouth to shout Li Xiangning, but my mouth couldn't make a sound. I could only breathe.

If I can, I hope Li Xiangning can live, even if it is in exchange for my life.

Thinking, my sight became more and more blurred, and the skin of my eyes became more and more heavy. Finally, I couldn't bear it. I closed my eyes, and my eyes became dark, and my body didn't have any perception.

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