Although Li Xiangning said so with a smile on her mouth, I guess with Li Xiangning's current intelligence, she absolutely didn't know what to do in the process of giving birth to a baby. I hesitated for a while, then looked at Li Xiangning and asked, "you want a baby, do you know how to give birth to a baby?"

"Isn't it the same as on TV that you can sleep in bed for one night?" Li Xiangning looked at me and asked with a pure face, which made me a little helpless.

Most of Li Xiangning's cognition comes from steel teeth sister's mouth or TV. TV performance is actually good, but sleeping includes more than simple sleeping.

When I was chatting with Li Xiangning, steel tooth sister watched quietly and didn't interrupt us. In fact, steel tooth sister also hoped that I could communicate with Li Xiangning well.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Li Xiangning piled up her body, and then asked me to go to sleep next to her. I looked at steel tooth sister. Steel tooth sister didn't say anything, so I took off my shoes and went to sleep next to Li Xiangning. The bed was not big or small. The three of us barely slept enough, but it was a little crowded.

After I went to sleep, Li Xiangning leaned down, blinked big eyes at me, and asked me very naively: "we just sleep like this, can we have a baby!"

I nodded and said yes, I can have a baby in a few months after going to bed today. After listening to me, Li Xiangning skillfully slept down and asked me whether I should sleep like this or lie on my stomach. I said it was ok, as long as I slept with me.

Li Xiangning yawned after chatting with me for a few words, and then fell asleep. Li Xiangning usually sleeps for a long time. The doctor said that this is normal. Adequate sleep is good for Li Xiangning's head.

After Li Xiangning fell asleep, my sister steel teeth and I talked as quietly as possible, so as not to disturb Li Xiangning and let her have a good sleep.

Steel teeth looked at me and said gently, "it seems that she is more and more fond of you."

"Yes, I have to thank the three henhouse heads today. If it weren't for them, Li Xiangning might still resist me," I looked at the steel tooth sister and said. In fact, I am very grateful to the steel tooth sister. Thank her for taking care of Li Xiangning so well.

At this time, steel teeth sister slept on my left hand, Li Xiangning slept on my right hand, and I slept among them. I'm not sleepy yet. I just lie down and chat with steel tooth sister.

Li Xiangning sleeps soundly. She doesn't stick out her tongue. She's very cute. Steel tooth sister said that she has always treated Li Xiangning as her sister. At first, she may not feel it, but as time goes by, she gradually has feelings.

After chatting with sister steel teeth for a while, we went to bed. We don't work in this city. We just play everywhere every day. Anyway, we still have money on the bank card and play casually.

After playing for a few days, it was time for my cousin to start the game. My cousin got us tickets, which saved us from grabbing tickets. Grabbing tickets is really troublesome.

My cousin played normally this time and sang very well. She won applause and cheers from countless fans. Of course, my cousin is undoubtedly the first tonight.

Because this singing program is popular, cousin's popularity is also rising. There are all kinds of interviews every day, which makes cousin overwhelmed, but it also proves that cousin's popularity is rising.

Because I have to rehearse songs every day and face the media, my cousin doesn't have much time. The original agreement to take us to play can only be postponed.

We have been in this city for more than 20 days now, and the singing competition is coming to an end. Now there are only five singers left on the field, and the champion comes from these five singers.

After watching the kicking match on the recording site that day, we went back. It was late. It was almost 11:30.

We were chatting on the road. The happiest thing was fat brother. Fat brother got a sister in the city and went to watch the cousin game with us last time. After watching the cousin game, fat brother took the sister to the hotel. Needless to say, the big guys should know all the content.

It's just that the girl has something to do these days. Otherwise, fat brother would chat with us here. He would have gone to open a room to do what he likes to do.

We walked to the hotel while chatting. At this time, there were no people on the night road. They all slept, and we were all a little sleepy.

When we came to a corner, I saw a familiar face. It was the head of the chicken nest that we had cleaned up that day. It was the head of the chicken nest. He cut me on his thigh, but it looked good and walked smoothly.

The chicken nest head came out from the corner, touched his chicken nest head, looked at us and said fiercely: "you are very kind, don't you dare to hit me in this land, you are really bored."

I know this chicken nest head definitely called someone. He won't be so stupid. Of course, he doesn't dare to be so arrogant alone.

Sure enough, after the hen's nest head finished, a group of people came out behind him with sticks in their hands. The leader of the group was a man in his thirties who cut the cock's head. The man had a cyan birthmark on his face, and his face was vicious. The stubble on his face made him look like a bandit, But I guess he's like a bandit.

Obviously, the man in his thirties is the eldest brother of these people. The chicken nest head pointed to the man, looked at us and said arrogantly: "you don't ask about my eldest brother's name. This territory is his territory. If you beat me, my eldest brother will never let you go."

Of course, the speaker is the earth leopard. It's no use talking to others. Only talking to the earth leopard can solve this problem. I stepped forward and looked at the earth leopard and said, "brother leopard, right? We are also out to get around. Everyone is out to get rich. We don't have to do it."

The reason why I say this is because the earth leopard brought 20 people this time. We can't fight hard. Moreover, we also have Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister. It doesn't matter if we are beaten, but it's not good if we hurt li Xiangning and steel tooth sister.

The earth leopard looked at me contemptuously: "you are mixed there. Do you dare to beat me? Are you arrogant?"

"I don't know if you've ever heard of the green dragon club. We're the green dragon club. We're wrong for the people who beat you, but it's your people who made mistakes first. We did it!" I looked at the earth leopard and said calmly. After spending so long with my brother, I found that I could be so calm.

The earth leopard didn't respond when I talked about the green dragon club, which made me a little confused.

The earth leopard looked at me and said arrogantly, "I'm not a man who likes to do it, but if you beat me, this account can't be settled like this. If you can take out 100000 yuan of medical expenses, this account will be fine. I'll let you go today. If you can't take it out, don't blame me for being rude."

Of course I don't have so much money. I asked steel tooth sister to take Li Xiangning away first, but steel tooth sister just took a step, and the earth leopard asked someone to stop them.

"If you don't have money, you can let these two women have a good time with my brothers tonight, and this can be written off!" the earth leopard looked at me and said with a smile.

"If you dare to move them, I will never let you go!" I looked at the leopard and said fiercely, I can move, but I will never allow Li Xiangning and steel teeth.

"You're arrogant. You just want to scare me. Come on, brothers. Beat all the men down. As for the two women, catch one person and talk about it again." the earth leopard waved his big hand, and his people came towards us with wooden sticks.

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