Li Xiangning's parents accompanied Li Xiangning in the hospital for more than a week, but no amount of company is futile for Li Xiangning. Li Xiangning's situation is still not getting any better. Li Xiangning's parents can't keep Li Xiangning all the time. They will go to work in the countryside. Before leaving, they specially asked me to take good care of Li Xiangning in the hospital.

I also want to take care of Li Xiangning wholeheartedly in the hospital, but how can I afford Li Xiangning's treatment expenses if I don't earn money? I also hired a nurse to take care of Li Xiangning. If a nurse takes care of Li Xiangning, I'll go to earn money.

After the billiards room was smashed, there was no business for some time, but it gradually improved. Business slowly improved. Many gangster students and local ruffians played billiards and cards in the billiards room we opened.

After the bastard Huang mouse was expelled from the Qinglong club, he rose step by step and made a lot of money after doing the drug business. However, although the money from the business is very fast, the risk to be borne is also very high. If he is caught, he will have to squat in the Bureau. Once squatting, he will have to be for many years, and he may be shot directly at the highest. I heard that the son of a bitch of yellow mouse is doing a lot of drug business and has been shot, but unfortunately, the cop hasn't noticed yellow mouse.

After being defeated by the yellow mouse last time, my brother has lost his troops. If you want to kill the yellow mouse, you have to bet all your bets on the cop and let the cop kill the bastard of the yellow mouse.

However, in the final analysis, few of the mixed road's hands are clean, and my brother doesn't dare to risk drawing the note's attention to himself, so I can only let go of killing the yellow mouse for the time being.

Huang mouse became more and more arrogant. A few days ago, he invited the Tangkou brothers who had a good relationship with fat chickens in the green dragon club to drink wine, and they were still in a very high-end club. I heard that many people went there at that time.

However, even if the yellow mouse is so arrogant, we can't do anything about him. My brother's power is seriously damaged. If we go to fight the yellow mouse at this time, we will undoubtedly kill ourselves with an egg.

But both my brother and I hate the yellow mouse. If the son of a bitch doesn't die for a day, our resentment won't dissipate. But now my brother has lost his troops and can only wait for an opportunity to kill the yellow mouse at one fell swoop.

I don't know if God pity us. The opportunity really appeared.

On the day after tomorrow, the fat chicken, the old Wang eight egg, will have a birthday party. At that time, they will invite the big brothers of the green dragon club to attend. Of course, it's impossible for fat chicken to invite brother tiger, but that's not the point. The point is that the bastard yellow mouse will go there.

This is an opportunity for us. My brother borrowed some hands from brother Hu, and then called all the people who could be called under his hands. My brother asked us all to prepare for the birthday party of the fat chicken, the old Wang eight egg.

As for what my brother thinks, we don't know. We can only obey the arrangement to prepare, and we don't know what my brother thinks. We didn't let us prepare the guy. At that time, we were very depressed. There was no guy. How could we kill the bastard of yellow mouse? But if my brother didn't let us bring the guy, we didn't bring it.

Soon it was the day of the birthday party. My brother took more than 100 of us to the restaurant where the fat chicken gave a banquet. We were stopped by the men who watched the door of the fat chicken as soon as we got outside the restaurant.

"You have some immorality? I brought my brothers to celebrate brother chicken, but you stopped us outside! What do you mean?" my brother said angrily looking at the two men of fat chicken.

"Don't be surprised, brother long. You can come to celebrate. I'm sure brother Ji is very happy, but brother Ji can order. People who don't have an invitation don't want to put it in. Do you have an invitation? If not, you can only invite it back!", the two men of fat chicken spoke very impolitely. After all, brother Hu and fat chicken have a festival on his head. Of course, fat chicken's men won't give his brother any face.

"I really don't have an invitation, but I'll put my words here today. I have to go in today. Don't blame me if you don't get out of the way!" after my brother said that, the two men of fat chicken were a little afraid. After all, our more than 100 people are not a setup. We can beat them into meat in minutes.

"Brother long, I'll inform you first! Don't make it difficult for me!" after the two men of fat chicken said that, my brother nodded and signaled that they could go in to inform.

My brother took us to stand outside the restaurant and wait. Soon, the yellow mouse, fat chicken and some big brothers at the entrance of the green dragon club came out of the restaurant.

When the yellow mouse saw his brother, he smiled and said, "why? I still want to bring people to make trouble today!"

"No, I'm going to bring someone to kill you today!" the elder brother looked at the yellow mouse and sneered. The yellow mouse listened to his elder brother, looked at us behind him, and then resumed his smile.

After the fat chicken came out with a big belly, he looked at his brother and said calmly, "Aaron, this is my birthday today. I advise you not to make trouble with me! Let's talk about it later!". The words of the fat chicken actually have another meaning. He means that he is not afraid of his brother. If his brother dares to make trouble here, he will not give his brother face, He's not afraid of his brother.

"Brother chicken, I was going to celebrate you today, but I changed my mind after seeing the yellow mouse. I just want to make trouble today. If necessary, I can see some blood today!" my brother said coldly looking at the fat chicken.

"Guan Yilong! You're really kind. You're lucky that you didn't kill you last time. You have to come to the door this time! I promise you won't have such good luck to leave this time!", Huang mouse said and made a phone call.

Soon, a large group of people came with guys. These people were obviously arranged by yellow mouse. As soon as yellow mouse's phone rang, they came with guys.

Huang mouse called a large group of people, at least more than 200. They filled the outside of the restaurant, and they all came with guys. They were obviously prepared. Of course, among these 200 people, in addition to the hands of the yellow mouse, there are many hands of fat chickens.

"Guan Yilong, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I didn't expect you to really come! There's a way in heaven. You don't go, and there's no door in hell. You break in!" Huang mouse looked at his brother and said arrogantly. He thought he was in control of the victory.

"Of course I know you've been waiting for me for a long time! But do you think I'll die obediently since I know you've been waiting for me for a long time? I must have left a good hand!" my brother sneered at the yellow mouse.

Yellow mouse saw his brother's sudden sneer. His face was suspicious, but soon yellow mouse changed another expression, looked at his brother fiercely and said, "I don't care what card you left, you don't want to go when you come today!"

"This is a matter between you two. It's not convenient for us to say more. We'll go first. You two are free!" the fat chicken left a smile and took those big brothers in.

Those Tangkou eldest brothers usually collude with fat chickens, so they didn't say much. They followed fat chickens into the restaurant.

"Brother chicken, wait a minute. Since I'm here, I have to give some gifts." after that, my brother took a red envelope from his pocket and handed it to the fat chicken.

"No, you'd better save it for the underworld!" the fat chicken waved his hand and walked in without looking back.

The yellow mouse just wanted the people behind him to cut us to death. At this time, his phone rang. The yellow mouse who answered the phone had a particularly ugly face, like a black line on his face after eating a lump of shit.

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