When I woke up, I was already lying on the hospital bed in the hospital. After I opened my eyes, I instinctively wanted to get up from the hospital bed, but my body had just begun to work hard. My head was as painful as being drilled in by a drill. I reached out and touched my head. Only then did I find that my head was wrapped in thick gauze, And even if I touch my head through gauze, my head hurts to death.

But I'm grateful to God that I can get back my life. It seems that I might as well live on.

I sat up in the hospital bed with drops on the back of my hands and bruises on my hands and feet. These bruises should have been squeezed out by the sunken God of the car when I was in the car.

I sat up and looked at everything around me. There was sunshine outside. At this time, my brother came in from the outside of the ward. When I woke up, my brother sat next to me and asked me what happened that day. My brother also said that I had been unconscious for three days.

I told my brother what happened that day. I remember everything clearly at that time. When I think of it, my heart trembled unconsciously. My brother and I told me what was too difficult to happen. I suddenly thought of Li Xiangning. Li Xiangning was seriously injured at that time. I don't know what's going on now.

After I asked my brother, he looked at me and said with some dignity: "At that time, the hospital called me and said that you had a car accident. I rushed to the hospital immediately after receiving the phone. You and Li Xiangning were in the emergency room at that time. She was seriously injured and is still lying in the intensive care unit. The doctor said that her injury was too serious. She was rescued for the time being, but the situation is still very unstable!"

When I heard the news, my heart was cold. I said I would go to see Li Xiangning, but my brother stopped me and I couldn't get into the intensive care unit. It's better to recover my injury first. It's the most important thing I should do now.

I'm very sad to think that Li Xiangning's situation is so bad. If her parents call and ask, how can I answer?

"Don't worry too much. Now the medical technology is so developed that Li Xiangning can be cured!" my brother comforted me, but I know very well that Li Xiangning's current situation must not be optimistic.

My brother asked me to have a good cultivation first. At this time, the only thing I can do is to have a good cultivation. After I lay down, my brother told me that steel tooth sister had been looking for me these days. After steel tooth sister couldn't contact me, he went to Jiangshan fat brother and asked me where I had been. I was still in a coma, so Jiangshan and fat brother didn't tell steel tooth sister the truth and told me that I went to work in other places Yes, but such an excuse still can't reassure steely. She has to call Jiangshan Pangge at least once a day and ask me when I can come back.

Steel tooth sister must be worried about me now. Although I am in the hospital, I can clearly feel the worry of steel tooth sister.

I asked my brother to bring me my mobile phone. I called sister steel teeth first. First, she never heard from me. She must be worried to death. After I called sister steel teeth and said that I was brother Han, sister steel teeth couldn't control her mood at that time. She asked me where I had been these days, but the phone couldn't get through and couldn't find my person.

I said I had something to do outside, and the mobile phone just fell into the water and broke. After listening to me, the steel tooth sister whispered and said, "why didn't you tell others earlier? I thought you didn't want me!"

"How could it be? I'm afraid you don't want me!" I tried to bear the pain in my head and said gently to the steel tooth sister as much as possible.

I hung up after chatting with steel teeth.

I lay down and had a good rest. At night, fat brother Jiangshan Liu Lang heard that I woke up, so they bought a gift to see me,

Jiangshan and brother Pang asked me again what happened at that time. After I said it, brother Pang said angrily, "I guess the bastard of the yellow mouse sent someone to do this! This bastard!". Brother Pang was gnashing his teeth when he kicked the name of the yellow mouse, which was not ordinary anger.

But think carefully, the most likely thing is that Huang mouse sent someone to do it. Originally, Huang mouse had a conflict with his brother, and I am his brother's own brother. Everything can be explained.

But this is just our guess at that time. Even my client didn't know the situation at that time, let alone fat brother.

However, the reason why fat brother thinks that Huang mouse did this is actually groundless. After his brother became the big brother of the hall, people often make trouble in the new venues. Although those people are not Huang mouse's younger brothers, it is said that Huang mouse paid for them. However, with regard to Huang mouse's virtues like a mangy dog, even if he asked him, he could not admit these They were all made by myself. My brother didn't want to go to find Huang mouse. Just pay more attention.

After my brother became the big brother of Tangkou, feiji also shifted his goal from targeting brother Hu to his brother. Those new businesses his brother did were often blocked and destroyed by feiji. The old bastard of feiji was in line with yellow mouse. No wonder he would target his brother like this.

After I was injured and hospitalized, my brother always stayed with me in the hospital. Brother Kun took care of the business and those markets.

The doctor said it would take at least a month to recover from the injury on my head. The physical injury is not very serious, but some bruises. I can recover in ten or eight days. I especially don't want to lie in the hospital bed. I can't do anything in the hospital bed. I don't know if Li Xiangning's injury is any better.

I stayed in the hospital for 15 days, and my brother has always been with me to take care of me. If Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang is free, he will come to the hospital to talk with me and relieve my boredom. I ask my brother to ask the doctor about Li Xiangning every day. I'm not worried about my own injury. I'm just worried about Li Xiangning, If something really happened to Li Xiangning, how can I tell her parents at that time.

My brother went to ask the doctor. The doctor said that Li Xiangning's situation had improved and was out of danger for the time being. However, Li Xiangning was still in a coma because of her serious injury. The doctor also said that whether Li Xiangning could wake up was fate, which means that Li Xiangning is likely to become a vegetable and can't die but can't live, I can only lie in the hospital bed all my life.

Li Xiangning is such a good girl. If she really becomes a vegetable, how sad her parents should be. They only have such a baby daughter. If Li Xiangning really becomes a vegetable, it will kill her parents.

In the first few days, I still had hope for Li Xiangning's awakening, but after half a month in a row, Li Xiangning was still in a coma and didn't wake up.

This situation is not good news. Although I am worried, I can't do anything for Li Xiangning.

One night, steel tooth sister came to the hospital. As soon as she came in and saw my head wrapped in gauze, steel tooth sister couldn't help crying. She sat next to me and looked at me and said, "you lied to me that you were working outside. If Jiangshan hadn't told me, I still didn't know you were in hospital!"

I dried my tears for sister steel teeth. The reason why I lied to her was that I didn't want her to worry. However, when she came, I confessed to her. I never regarded sister steel teeth as an outsider. I always regarded her as my family.

After listening to me, sister steel teeth didn't say anything. At this time, Jiangshan fat brother outside the ward shouted: "yellow mouse! Who TMD asked you to come! Get out of the labor and capital, or the labor and capital will let you enter the morgue today!"

Jiangshan and brother Pang's voice was loud. I heard them all in the ward. It's not hard to hear what Jiangshan and brother Pang said. It's the bastard of the yellow mouse, and the bastard of the yellow mouse is outside the ward.

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