Ma Tao walked out of the school with her group of dogs and I happened to walk in. Just like that, we bumped into each other. Ma Tao swaggered in front of me. He glanced at me with disdain before saying, "Your wounds healed really quickly. I didn't see you in school a few days ago. I thought you were dead!"

Compared to He Jun, I hate Ma Tao even more. He had no choice but to give me a good beating. It was in vain for me to try my best to please him.

"Don't worry, even if I die, I'll drag you down with me!" I said as I looked at Ma Tao, unwilling to be outdone. Perhaps it was because I had been enlightened last time.

"Alright, I've grown too bold in the past few days. You're so arrogant, so awesome!" Ma Tao looked at me and said in a bad mood. At this moment, he had already clenched his fists and was preparing to smash them onto my body.

Just as Ma Tao was about to hit me, he was stopped by one of his henchmen. "Brother Tao, don't be in such a hurry to get rid of him. Let's go eat first!"

"Alright, then let's go eat first. We'll deal with him later!" Ma Tao glared at me before leaving with his henchmen.

After Ma Tao left, I returned to the classroom. At this moment, Sun Han was lying on the table asleep. After I sat down, I didn't disturb her and slept like her.

By the time I got home from school in the afternoon, my aunt and uncle had already packed up and gone home, but in two hours they would have to go out and set up their stall. When I came in, my aunt had already prepared a table full of food, and after calling my cousin out of the room, we had dinner.

During dinner, my uncle asked me how I was doing in school. The students who bullied me didn't bully me. I said that the students were much more obedient now and didn't bully me anymore. However, I knew clearly in my heart that the conflict between He Junzhu and Ma Tao was irreconcilable. An outbreak was something that would happen sooner or later.

After dinner, after my aunt washed the dishes and washed the dishes, my uncle and aunt went out to set up a stall, leaving me alone with my cousin. After dinner, my cousin went to her room to change clothes, and when she came out, she told me that she was going out to buy clothes, and asked if I wanted to go with her.

I guess I don't have much clothes left, and it's about time to buy a piece of clothing. Since I have an invitation from my cousin, I will naturally do as you say.

Cousin and I went into the shopping mall to choose our clothes. Finally, we picked out a clothes that were relatively satisfactory. Just as I was about to pay, Cousin rushed to pay first.

"Consider this clothes as an apology the other day. Even if we're even, I don't owe you any favors!" My cousin said plainly to me after she paid the bill.

So Cousin called me out to buy clothes because she wanted to use this opportunity to clean up the debt. I didn't understand, in the end, we were still cousins, and she didn't want to owe me a favor.

I held the shopping bag and looked at my cousin for a while. When she saw that my tone was still as calm as before, she said, "Let's talk about that later!"

I didn't say anything. I took the shopping bag and turned to leave. Thinking about my cousin's tone of voice, I couldn't help but smile wryly. I also naively thought that if I helped my cousin once, the relationship between us would soften a bit, but now it doesn't seem like it.

I walked out of the mall with the shopping bag in my hand. When I got to a section of the road where there was no one, and the lights were dim, I saw Ma Tao.

The street light in this section of the road was broken and had not been repaired by anyone. Only one street light, which was not very bright, was barely lit. The traffic in this section was very small and it took a long time before a car could pass by.

Ma Tao was playing with his phone by the side of the road, as if he was waiting for someone. He was too busy playing with his phone that he didn't notice me.

I don't know what Ma Tao was playing with, but from time to time he would laugh out loud. Looking at the smiling face of Ma Tao on the screen of the phone, I felt like I had cut off his smiling face when he was playing with me.

I looked at the shopping bag in my hand, rolled my eyes, and had an idea.

I took the clothes out from the shopping bag and put them on. I held the empty shopping bag and walked slowly towards Ma Tao. He didn't notice me as I walked behind him. He was too busy playing with his phone.

After exhaling a breath of air, I ruthlessly placed the shopping bag on Ma Tao's head. Before Ma Tao could react, I viciously smashed his head a few times.

"F * cking hell, you're that bastard! How dare you hit me!" The heck! "After punching Ma Tao a few times, I quickly escaped from the scene. However, I could still hear Ma Tao's loud curses from behind me."

After I ran out a long way, I caught a taxi and went back. It was really thrilling and exciting, but to be honest, after getting hit by Ma Tao a few times, I felt a lot better.

The next morning when I went to class, I saw it from afar. Ma Tao, who was beaten up last night, had a face as black as coal today. Looking at Ma Tao like this, I couldn't help but feel pleased with myself. Serves him right!

Taking advantage of my rare good mood today, I invited Sun Han for lunch again, but this time Sun Han didn't agree. Sun Han said that she would go back to eat, and today her relatives would be waiting for her at home to go back to eat. Since Sun Han had already said that there was nothing for me to say, since Sun Han didn't agree, then I could only go back and eat.

However, just as I walked out of the school building, I was stopped downstairs by Ma Tao and his henchmen.

Ma Tao looked at me with a sinister smile and said, "You f * cker, you look really happy today!" If you don't want to die, then tell me the truth. Last night, I was beaten up by someone, and I didn't see who did it clearly.

"No, I didn't even go out yesterday!" I lied. I was a liar after all, so it was obvious that I wasn't confident when I said it.

"Oh, really?" Ma Tao patted my shoulder and turned around.

I thought I had hidden it from the world, but that was not the case. Ma Tao turned around and punched me in the face with his clenched fist.

"Do you think I'm f * cking as stupid as you? I saw it clearly yesterday, you're the one who beat me up!" Saying that, Ma Tao smashed me to the ground with a punch.

Ma Tao was about the same size as me, but his body was much sturdier. With a single punch, he knocked me to the ground.

I fell onto the concrete floor with a thud. Before I could do anything, Ma Tao and his henchmen came up and started beating me up. They even shouted that they would kill him! Fight to the death!

After hitting me for a while, Ma Tao grabbed my hair and lifted my head. He pointed his finger at my nose and fiercely shouted, "I'll fucking ask you again! Did you hit me last night?!"

I originally thought that Ma Tao wouldn't have been able to see me under those circumstances, but now that the truth has been revealed, lying would have been of no use. I nodded my head.

Ma Tao looked at me and nodded, then smashed my head onto the ground. He said smilingly, "I f * cking guessed that it was you. To tell you the truth, I didn't see it clearly last night, but after thinking about it for awhile, I realized that the one who had a conflict with me was you. As expected, it really was your son who did it. "The f * ck!"

With a thud, my head fell to the ground. A big bump formed on my head. I was also stunned by the impact. My eyes were blurry from looking at things.

However, Ma Tao didn't plan on letting me off that easily. He tugged at my hair and gave me a few tight slaps on my face. After that, other than feeling the heat on my face, I didn't feel anything else.

My head hurt like hell, and I was also dizzy. After being slapped so many times, my whole body felt like it was a dream. I was about to lose consciousness.

Just then, I heard footsteps approaching me.

"What are you guys doing!?" Stop right now! "

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