I was also worried to see that the bright guy was about to cut off my head, but now the most important thing is to start the car quickly, or we will all die. I was everyone's only hope to escape.

Thanks to the blessing of second master Guan, the car finally started at this critical juncture. The knives that those people cut at me were also cut on the body, not on me. I rushed to Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang with my car.

At this time, Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang was surrounded by people, "fuck NIMA, kill you bastards!". I stepped on the accelerator and hit the people who surrounded Jiangshan. I only heard a bang, and the van knocked down several people, breaking a hole in the encirclement circle surrounding Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang.

I opened the door, looked at Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang and said loudly, "get in the car!"

Fat brother Jiangshan Liu Lang quickly got into the car. I drove the car to save my brother. After his brother was cut by the yellow mouse, his combat effectiveness decreased greatly, and he was kicked to the ground like a leather ball by the yellow mouse.

"Do you have any last words to say? I'll do it if I don't!" said the yellow mouse. He was about to stab his brother lying on the ground with the guy. I saw that I stepped up the accelerator and hit the yellow mouse.

"Go to hell!" I yelled at the yellow mouse in front of the car, but when the yellow mouse saw me driving and crashing past, he dodged and avoided the threatening van.

After I stopped the car, fat brother helped his brother into the van. At this time, Jiangshan anxiously pointed to brother Kun and looked at me and said, "Hanzi, come on! Go save my brother, they'll chop him to death!" Jiangshan was so anxious that he was about to cry, and his eyes were full of tears.

It's hard for me to understand Jiangshan's mood, so I stepped on the accelerator and hurried to rescue brother Kun. At this time, brother Kun is being cut around. His body is full of blood. There are countless large and small wounds. Brother Kun may die a little later.

When I turned around, brother Kun was kicked to the ground, and then those people took the guy hungry to eat and cut at brother Kun. I stepped on the accelerator and rushed over. At that critical moment, I knocked over all the people in front of brother Kun.

Jiangshan hurried up to help brother Kun get on the bus. Brother Kun was full of blood. Less than a minute after getting on the bus, he passed out of a coma. Jiangshan was very anxious and asked me to drive to the hospital. After I drove out of the downstairs, I drove the car directly to a hospital.

Brother Kun was pushed to the emergency room at that time. We were bandaging the wound. After bandaging the wound, we all waited outside the emergency room. My brother blamed himself and said that brother Kun would be fine if he hadn't been anxious to revenge yellow mouse.

We didn't mean to blame our brother. This is the result. There's nothing to blame. We chose this road ourselves.

Brother took more than 50 people at that time, but now there are only six of us, and we don't know what happened to brother Kun.

Jiangshan sat outside the emergency room, crying like a child. We all comforted him and told him not to worry, but at this moment, the comforting words were too pale.

About four or five hours later, brother Kun was finally pushed out of the emergency room. The doctor said that brother Kun was seriously injured and stabilized for the time being, but he still needed to be kept in hospital for observation. After hearing the news, we were still worried.

After guarding brother Kun in the hospital for one night, we went back to rest the next day. We didn't sleep all night and everyone was sleepy. Jiangshan said he would stay to take care of brother Kun. Let's go to rest first.

In the afternoon, brother Kun woke up. After more than a month of cultivation, brother Kun's body recovered almost.

Since he was defeated by the yellow mouse, my brother has been greatly weakened. There are so many fewer brothers at hand, which means the decline of power. The son of a bitch of fat chicken is often bad for my brother. Many businesses that my brother has negotiated have been spoiled by fat chicken.

Huang mouse was very arrogant after defeating his brother that time. He often showed up outside, such as going to bars and taking a sauna.

Recently, I heard that Huang mouse started a drug business with the help of fat chicken and made a lot of money. The Qinglong club has regulations that do not allow him to do such business. Brother Hu said that the old bastard of fat chicken wanted to do drug business for a long time, but he can only sigh at the rules. This time, Huang mouse was expelled from the Qinglong club, ostensibly punishing Huang mouse, But who can say it's not the fat chicken, the old Wang's eight eggs.

Think carefully, many things should be set by the bastard of fat chicken. Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy.

A month later, brother Kun's body recovered from the scars, but Li Xiangning was still the same. There was no change at all. Li Xiangning's parents were not very busy these days. They often called me and asked me what Li Xiangning was doing now. They didn't answer the phone. I was always answering.

At first, I lied that Li Xiangning was busy with live broadcasting, but this lie was used more times, so it didn't work. Li Xiangning's parents began to doubt me and whether I had done bad things to Li Xiangning.

I could prevaricate at the beginning, but as time went by, Li Xiangning's parents became more and more worried about Li Xiangning, especially they didn't even hear Li Xiangning's voice, which made them more worried.

Finally, under the questioning of Li Xiangning's parents, I explained the real situation to Li Xiangning's parents. I said that Li Xiangning had a car accident with me the day she came. Now she hasn't woken up and has become a vegetable.

This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Li Xiangning's parents. Li Xiangning's mother almost fainted at that time. On the same day, Li Xiangning's parents took a car to the county to visit Li Xiangning. After I picked them up, I took them to the hospital.

Seeing the good Li Xiangning lying on the hospital bed, she had no consciousness at all. Li Xiangning's mother cried and cried very sad. Li Xiangning's mother cried and called Li Xiangning in Li Xiangning's ear, but Li Xiangning didn't respond at all.

Seeing Li Xiangning's mother so sad, my heart is also sour and uncomfortable. "Uncle and aunt, I'm to blame for all these things! If it weren't for me, Xiangning wouldn't be like this. If you're not comfortable, take it out on me!"

"Things are already like this. It's useless to say anything! Xiangning and I are already here. What can Xiangning do in the future?" Li Xiangning's father said this with tears in his eyes and choked in his voice.

I looked at Li Xiangning's parents and said seriously, "don't worry, uncle and aunt, I will take good care of Xiang Ning all my life. If she wakes up, I will marry her and treat her well in the future. If she doesn't wake up, I will take care of her until I can't take care of her! I promise you!"

After hearing what I said, Li Xiangning's parents finally had a little comfort in their hearts.

"If you can really do this, we are very happy. Your uncle and aunt don't blame you. No one wants to have a car accident. Since everything is like this, we can only accept it," Li Xiangning's father looked at me and said calmly.

I didn't tell Li Xiangning's parents that the car accident was caused by yellow mice. If they knew that Li Xiangning was implicated by me, they wouldn't be so calm and must hate me.

After sitting beside Li Xiangning for a while, Li Xiangning's parents took a bank card from their pocket and handed it to me. Li Xiangning's father said that Li Xiangning had to spend money every day in the hospital, and it was not easy for me to make money. Their bank card didn't have much money, but they could help a little, so they took it to me to take care of Li Xiangning.

Indeed, Li Xiangning spent money every day in the hospital. If it weren't for her brother's support, I would have borne such a large fee there, so I wouldn't be polite and took the bank card.

Looking at Li Xiangning lying on the hospital bed, I felt more guilty. I had implicated her, and I didn't know when she would wake up.

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