The one who spoke was a man in a security uniform. He wasn't very tall, around twenty years of age. He had a fat figure and had a baby face. He was pointing a stick at Ma Tao and the others.

Security in this school was basically just sitting there to collect salary. Normally, they would sit inside the security room to guard the entrance. Security was a profession that was practically useless.

Therefore, when the security guard pointed the baton at Ma Tao and told them to stop, not only me, but also Ma Tao and the rest were stunned.

After hearing what the security guard said, Ma Tao put me aside first. He stood up and arrogantly looked at the security guard and said, "It's best if you don't meddle in other people's business. Don't think you're amazing just because you're a security guard. If you mess with me, I'll beat you up too!"

"How arrogant, even want to fight me? "Try it!" The security guard swung his staff and looked at Ma Tao calmly without a trace of fear in his eyes.

He Jun wasn't exaggerating. After all, there was indeed a matter of students hitting the security guards in the school. The security guards didn't care about the matter and there was a reason for it.

Ma Tao clenched his fist and was about to smash the guard, but just as he clenched his fist, one of his henchmen stopped him and whispered something into his ear. Ma Tao let go of his fist and looked at the guard, unwilling to give up, "I was in a good mood today, so I let you go this time!"

After talking to the security guard for a bit, Ma Tao looked at me angrily and said, "You are f * cking lucky today. If not, I will beat you to death!"

After saying that, Ma Tao left with his henchmen, leaving me and the security guard downstairs.

"Are you alright? "I'll send you to the hospital!" The security guard squatted down and said to me in a gentle voice. I don't know him, so even though I said those simple words, my heart was still moved and grateful.

I looked at him and nodded. My head hurt too much.

The security guard helped me up from the floor and helped me to the infirmary. When I reached the infirmary, the school doctor gave me some medicine and after sitting in the infirmary for more than three hours, my head was much clearer and the bulging bump on my head had lessened a little.

During the three hours I spent in the infirmary, the security guard had been by my side, which made me feel even more touched.

He was afraid that I would be bored so he continued to chat with me. From our chat, I learnt that his name was Anda Bao. He had been a security guard in this school for half a year. An-Dabao had some friends in society, so Ma Tao didn't dare to take action against him.

"Do you have friends in society? Can you help me beat up that Ma Tao? "I'll treat you to a meal!" I looked at An Dabao and said anxiously. I had been wanting to take care of Ma Tao for more than a day or two already.

An Dabao smiled after I finished speaking, "This is a matter between your students. I can only let you solve it yourselves. If I ask a friend from society for help, wouldn't it be too immoral of me?"

At the end of the day, I only just got to know Anfey, so how could he help me? Since Anfey already said that, I didn't say anything else.

Seeing that I was a bit disappointed, An Dabao quickly changed the topic and asked how I got involved with Ma Tao and the rest. I felt that An Dabao was a good person, so I told him everything in detail.

After hearing that, An Dabao didn't say anything else. The two of us remained silent for a long time. An Dabao was the first to speak. He looked at me and said, "I feel like you're someone I know!"

I followed his words and asked, "Who do you think you are?" An Dabao wanted to say something, but after thinking for a while, he didn't. He just said it, but even if he said it, you wouldn't know him.

"Guan Yi Long!" "Do you know Guan Yi Long?" Anda Bao looked at me and asked.

Of course, I was very familiar with the name "Guan Yi Long", but I didn't know if it was the person that An Da Bao was referring to. I asked, "Is it the second master's Guan Yi, An Yi's, or Prince Long's dragon? Is he from the village? "

Originally, An Dabao didn't hold much hope for me, but after he heard what I said, he was clearly a bit excited and quickly said, "Right, right! It's him, you know him! "

"He's my blood brother, how could I not know him?" I said very seriously.

"Really? No wonder I said that you look similar to him. So he's your big brother!" An Dabao's face was filled with surprise, but in addition to his surprise, he also had a pleasantly surprised expression.

Upon hearing that Guan Yi Long was my blood brother, Anda Bao's story completely unfolded, and he started to talk about the relationship between him and my brother. When my brother was working outside, he met An Dabao, who was in the same village as him. At that time, An Dabao had just come out of school to work, and his simple and honest personality had been bullied quite a few times. After my brother met him, he helped him clean up the people who bullied him a few times, and the closer he got to my brother, the better their relationship became.

"At that time, outside, there were many outsiders who wanted to bully us, so we went to have a group fight with a group of our fellow villagers. Once, I was the most miserably beaten up, my hand was even split open by the steel pipe!" However, that fight was the most enjoyable one, it had made those outsiders run away with their arms around their head! It was obvious that he was reminiscing about the past, and he had a smile plastered on his face when he said those words.

He said he and my brother worked outside for three years, and then my brother went to some other city, and they never saw each other again, and there was no news of each other. When I found out about my brother again, my brother was in jail.

When it came to my brother's imprisonment, even An Dabao felt very regretful. However, since things had already turned out this way, regrets were useless.

"You and your brother haven't seen each other in a long time, have you?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Little news, I heard that your brother will be out of jail in four or five days." Anfey said as he looked at me. This was undoubtedly good news for me. From what Anfey had said, he shouldn't be joking.

"Didn't he get sentenced to five years? The time hasn't come yet!" Even though I was excited after hearing this news, my brother got sentenced to five years and the time hasn't expired yet.

Ann Dabao and I explained that my brother was being commuted because he performed well. Of course, in addition to his good performance, a large part of it was due to Grandpa Mao's role.

I don't think that An Dabao would lie to me. Thinking that my brother is about to be released from prison, I started to come up with a plan.

I believe that if my brother knew that I was bullied in school, he wouldn't sit by and do nothing. At that time, I will join forces with my brother to deal with Ma Tao and He Jun. With my brother's powerful support, I believe I won't lose.

Originally, after getting beaten up by Ma Tao, my mood wasn't very good and my body was hurting. However, after hearing the news that my brother was about to be released from prison, my mood was elated.

After staying in the infirmary for a while longer, I went back, and when my aunt and uncle still hadn't come back, I took the medicine prescribed by the school doctor and rubbed it in my room. After cleaning the medicine, I went to sleep, I didn't want my aunt and uncle to see the wounds on my body, because they would be worried, and most of all because I was afraid that they would go to the school and cause trouble for me.

In the next few days, I didn't have any conflicts with anyone in the school. I thought about everything I had to wait for my brother to come out of jail. The grudge between Ma Tao and He Jun was also resolved after my brother came out.

An Dabao probably treated me well in school out of respect for my big brother. He would happily ask me to come to the security room for a while during class time, and sometimes he would even buy me some water to drink during the afternoon.

I don't need to thank him, he said. My brother did too much for him, and he never had a chance to repay him.

In the blink of an eye, five days had passed.

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