"I said, I won't come to the door and die so obediently! I left a good hand!" my brother looked at the yellow mouse and sneered. The yellow mouse is mute now. He can't say how hard he is to eat Coptis chinensis. The angry yellow mouse looked at his brother and shouted fiercely, "cut them down for me!"

Huang mouse's words haven't been said yet. At this time, brother Hu and Mr. Jiang came in a black Mercedes Benz. After Mr. Jiang and brother Hu got off the bus, Mr. Jiang looked at the people with Huang mouse's skills, pointed to the guys in their hands, looked at them and said blandly, "isn't today a fat chicken's birthday party? What are you doing?"

Mr. Jiang's indifference carries an unspeakable dignity. After Mr. Jiang said so, they all received the guys in their hands behind them, and then bowed their heads without speaking.

At this time, the fat chicken heard that Mr. Jiang was coming and hurried out to meet Mr. Jiang. When he saw Mr. Jiang coming, the fat chicken quickly came out with a smile, "Mr. Jiang, why are you here? You should have told me before you came."

"If brother Hu hadn't told me that I didn't know your birthday today, you should have told our younger generation about your birthday. I'd better come and join in the fun, but I saw this situation when I came. What's the matter!" Mr. Jiang pointed to the guys in the hands of those people behind Huang mouse and said to the fat chicken.

"Ah long didn't bring so many people to prepare for trouble. I asked the yellow mouse to call people!" fat chicken, an old bastard, is not a fool. He quickly shifted the responsibility to his brother.

"Brother chicken, you've wronged someone. I'll bring everyone to congratulate you. My little brothers admire you very much and want to come to celebrate your birthday. How can you say that we're here to make trouble?" after that, my brother deliberately spread his hand and said that we didn't bring any guys. How could we be here to make trouble?

"Well, well, I don't want to take care of your affairs. Put your guys away quickly. Long, since you're here to celebrate the birthday of the fat chicken, let's go in and have dinner together!" after Mr. Jiang said that, Huang mouse took all those people away, and his brother went in to have dinner with brother Hu.

As for us little brothers, of course, we hurried back to wash and sleep. Brother Kun took us back. On the way, Jiangshan asked brother Kun curiously why my mother came here today. First, there was no yellow mouse and second, there was no trouble. This is tantamount to doing nothing.

Brother Kun took a look at the country and told us the whole story. The reason why my brother brought us to celebrate the fat chicken's birthday tonight was actually intentional, because there were spies bought by yellow mouse in my brother's little brother, that is to say, yellow mouse knew all our actions. The last thing is an example.

My brother took us to prepare for trouble, but in fact, these were all for Huang mouse. Huang mouse knew that we were going to make trouble. Of course, he wouldn't slack off. He quickly summoned as many people as possible at the first time and asked fat chicken for a lot of people to catch us all.

This is what my brother wanted. When Huang mouse called people, there were not many guards in his drug dens. My brother had discussed with brother Hu in advance. We went out to the restaurant where the fat chicken was located. Just brother Hu called the note and asked it to destroy all Huang mouse's drug dens.

After Huang mouse's drug dens were destroyed, brother Hu called Mr. Jiang to attend the fat chicken's birthday party to help us out. After all, Huang mouse was already angry at that time. If Mr. Jiang didn't arrive in time, the angry Huang mouse would never let any of us leave alive.

The whole plan is particularly coherent, but the timing is very important. I can't find any words to describe it except that my brother plans strategies.

It is said that Huang mouse's drug dens hid a lot of drugs. After being destroyed by the cops, Huang mouse lost tens of millions. We were not generally happy to know the news. After we went back, we went to KTV to sing and celebrate.

After we had fun in the KTV, my brother came out of the restaurant. My brother was not ready to celebrate, but directly drove to a small dilapidated house. We followed him at that time. Anyway, it was a long night and we couldn't find anything to do.

After getting off, my brother opened the door of the small broken house. There were yellow lights in the small broken house. There were two strong men staring at a man tied to a chair.

The two strong men saw that their brother came and said hello to his brother and went out. His brother went straight to the man. His face was particularly ugly. It can be seen that his brother was very angry at this time.

The man cut a board inch head, a beard, a strong body, all muscles. But when the bearded man saw his brother, he was like a ghost. Like a child, he was almost scared to cry. Looking at his brother, he begged: "brother long, it's all my fault. For the sake of me following you for so long, let me go!"

"You've been with me for nearly three years. I haven't treated you badly in these three years. I'll give you the money making business. You stole the money twice. I just said you two words, but you betrayed me like that!" said my brother, with a murderous intention on his face.

"Last time I called all of you to kill the yellow mouse together, but you left the team temporarily and said it was urgent for your family. At that time, I let you go without much thought, but later I heard my brother say that you didn't go home and went to the foot bath shop to find a girl after making a phone call!" my brother was very angry when he said this. Indeed, If you are betrayed by your trust, no matter who you are, you will be very angry.

The more he said, the more angry he became. He grabbed the man with beard by the collar, looked at him and said fiercely, "it's because you informed the yellow mouse that so many brothers were hacked to death! Xiao Kun almost couldn't wake up in the hospital, but now you want me to let you go. Do you think it's possible?"

"Tell me the truth, what benefits did the yellow mouse give you and make you betray me?" my brother asked after calming down his mood and looking at the man with beard.

The bearded man was scared to tears by his brother. He dared to tell him half a lie. He truthfully told him that Huang mouse gave him 500000 yuan and asked him to tell Huang mouse about his brother's movements at any time. Unable to resist the temptation, he accepted Huang mouse's money and did something for Huang mouse. Huang mouse also promised that he would give him 500000 yuan as long as his brother died, So he was eager for his brother to be killed by the yellow mouse. It's a pity that his brother didn't die, but it's hard for him to say tonight.

"Five hundred thousand, right? Well, take out five hundred thousand and I'll let you go today!" my brother said blandly looking at the man with beard.

The bearded man asked, really? Brother nodded. When the man saw his brother nodding, he asked his brother to take out a bank card from his pocket and tell him the password.

Brother handed the bank card to brother Kun, looked at brother Kun and said, "Xiao Kun, you go to my account tomorrow to add 500000 and send all the money to the relatives of the dead brother!"

My brother is still very loyal, which is also the reason why my brother was very angry after being betrayed.

After brother Kun accepted the bank card, his brother asked someone to draw some gasoline out of the car, and then poured it all on the man with beard without hesitation.

"Brother long, you said you would let me go. Please, brother long, spare my life!" the man with beard looked at his brother and begged.

"I mean, I'll let you go, but the dead brothers don't want to let you go! Go down and plead with them yourself." after my brother said that, he called us out, lit a cigarette and threw it into the small broken house.

After a while, the small broken house lit a raging fire, which burned more and more fiercely with the scream.

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