"There's something wrong with you. I'm here to see Aaron's brother. Why are you stopping me? I'm kind enough to visit the patient. It's really strange these days. It's really difficult to be a good man!" said Huang mouse to Jiangshan and fat brother with a smile.

"Fuck NIMA, that's why han zi looks like this. It's a good thing for you bastard. You're willing to come to the hospital. Do you want to die?" said fat brother fiercely. Although I'm in the ward, I can clearly feel fat brother's anger.

"Do you have any evidence to prove that I did it? Now this is a society that stresses the law. Everything should be based on the law. Don't wrong good people without evidence!" Huang mouse forced the door open and came in.

It's not fat brother Jiangshan. They don't want to stop Huang mouse. It's because Huang mouse brought people. Huang mouse, a bastard, brought eight people. After he came in, her younger brothers guarded outside.

The yellow mouse came in with a fruit basket. After coming in, the fruit basket in the yellow mouse bar was put at the head of my bed, then looked at me with a smile and said, "how's it going? Is your body any better?"

I looked at the smile on Huang mouse's face, and I was very angry. I wanted to get up and kill this son of a bitch with a knife. The accident between Li Xiangning and me must have something to do with Huang mouse. Now I can be sure.

I stared at the yellow mouse fiercely and clenched my fist. Seeing that I didn't speak, the yellow mouse smiled and continued: "It seems that you have recovered well, but you don't have to stare at me with such eyes. How can I say that I came to the hospital to see you this time. There is only your treatment in the whole Qinglong club. I won't go if others invite me!"

"You are not welcome here, you TMD get out of here!" I looked at the yellow mouse and said fiercely. As soon as I was angry, my head hurt more and more, just like a worm drilling in my head.

"You are a patient now. The patient can't get angry casually. What can you do if you get angry and die suddenly accidentally? Then your brother can't die sad!" seeing that I began to sweat on my forehead, Huang mouse looked at me with special joy and said with a smile that my pain is the happiness of this bastard.

"Sir, if you don't have anything to do, please go out immediately and don't disturb him to rest!" said the steel tooth girl, looking at the yellow mouse angrily when she saw me so angry.

"Yo Yo, you're really sensible. You're lucky. There are many girls around you! But this is not as punctual as last time! But it's also very beautiful. If you have such a beautiful girl to mend it for you at night, I'm sure you'll be well soon!" Huang mouse looked at me and continued to smile. Seeing Huang mouse's smile, I was very angry and wanted to eat his meat and drink his blood.

"Yellow mouse, you really have a heart!" at this time, my brother came in from the outside and saw the yellow mouse in my ward. My brother looked at the yellow mouse and said angrily.

"I heard that your brother Aaron was hospitalized, so I wanted to buy some fruit to see him. How can I say that you are also a brother at the entrance of the hall now, and I have to tie up!" the yellow mouse smiled at his brother.

"I guess you must be very disappointed now. Someone sent a car to kill my brother. He didn't die. You must be very uncomfortable!" my brother put the food he bought at the head of my bed. Just now my brother went out to buy food for me.

"What you said is a little wronged. I came to see your brother with good intentions. Even if you don't say thank you, you blame me for all the things that happened to your brother! Although you are the eldest brother of the hall now, you can't do such wrongs!" said Huang mouse, looking at his brother unhappily.

It's not hard to tell from Huang mouse's words that this bastard still has a grudge about brother Tangkou.

"You didn't know you were wronged, and I didn't bother to talk to you about it, but I can tell you very clearly that people are doing it. Heaven is watching. You'd better not do it. If I find out that you're the ghost behind your back, I'll never let you go!" my brother looked at Huang mouse and said with a cruel face. There was murderous spirit in his eyes.

"It's said that there are three fires when a new official takes office. It seems that your first fire is burning on me. You don't have to be cruel in front of me. If you have the ability, you can find it out first. I'll wait!" Huang mouse looked at his brother and said.

The yellow mouse glared at his brother fiercely and waved his big hand to his little brothers: "brothers, let's go! We're not welcome here. Let's find another place to play!"

After the yellow mouse left, my brother opened the rice and handed it to me. Although my hand still hurt, it was OK to eat by myself. However, when the steel tooth sister saw that there were bruises on my hand, she took the rice and fed it to me carefully.

I'm very happy that steel tooth sister fed me, but I'm not happy at the thought of Li Xiangning. Li Xiangning has been in a coma and doesn't know what she will look like in the end. Moreover, Li Xiangning's treatment cost is very expensive because she didn't find the accident vehicle. My brother is paying the medical expenses during this period, including mine.

My brother has just become the eldest brother of the hall. He has come to some new farms and done some business. His money is nothing. Moreover, my brother's farms and business have been blocked by fat chickens recently, and he has been losing money all the time.

The treatment expenses of Li Xiangning and I were borrowed from brother Hu. My brother has been taking care of me and comforting me during this period, but in fact, the brother who needs the most comfort and support is my brother. I thought it would be a good thing to be a Tangkou brother, but who would know that these things will happen later.

Among all the people, the most sad and helpless should be my brother. On the one hand, I have to find a way for the field and business under my hand. On the other hand, I have to borrow money to pay the treatment expenses of Li Xiangning and me.

If it hadn't been for brother Kun to tell me these things, I didn't know. My brother never told me these things. He has always been paying silently by himself.

Although my brother usually doesn't smile at me, he is really the second man who is good to me in the world. The first is my father.

I told my brother that I should leave the hospital as soon as possible. It's no use taking it in the hospital. It's better to leave the hospital to recover slowly. It costs so much money to stay in the hospital. My brother told me not to worry about money. He would think of a way for me.

No matter what my brother says, I'm going to leave the hospital. I don't want my brother to borrow money for me. Li Xiangning is worried enough.

The next day I was discharged from the hospital. After Li Xiangning's condition stabilized, she was transferred to an ordinary ward. Originally, I planned to take care of Li Xiangning, but steel tooth sister said that I hadn't recovered well. Let me cultivate myself in the house. She went to the hospital to take care of Li Xiangning.

Steel tooth sister is really a good woman. She takes care of Li Xiangning in the hospital all day. I occasionally go to the hospital to see Li Xiangning. Li Xiangning is still in a coma.

One afternoon, sister steel teeth called me. Sister steel teeth told me that Li Xiangning had awakened. I was so excited that I couldn't speak. I quickly hung up and rushed to the hospital.

But when I got to the hospital, my excitement calmed down again. Although Li Xiangning opened her eyes, she didn't have any consciousness. She wouldn't answer if she asked her, and there was no movement in her body. I

I was very eager to ask the doctor what was going on. The doctor said that Li Xiangning was in a vegetative state. She could open her eyes and mouth, but she didn't realize it. The doctor said that if she took good care of her, there might be a turn for the better, but there was little hope. There were few successful cases, but not none.

I'm really sad to see Li Xiangning like this. Li Xiangning has become a vegetable. How should I explain to her parents.

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