In the blink of an eye, it's about time for big brother to leave prison. Thinking about how I have to meet big brother, I got excited for the whole night and didn't even watch my cousin's live broadcast. My mind was completely focused on what I should say when meeting big brother.

I don't know if what An Dabao said was true or not, but as a younger brother, I have to make a trip regardless of whether it's true or not.

The prison where his brother was being held was at the edge of the county town. The place was relatively remote and no taxi was willing to go there because the roads weren't in a very good condition.

An Dabao was also going there. Knowing that I couldn't get a taxi, he drove his motorcycle out. After taking me with him, he drove straight to the prison.

Today is Sunday, and I have plenty of time to meet my brother. As I sat on my bike and saw that the prison was getting closer and closer, the excitement in my heart increased.

Just like me, An Dabao was extremely excited as well. He said that it had been a long time since he last saw me, but he didn't know if my brother knew him or not.

According to the information he received, my brother was released from prison at around eleven in the morning, and when we arrived, it was only eight in the morning. We waited outside while we looked at the prison's high walls.

After he got off the motorcycle, he couldn't stop talking. He told me a lot of funny things about his life with my brother, and some things that didn't even seem funny to me. He just couldn't stop laughing.

We waited while we talked, and shortly before eleven o'clock a black car pulled up and stopped directly in front of the prison.

I said, is that my brother's car? An Dabao said that it was possible. After all, my brother used to be a good person out there, and he has a good personality. So it's normal for someone to come pick him up.

The people in the black car were two men who looked to be in their twenties, both with neatly cut crew cut. Not only that, they were also very pretentious in their black suits and sunglasses, looking like the gangsters on TV.

Just like me and Anda Bao, they stopped the car and waited there. They didn't even glance at us. Although I couldn't see their eyes, I was sure that behind those sunglasses, they were looking at us with disdain.

We waited there, and about four or five minutes later the prison gates were opened by the guards. From inside emerged a man with a crew cut, wearing a black coat and black trousers.

I was a little far away from Anda Bao, and I was also a little short-sighted, so I didn't see clearly if that man was my big brother. I asked him if he could see clearly, and if that person was my big brother.

In order to attract his older brother's attention, he kept waving to him. However, after his brother got into the black car, the black car drove off without stopping at all.

I don't know if my brother didn't see us or if he didn't want to see us, but he left.

After my brother's black car drove away, my brother and I followed closely behind on our motorcycles. I didn't have any other thoughts right now, all I wanted was to see my brother again. After so many years of not seeing him, I didn't know how he was doing right now.

After my brother drove the black car into the city, he drove straight into a big restaurant. I think my brother planned to eat here.

After the car stopped, Anda Bao and I got off the motorcycle and entered the hotel. When we entered, our brother had already disappeared without a trace. After asking the waiter, we found out that our brother had left for his room.

Anfey and I followed him to the door of the room. I knocked on the door with excitement. At that moment, a bright male voice sounded from the room. "Who is it?"

I replied, a little perturbed, "I'm here to look for someone!"

After the door was opened, I looked inside. There were a lot of people inside, but none of them looked like good people. On their arms were tattoos of dragons and tigers, and their mouths were filled with puffs of smoke.

Even though there were quite a few people inside, I was still able to see that familiar face with its delicate features and sharp cheeks. This was the elder brother that I had been yearning for day and night.

When Anda Bao and I came in, my brother didn't even look back. He just ate with his head down, as if nothing had happened.

Looking at my brother's familiar face, I couldn't control my emotions anymore. Looking at my brother's teary face, I shouted emotionally, "Brother! I am Little Cold! "

After hearing my voice, my brother stopped what he was doing and looked back. His eyes were still deep, and his appearance hadn't changed much. However, the stubble on his face proved that he was still alive.

I thought that if I met my brother again, I would at least have a bear hug or a warm talk, but he didn't say a word after he looked at me and went back to eating.

My heart was filled with emotion before I saw my brother, but now it was only a chill in my heart, especially when I saw my brother's cold and expressionless face. It was as if a block of ice had been stuffed into my heart, and it went from my heart to the soles of my feet.

The people sitting inside saw that their elder brother was indifferent, so they tried to persuade him in a low voice, "Brother Long, it's your own brother after all. You don't want to be a brother like this!"

However, even after the person in the room said that, her brother still acted the same. He ate calmly, as if everything was empty air.

"Brother Long, since that's the case, we'll be leaving first. I won't disturb your meal any longer!" An Dabao looked at his brother with an awkward smile.

I thought that my meeting with my brother would be a heartwarming occasion, but I could never have imagined that my brother, who had loved me so dearly in the past, would be so cold to me.

'Brother really has changed. He has become stronger, more mature, and more handsome. But now, he has become quite a distance away from me.'

Just as Anfey and I were about to close the door and leave, my brother put down his chopsticks, stood up, and left the room. He called me and Anfey out as well.

The three of us just stood there, not talking to each other, not knowing where to start. Looking at my expressionless brother, I felt like a stranger, no, even stranger than a stranger.

Just as I was thinking this, my brother took some paper out of his pocket and wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes. At that moment, my brother seemed to have returned.

"Why are you crying at such a young age!?" "If I remember correctly, you are seventeen years old this year, and in a few months you will be eighteen years old. You are already half a grown man, how can you still cry?"

"No, brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. I can't control myself," I said, looking at my brother. To be honest, I really wanted to hug him like I used to do when we were kids.

After chatting with me for a bit, elder brother told me to go out first. He had a few words to say to Anfey. After I went out, I waited for a short while before Anfey came out.

An Dabao didn't look too good. I asked him what his brother had said to him. He said it wasn't a big deal. He just asked me a few questions about my situation and matters.

"But your brother told me to tell you not to look for him anymore!" After thinking for a while, Anfey still told me the truth.

To tell the truth, his heart had just gotten a little warm, but this time, it was completely cold.

I smiled bitterly before saying that there was nothing wrong. If there wasn't anything else, we should head back first. Let's not disturb him any longer and just pretend that this big brother doesn't exist anymore.

An Dabao saw the disappointment on my face, but didn't know how to comfort me. He rode my motorcycle and left.

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