After listening to his brother, Huang mouse's face became extremely angry, but he couldn't get angry, so he had to hold it. The way Huang mouse wanted to get angry but couldn't get angry was really too fast.

After the meeting, Huang mouse was removed from the Qinglong club by Mr. Jiang. From then on, there was no such person as Huang mouse in the Qinglong club.

Although Mr. Jiang will expel the yellow mouse from Qinglong as a punishment, such punishment is far from calming our anger. The son of a bitch, yellow mouse, knows that we won't let him go so easily, so he has been hiding around the fat chicken, so we can't start. If we had a chance, we would have killed the yellow mouse.

Mr. Jiang gave his brother all the money from the business and market under Huang mouse's hand, and his brother gave me all the money. I spent all the money on Li Xiangning.

When I am free, I will go to the hospital to see Li Xiangning. Li Xiangning still has no consciousness and just lies down quietly. However, I always think Li Xiangning can hear what I said to her, so I will sit next to Li Xiangning and chat with her when I am free. Although I have only talked to myself, I still enjoy repeating it.

The doctor said that Li Xiangning has a 30% chance of waking up within half a year. If Li Xiangning can't wake up within half a year, it's likely that she won't wake up. Even if Li Xiangning wakes up within half a year, the doctor can't guarantee that there will be no sequelae.

As for the side of Li Xiangning's parents, I try to drag with lies. If I tell them the truth, they will not stand it.

After Huang mouse was expelled from the green dragon club, his brother has been looking for opportunities to kill him. It is also a disaster to keep such bastards. However, Huang mouse has been hiding under the shelter of fat chickens, or he refused to show up, so that his brother has been unable to start, but his brother has been looking for opportunities.

The emperor is worthy of his heart. My brother finally found out the address of the yellow mouse. After finding out the address of the yellow mouse, we are ready to kill the yellow mouse. The son of a bitch got Li Xiangning and hasn't woken up yet. I must avenge him!

After the guys were ready, we got into the car. Brother and brother Kun took the lead this time and took a total of more than 50 of us to kill the yellow mouse at one fell swoop.

Huang mouse now lives in a residential building. The residential building has been very old for a long time. We took a car downstairs. After getting off, the big guy scolded and began to pick up the guy, ready to go upstairs to kill Huang mouse's son of a bitch.

But we all just got out of the car, but the yellow mouse came out of an alley and just met us. It's really a narrow road. I pointed to the yellow mouse and shouted fiercely: "yellow mouse, labor and capital want your life today!"

After that, I was ready to take the guy up to kill the yellow mouse, but the yellow mouse was very calm. After listening to me, the yellow mouse looked at his brother and said calmly, "I knew you wouldn't let me go according to your personality. If I didn't die, you wouldn't give up!"

"Now that you know everything, you can die obediently and I will give you a happy!" said my brother coldly, looking at the yellow mouse.

"I know you want my life, and I know you'll kill me today! But do you think I know your whereabouts and I'll sit and wait to die so obediently?", a smile appeared on Huang mouse's face after he said that. Huang mouse didn't mix up on the first day, and waiting to die was not his style.

Seeing Huang mouse's cruel smile, I vaguely felt something bad.

At this time, the yellow mouse clapped his hands, and out of the alley came a large group of people, all with guys in their hands, looking at us one by one, like a hungry wolf waiting for a long time to meet the new prey.

There are a lot of people in that large group, at least hundreds, more than twice the total number of us. Previously, we were going to kill the yellow mouse, but it seems that we are brother sheep like a tiger and send ourselves to the door.

Seeing so many people behind the yellow mouse, the faces of brother and brother Kun became dignified.

"Guan Yilong, you think I'll wait for you to kill me so honestly. Didn't you really want to kill me? Come on, I can't wait. I want to see whether you kill me or I kill you today!" Huang mouse's face became gloomy and looked at his brother fiercely.

It turned out that Huang mouse deliberately leaked his address. He just wanted his brother to know his address so that his brother could bring someone to kill him. He could also set up an ambush and wait for us to take the bait.

Huang mouse didn't mix up on the first day. He knew that his brother had just secured his seat as the eldest brother at the entrance of the hall, and all the people under his hand had to be sent out to take care of the business. For a time, his brother wouldn't call so many people to kill him, so Huang mouse called all the people he could call to ambush. Of course, there are not many people that the yellow mouse can call. The reason why the yellow mouse can call so many people is that some of them are fat chickens, which are sent to the yellow mouse to deal with his brother.

"Why? Seeing how many people on my side dare not move?", the yellow mouse looked at his brother and said very arrogantly. His brother didn't speak. At this time, the yellow mouse took a guy from the hands of the people next to him, and then looked at his brother and said fiercely: "since you won't do it, don't blame me!"

"Brothers, cut them to death!" yelled the yellow mouse fiercely. Then he took the guy first and chopped at his brother. Without any slack, he took the guy and the yellow mouse and cut them there.

We are fighting with those people called by yellow mouse. Their number is more than ours. On average, we need to fight two at a time, but it's not easy to fight two at a time.

The people called by the yellow mouse saw that we had only such a few people, and their momentum immediately became high. They rushed at us in a murderous manner. The two brothers in front of me were cut down to the ground three or two times. At that time, they were out of breath and hung up directly.

Soon, the target of those people also shifted to me. I resisted with the guy, but the other party took the advantage. I was soon injured. I was cut off on my arm, and the blood flowed. The cut hand slowly lost its strength, and the other party's killing potential was booming. One by one, I was like a shark smelling the blood, and I was crazy fighting with the guy.

Jiangshan Liu Lang fat brother is no better than me. The injuries on Jiangshan and fat brother have not been completely cured. This time, several more wounds have been added to him.

"You go quickly! One can live is another!" brother Kun took the guy and cut back all the people in front of the river and mountain, and said loudly to us.

"Brother, what about you!" Jiangshan looked at brother Kun and refused to leave.

"Leave me alone, you go first! I'll cut you off!" brother Kun looked at Jiangshan and said loudly. Just as brother Kun was talking to Jiangshan, brother Kun was cut on his back.

"Let's go! Do you want to stay and be hacked to death?" brother Kun pushed aside the river and mountain, and then continued to chop with those people with the bloody guy.

When my brother saw us being chased and hacked, he was cut by the yellow mouse on his arm when he was distracted. The injured brother was the opponent of the yellow mouse. He was cut back by the yellow mouse and the guy couldn't hold it steadily.

Seeing the fallen brothers, the injured brother and brother Kun, I know very well that if we fight again, we will all die here.

As soon as I was cruel, I took the guy to cut back the two people chasing me, and then hurried to the parked van.

I quickly opened the door to start the car, but as soon as I got into the driver's seat, someone rushed towards me and smashed the window glass of the van. It seems that there is something wrong with the van and it can't start all the time.

After the window glass of the van was cut to pieces, those people cut it at me with guys.

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